North Lake, New Brunswick Ties

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Pierce, Gail (1950 - 2021) - female
b. 1950 in Canterbury, NB
d. 22 MAR 2021 in Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, NB

father: Pierce, Robert Lawrence (1916 - )
mother: Graham, Phyllis Irene (1924 - 2004)
Burial - Forest City, NB
spouse: Wellings, Tom (1948 - )
- m. 9 OCT 1971 in Nashwaaksis, NB
Pierce, Laurie (private) - female
father: Pierce, Robert Lawrence (1916 - )
mother: Graham, Phyllis Irene (1924 - 2004)
Pierce, Norma (private) - female
father: Pierce, Robert Lawrence (1916 - )
mother: Graham, Phyllis Irene (1924 - 2004)
Pierce, Robert Ellis (1957 - 2013) - male
b. 9 SEP 1957 in Woodstock, NB
d. 1 SEP 2013 in Burnaby, BC

father: Pierce, Robert Lawrence (1916 - )
mother: Graham, Phyllis Irene (1924 - 2004)
ESTEY, ROBERT ELLIS - The Family sadly announces the death of Robert Estey of Burnaby, B.C., formerly of Fredericton, NB He died suddenly at age 55 on September 1, 2013. He was predeceased by his mother, Phyllis (Graham) Estey and father, Robert Pierce. Rob "Bobby" loved to travel the world. Lovingly missed by sister, Gail (Tom) Wellings, and nieces, April Wellings, Jennifer (Dan) Wellings-Gallant, Shilo (Troy) Boucher, and great-niece Alexandra Gallant.
Interment will be at Forest City Cemetery, Forest City, NB on Sunday, October 13, 2013. For those who wish, memorial tributes may be made to the Cancer Society or a charity of their choice.

Burial - 13 OCT 2013 Forest City International Cemetery, Forest City, NB

Pierce, Robert Lawrence (1916 - ) - male
b. 24 DEC 1916 in Moss Glen, NB

father: Pierce, William Henry
mother: Todd, Ivy Evelyn
spouse: Graham, Phyllis Irene (1924 - 2004)
- m. 12 JUL 1942 in At home of Rev Ramsay, Saint John, N.B
----------child: Pierce, Gail (1950 - 2021)
----------child: Pierce, Norma (private)
----------child: Pierce, Laurie (private)
----------child: Pierce, Robert Ellis (1957 - 2013)
Pierce, William Henry - male
spouse: Todd, Ivy Evelyn
----------child: Pierce, Robert Lawrence (1916 - )
Piers, Louise (1872 - 1955) - female
b. 10 FEB 1872
d. 4 DEC 1955
Burial - 6 DEC 1955 Kirkland, NB
spouse: Greer, Robert
----------child: Greer, George L (1894 - )
----------child: Greer, William (1896 - )
----------child: Greer, Murray (1900 - )
----------child: Greer, Rae
----------child: Greer, Gordon
----------child: Greer, Clara
----------child: Greer, Ethel
----------child: Greer, Evelyn
----------child: Greer, Grace Ruby (1909 - 1990)
Pifer, Gloria Ann (1948 - ) - female
b. 15 AUG 1948

father: Pifer, James W
mother: McQuarrie, Mildred Rae (1923 - )
Pifer, James W - male
spouse: McQuarrie, Mildred Rae (1923 - )
----------child: Pifer, Gloria Ann (1948 - )
----------child: Pifer, James William (1949 - )
----------child: Pifer, Judith Marie (private)
Pifer, James William (1949 - ) - male
b. 19 NOV 1949

father: Pifer, James W
mother: McQuarrie, Mildred Rae (1923 - )
Pifer, Judith Marie (private) - female
father: Pifer, James W
mother: McQuarrie, Mildred Rae (1923 - )
spouse: Clay, Paul Steven
- m. 10 FEB 1970
----------child: Clay, Kimberley Marie (private)
Pike, Jean - female
spouse: Lawrence, Charles Weldon (1926 - )
----------child: Lawrence, Theresa (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Peter (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Maria (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Robert (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Lorna (private)
Pike, Sadie - female
spouse: Gould, George Wilbert (1920 - 2003)
----------child: Gould, Marilyn (private)
----------child: Gould, Mack (private)
----------child: Gould, Diane (private)
----------child: Gould, Lois (private)
----------child: Gould, Donna (private)
Pineo, Barbara (1940 - ) - female
b. 21 SEP 1940 in Milo, ME

father: Pineo, Paul (1915 - )
mother: Smith, Laura (1913 - )
spouse: Hall, Wilbur (1937 - )
- m. 28 APR 1961
----------child: Hall, Ellen (private)
----------child: Hall, Julie (private)
----------child: Hall, Billie (private)
Pineo, David (1949 - ) - male
b. 17 JAN 1949 in Bangor, ME

father: Pineo, Paul (1915 - )
mother: Smith, Laura (1913 - )
spouse: Paige, Margaret (private)
- m. 10 JUN 1972
spouse: Margolis, Elizabeth (private)
- m. 23 MAY 1981
----------child: Pineo, Sarah (private)
----------child: Pineo, Jessica (private)
Pineo, Jeffery (private) - male
father: Pineo, Stephen (1944 - )
mother: Bradstreet, Suzanne (1947 - )
Pineo, Jessica (private) - female
father: Pineo, David (1949 - )
mother: Margolis, Elizabeth (private)
Pineo, Paul (1915 - ) - male
b. 24 MAY 1915 in Milo, ME

spouse: Smith, Laura (1913 - )
- m. 1 OCT 1938
----------child: Pineo, Barbara (1940 - )
----------child: Pineo, Paul (1941 - )
----------child: Pineo, Stephen (1944 - )
----------child: Pineo, David (1949 - )
Pineo, Paul (1941 - ) - male
b. 13 SEP 1941 in Bangor, ME

father: Pineo, Paul (1915 - )
mother: Smith, Laura (1913 - )
spouse: Schaeffe, Susan (1941 - )
- m. 28 AUG 1963
----------child: Pineo, Paul (private)
Pineo, Paul (private) - male
father: Pineo, Paul (1941 - )
mother: Schaeffe, Susan (1941 - )
Pineo, Sarah (private) - female
father: Pineo, David (1949 - )
mother: Margolis, Elizabeth (private)
Pineo, Stacey (private) - female
father: Pineo, Stephen (1944 - )
mother: Bradstreet, Suzanne (1947 - )
Pineo, Stephen (1944 - ) - male
b. 9 JUN 1944 in Lincoln, ME

father: Pineo, Paul (1915 - )
mother: Smith, Laura (1913 - )
spouse: Bradstreet, Suzanne (1947 - )
- m. 27 AUG 1965
----------child: Pineo, Stacey (private)
----------child: Pineo, Jeffery (private)
Pirie, Donald Archie (1937 - ) - male
b. 1937 in Tilly, NB
Occupation - Farmer
spouse: Boone, Judith Ann (1942 - )
- m. 8 NOV 1958 in Andover, NB
Pitcher, Louise (private) - female
spouse: Boone, Gregory James (private)
- m. APR 1989
----------child: Boone, Rachael (private)
----------child: Boone, Christopher William (private)
Pitts, Kenneth - male
spouse: Graham, Carmeletia Shirley (1936 - 2019)
----------child: Pitts, Terry (private)
Pitts, Terry (private) - female
father: Pitts, Kenneth
mother: Graham, Carmeletia Shirley (1936 - 2019)
Plaginos, Douglas Clayton (1952 - 1976) - male
b. 17 NOV 1952 in Atlanta, GA
d. 1 DEC 1976 in Cummings, GA

spouse: Outz, Wendy Lee (private)
- m. MAY 1974 in Atlanta, GA
Plant, Linda (private) - female
spouse: Smith, Steven (1945 - )
- m. 1977
----------child: Smith, Jason (private)
----------child: Smith, Shelley (private)
Platt, Diane (private) - female
spouse: Smith, Hugh John (1947 - 2012)
- m. 27 SEP 1978
----------child: Smith, John (private)
----------child: Smith, Keeley (private)
----------child: Smith, James (private)
Plumb, Peter - male
spouse: Shaw, Carol Joan
Plume, Lynn Margaret (private) - female
spouse: Rickard, Paul Allison (private)
- m. 5 SEP 1981 in Saint John, NB
Plume, Martha Laura Etta (1908 - ) - female
b. 1908 in Tay Falls, NB

spouse: Boone, Robert Hayward (1903 - )
- m. 2 JUN 1926 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Rhoda Christina (1919 - )
----------child: Boone, Samuel Neil LeRoy (1928 - )
----------child: Boone, Robert Henry (1931 - )
Pointer, Ewald Benedict (1934 - ) - male
b. 12 FEB 1934 in Frankfurt, Germany

spouse: Carkner, Stephanie Linda (1946 - )
- m. 9 AUG 1969 in Toronto, Ont
----------child: Pointer, Marcus Ewald (private)
----------child: Pointer, Rachael Stephanie (private)
Pointer, Marcus Ewald (private) - male
father: Pointer, Ewald Benedict (1934 - )
mother: Carkner, Stephanie Linda (1946 - )
Pointer, Rachael Stephanie (private) - female
father: Pointer, Ewald Benedict (1934 - )
mother: Carkner, Stephanie Linda (1946 - )
Poirier, Joseph Aldege - male
spouse: Johnson, Iona Grace (1938 - )
- m. 4 SEP 1956 in Debec, NB
Pollinger, Ann (private) - female
father: Pollinger, Henry
mother: Hafford, Charlene (private)
Pollinger, Elizabeth (private) - female
father: Pollinger, Henry
mother: Hafford, Charlene (private)
Pollinger, Henry - male
spouse: Hafford, Charlene (private)
----------child: Pollinger, Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Pollinger, Ann (private)
----------child: Pollinger, Henry (private)
Pollinger, Henry (private) - male
father: Pollinger, Henry
mother: Hafford, Charlene (private)
Pollock, Martha (1822 - 1900) - female
b. 6 APR 1822 in Fredericton, NB
d. 1900

spouse: Boone, William Holland (1821 - 1856)
- m. 4 JUN 1845
----------child: Boone, Sarah E (1846 - )
----------child: Boone, Esther (1846 - 1880)
----------child: Boone, James (1847 - 1883)
----------child: Boone, Mariam (1850 - )
----------child: Boone, William Holland (1853 - 1942)
----------child: Boone, Charles
Pond, Gerald Robert (private) - male
father: Pond, John (private)
mother: Currie, Kimberley (private)
Pond, Jessica Dawn (private) - female
father: Pond, John (private)
mother: Currie, Kimberley (private)
Pond, John (private) - male
spouse: Currie, Kimberley (private)
----------child: Pond, Jessica Dawn (private)
----------child: Pond, Gerald Robert (private)
----------child: Pond, John Christopher Travis (private)
Pond, John Christopher Travis (private) - male
father: Pond, John (private)
mother: Currie, Kimberley (private)
Porter, Bertha - female
spouse: McKinney, Joseph
----------child: MacKinney, Robert England (1913 - 1971)
Porter, Francis Alonzo (1856 - 1921) - male
b. 1 AUG 1856 in Woodstock, NB
d. 1921

spouse: Graham, Mary Elizabeth (1860 - 1937)
Porter, Gail Susan (1946 - ) - female
b. 17 NOV 1946 in Ottawa, Ont.

spouse: Drummond, Charles Cyril (1949 - )
- m. 12 AUG 1977 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Drummond, Amy Elizabeth (private)
Porter, Oscar - male
spouse: Gaskin, Edna (1890 - )
Porter, Paul (? - <1992) - male
d. BEF 1992

spouse: Varney, Velma (? - 1992)
Porter, Vinal - male
spouse: Cropley, Geraldine Anne (1949 - )
Posey, Alfred - male
spouse: Donaldson, Donna Jean (private)
- m. 1971
----------child: Posey, Scott (private)
----------child: Posey, Matthew (private)
Posey, Matthew (private) - male
father: Posey, Alfred
mother: Donaldson, Donna Jean (private)
Posey, Scott (private) - male
father: Posey, Alfred
mother: Donaldson, Donna Jean (private)
Potter, Arthur Emerson - male
spouse: Mott, Effie Ruth (1901 - 1964)
- m. 14 SEP 1925
Potter, Bette Louise (1950 - 2018) - female
b. 18 OCT 1950 in Woodstock NB
d. 3 DEC 2018 in Upper Valley Hospital, Hartland, NB
Bette Louise Farrell, 68, of Woodstock passed away on Monday December 3, 2018 at the Upper River Valley Hospital Waterville. Bette was born in Woodstock on October 18, 1950 daughter of the late Kenneth and Vera (Waitt) Potter.Bette is survived by her sons, Jeff Farrell (Sarah) Florenceville -Bristol NB, Andrew Farrell Woodstock, grandson, Ryland O’Donnell, sisters, Joan Fladseth Prince Albert SK, Sherry Kozoriz (Evan) Saskatoon SK, Audrey Hall (Ed) Medicine Hat AB, Jeanette Stockford (Wade Barrett) Woodstock NB several nieces, nephews and cousins.Besides her parents Bette was predeceased by her husband, Hedley Farrell, son, Scott Farrell and a sister, Linda Potter.Visitation will be held at The Carleton Funeral Home & Crematorium 337 Lockhart Mill Road Jacksonville NB on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 from 4pm - 7pm. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 11am from The Carleton Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will be held at a later date in the Fosterville Cemetery.

Burial - Fosterville NB Lower Cemetery
spouse: Farrell, Hedley Thomas (1945 - 2008)
- m. 3 MAY 1969
----------child: Farrell, Scott Hedley Kenneth (private)
----------child: Farrell, Jeffrey Lawrence (private)
----------child: Farrell, Andrew Raymond Thomas (private)
Potter, Donna (private) - female
spouse: Smith, David (private)
- m. 4 JUL 1981
Pottle, Raymond - male
spouse: Whitney, Leta Jane (private)
- m. 27 DEC 1969
----------child: Pottle, Raymond (1970 - 1990)
Pottle, Raymond (1970 - 1990) - male
b. 25 APR 1970
d. 12 AUG 1990

father: Pottle, Raymond
mother: Whitney, Leta Jane (private)
Powers, Julia - female
spouse: McCann, John
----------child: McCann, Madeline Mary (1911 - 2001)
----------child: McCann, Charles
----------child: McCann, William
Pratt, Greta Irma - female
spouse: Boone, John Albert (1887 - 1947)
- m. 15 JAN 1916 in ME
----------child: Boone, Eva M. (1916 - 1989)
Pratt, Mary (private) - female
spouse: Home, Dana Edward (private)
- m. 2000
Pray, Frank (1868 - ) - male
b. 1868

spouse: Vantassel, Adelaid (1874 - )
- m. 2 AUG 1893 in Forest City, ME
Pressley, Jacob (private) - male
father: Pressley, Warren (1949 - )
mother: Barrows, Pexee (private)
Pressley, Lee Ann (private) - female
father: Pressley, Warren (1923 - )
mother: Deering, Marion (1923 - )
Pressley, Mary (1946 - ) - female
b. 27 JAN 1946 in Bar Harbor, ME

father: Pressley, Warren (1923 - )
mother: Deering, Marion (1923 - )
spouse: Fay, Peter (1941 - )
- m. 24 JAN 1967
----------child: Fay, Benjamin (private)
----------child: Fay, Molly (private)
Pressley, Seth (private) - male
father: Pressley, Warren (1949 - )
mother: Barrows, Pexee (private)
Pressley, Todd (private) - male
father: Pressley, Warren (1949 - )
mother: Barrows, Pexee (private)
Pressley, Warren (1923 - ) - male
b. 25 JUN 1923 in Haynesville, ME

spouse: Deering, Marion (1923 - )
- m. 9 OCT 1943
----------child: Pressley, Mary (1946 - )
----------child: Pressley, Warren (1949 - )
----------child: Pressley, Lee Ann (private)
Pressley, Warren (1949 - ) - male
b. 3 SEP 1949 in Bangor, ME

father: Pressley, Warren (1923 - )
mother: Deering, Marion (1923 - )
spouse: Barrows, Pexee (private)
----------child: Pressley, Todd (private)
----------child: Pressley, Seth (private)
----------child: Pressley, Jacob (private)
Price, Alissia L (private) - female
father: Price, Garry C (private)
mother: Golder, Laurel Anne (private)
Price, Andrew (private) - male
father: Price, Garry C (private)
mother: Golder, Laurel Anne (private)
Price, Edna Nola Viola - female
b. in Black's Harbor, NB

spouse: Bustard, William Henry (1934 - 2005)
----------child: Bustard, Jeffery Wayne (private)
----------child: Bustard, Stephen John (private)
----------child: Bustard, Dwayne Robert (private)
----------child: Bustard, Philip Andrew (private)
----------child: Bustard, Mark Edward (private)
----------child: Bustard, James Roy (private)
----------child: Bustard, Gerald Howard (private)
----------child: Bustard, Michael Alan (private)
----------child: Bustard, Frederick Charles (private)
----------child: Bustard, Nathan Lloyd (private)
----------child: Bustard, Elizabeth Ann (private)
Price, Erin M (private) - female
father: Price, Garry C (private)
mother: Golder, Laurel Anne (private)
Price, Ethel - female
spouse: Brewer, Clifford Lewellyn (1927 - )
Price, Garry C (private) - male
spouse: Golder, Laurel Anne (private)
- m. 13 OCT 1973 in Lively, Ont
----------child: Price, Erin M (private)
----------child: Price, Alissia L (private)
----------child: Price, Andrew (private)
Price, George - male
----------child: Price, Hazel S (1899 - 1982)
Price, George Wellington (~1867 - 1949) - male
b. ABT 1867
d. 1949

spouse: Grant, Lavinia Evaletta (1871 - 1948)
- m. 22 MAY 1889
----------child: Price, Luetta Pearl (1896 - 1978)
Price, Harold William Partlow (1939 - ) - male
b. 1939

spouse: Graham, Yvonne Alice (1941 - 2022)
- m. 29 OCT 1963 in Canterbury, NB
Price, Hazel S (1899 - 1982) - female
b. 29 AUG 1899 in Canterbury, NB
d. 21 MAY 1982 in Danforth, ME

father: Price, George
Burial - Danforth, ME
spouse: Kinney, Raymond Ralph (1897 - 1980)
----------child: Kinney, Bernice Chandler
----------child: Kinney, Ethelyn Travis
----------child: Kinney, Joan Tortorillo
----------child: Kinney, Phyllis Cusson
----------child: Kinney, Raymond
----------child: Kinney, George
----------child: Kinney, Harry
----------child: Kinney, Richard
Price, Jane Elizabeth (private) - female
spouse: Foster, Gregory Marvin (private)
- m. 13 JUL 1974 in Anglican Church, Canterbury, NB
----------child: Foster, Angela Jane (private)
----------child: Foster, Amy Lynn (private)
Price, John Ford (1787 - ) - male
b. 9 JUL 1787 in England

spouse: O'Blenis, Mary (1788 - 1867)
- m. 15 NOV 1810 in England
Price, Lucy Ann (1838 - 1888) - female
b. 4 SEP 1838 in Springfield, NB
d. 29 DEC 1888 in Worcester, MA

spouse: Veysey, Justus (1829 - )
- m. 1 JUN 1853 in Springfield, NB
----------child: Veysey, Ludlow (1855 - 1927)
Price, Luetta Pearl (1896 - 1978) - female
b. 1 MAY 1896 in Canterbury, NB
d. 1978

father: Price, George Wellington (~1867 - 1949)
mother: Grant, Lavinia Evaletta (1871 - 1948)
spouse: Gould, James (1898 - 1977)
----------child: Gould, George Wilbert (1920 - 2003)
----------child: Gould, Darrell
----------child: Gould, Hazen
----------child: Gould, Robert
----------child: Gould, Florence (1930 - 2011)
----------child: Gould, Winnifred (1931 - 2010)
----------child: Gould, Estelle Pearl (1933 - )
Price, Russell - male
spouse: McArthur, Florence (1913 - )
Priest, Alexander James (private) - male
father: Priest, Danny Charles (private)
mother: Boone, Susanne Elizabeth (private)
Priest, Danny Charles (private) - male
spouse: Boone, Susanne Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Priest, Alexander James (private)
----------child: Priest, Matthew Edward (private)
Priest, Matthew Edward (private) - male
father: Priest, Danny Charles (private)
mother: Boone, Susanne Elizabeth (private)
Pringle, Josephine (1902 - ) - female
b. 1902 in Stanley, NB
Occupation - Teacher
spouse: Tomilson, Robert Hazen (1898 - 1963)
- m. 17 APR 1923 in Stanley, NB
Prosser, Geraldine May (1934 - ) - female
b. 17 FEB 1934 in Deerborn, MI

spouse: Lawrence, Donald Aubrey (1932 - )
- m. 27 JUN 1952
----------child: Lawrence, Robert Oran (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Terry Lynn (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Shirley Louise (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Weldon Donald (private)
Prosser, Janet Susan (private) - female
spouse: Kelly, Gary Ralph (private)
- m. 31 JUL 1986 in Lower Brighton, NB
----------child: Kelly, Jordan (private)
----------child: Kelly, Morgan Mariah (private)
Prunier, Aaron (private) - male
father: Prunier, Edward
mother: McKissick, Sylvia Jean (private)
Prunier, Edward - male
spouse: McKissick, Sylvia Jean (private)
----------child: Prunier, Aaron (private)
----------child: Prunier, Heather Anne (private)
----------child: Prunier, Melanie Kay (private)
Prunier, Heather Anne (private) - female
father: Prunier, Edward
mother: McKissick, Sylvia Jean (private)
Prunier, Melanie Kay (private) - female
father: Prunier, Edward
mother: McKissick, Sylvia Jean (private)
Pryor, Christopher (private) - male
spouse: Shaw, Maida Dawn (private)
Psyche, Donna (private) - female
spouse: Clark, Seth Irvine (private)
- m. 14 AUG 1993 in Good Corner, NB
Pugh, Charlotte - female
spouse: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
----------child: Bird, James
----------child: Bird, Frederick
----------child: Bird, Samuel
----------child: Bird, John
----------child: Bird, Charlotte
----------child: Bird, Pothier
----------child: Bird, Jane
----------child: Bird, Victoria
----------child: Bird, Frank (1847 - )
Pugh, Todd (private) - male
spouse: Currie, Catherine Lynn (private)
- m. 28 MAY 1990
Pugh, Vivian Marcella (1912 - 1999) - female
b. 1912
d. 1999

spouse: Boone, George Frederick (1910 - 1988)
- m. 2 SEP 1940 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Lynda Noreen (1944 - )
Pullum, James Bradburn (1936 - ) - male
b. 16 DEC 1936 in Corydon, KY

spouse: Lawrence, Inez Marion (1939 - )
- m. 1 JUL 1958 in Shawneetown, IL
Purrington, Clara - female
spouse: Henderson, Joel
----------child: Henderson, Howard J (1875 - 1948)
Putnam, Marilyn (private) - female
spouse: Stoberg, Frederic (private)
----------child: Stoberg, Melena (private)
----------child: Stoberg, Colleen (private)
Putzlocher, Gale Joanne (private) - female
spouse: Laskey, George Albert (1939 - )
- m. 7 JUL 1979 in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
----------child: Laskey, Justin Michael (private)
----------child: Laskey, Nathan Ryan (private)
Pyne, A Charles Ii (1947 - 2003) - male
b. 1947
d. 5 JUN 2003 in Fredericton, NB

father: Pyne, Arthur Charles
mother: Smith, Shirley Louise (1928 - 2000)
The passing of A. Charles Pyne II occurred at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital on Thursday, June 5, 2003. He was 56. Born in Fredericton, he was Baptist by faith. Charles was employed by the RCMP in the Property Management Department. He was an instructor with the NB AKIDO Association and was a National Archery Judge. Survived by his wife Corliss (Percy); a son A Charles Pyne III and wife Rebecca of Fredericton; a daughter, Laura Maude Shirley Pyne of Charters Settlement, NB; grandchildren, Cassandra Lynne Pyne and Taylor Dawn Pyne both of Fredericton; a sister, Judy Anne McWaid and husband George of McLeod Hill, NB; two aunts, Doris Smith and Myra Smith both of Fredericton; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Predeceased by his mother, Shirley Louise Pyne. Resting at Bishop's Funeral Home, 540 Woodstock Road, Fredericton, where visitation will be held Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. The funeral service will be held from Bishop's Funeral Home Chapel on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. Bruce Alcorn officiating. Interment at a later date. Memorials to the Canadian Cancer Society. Ileitis and Colitis Foundation or the Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family. Personal condolences may be expressed through
spouse: Percy, Corliss (private)
----------child: Pyne, Laura Maude Shirley (private)
----------child: Pyne, Charles Iii (private)
Pyne, Arthur Charles - male
spouse: Smith, Shirley Louise (1928 - 2000)
----------child: Pyne, A Charles Ii (1947 - 2003)
----------child: Pyne, Judith Anne (private)
Pyne, Charles Iii (private) - male
father: Pyne, A Charles Ii (1947 - 2003)
mother: Percy, Corliss (private)
Pyne, Judith Anne (private) - female
father: Pyne, Arthur Charles
mother: Smith, Shirley Louise (1928 - 2000)
spouse: McWaid, George (private)
Pyne, Laura Maude Shirley (private) - female
father: Pyne, A Charles Ii (1947 - 2003)
mother: Percy, Corliss (private)
Qualey, Carmen Dawn (private) - female
father: Qualey, Phillip Walter (1947 - )
mother: Boone, Darlene Nora (private)
spouse: Mosher, Harold Ernest (private)
----------child: Mosher, Ian Daniel (2012 - 2012)
Qualey, Michelle Marie (private) - female
father: Qualey, Phillip Walter (1947 - )
mother: Boone, Darlene Nora (private)
spouse: Andrews, Richard Lloyd Jr. (private)
- m. 26 JUL 1997 in Minnesota
----------child: Andrews, Colby Richard (private)
----------child: Andrews, Nicolas Pierre (private)
----------child: Andrews, Dominque Madeline (private)
Qualey, Phillip Walter (1947 - ) - male
b. 12 NOV 1947 in Island Falls, ME

spouse: Boone, Darlene Nora (private)
- m. 5 JUN 1971
----------child: Qualey, Carmen Dawn (private)
----------child: Qualey, Michelle Marie (private)
Quinn, Laurdes (private) - female
spouse: McGinn, Kenneth Duane (private)
- m. 7 JUN 1985
----------child: McGinn, Patrick Shawn (private)
----------child: McGinn, Douglas Robert Stephen (private)
Quinn, Nancy (private) - female
spouse: Duntley, David (1938 - )
- m. 13 JUN 1972
Quinn, Patricia (private) - female
spouse: Boone, Kevin Robert (private)
----------child: Boone, Maxwell (private)
Quint, Chad (private) - male
father: Quint, Lenny (private)
mother: Veysey, Dedra (private)
Quint, Jamie (private) - male
father: Quint, Lenny (private)
mother: Veysey, Dedra (private)
Quint, Lenny (private) - male
spouse: Veysey, Dedra (private)
----------child: Quint, Michael (private)
----------child: Quint, Chad (private)
----------child: Quint, Jamie (private)
Quint, Michael (private) - male
father: Quint, Lenny (private)
mother: Veysey, Dedra (private)
Rachael, ? - female
spouse: Cropley, Walter (1943 - )
----------child: Cropley, Christina (private)
----------child: Cropley, Walter (private)
----------child: Cropley, Sonya (private)
Racine, Denyse Therese (1947 - ) - female
b. 21 SEP 1947 in Ottawa, Ont

spouse: Carkner, Reginald Wallace (private)
- m. 6 APR 1974 in Ottawa, Ont
----------child: Carkner, Melanie Paulette (private)
----------child: Carkner, Terry Damion (private)
----------child: Carkner, Christopher Ryan (private)
Rae, Karen (private) - female
father: Rae, William Biden (1922 - 2003)
mother: Boone, Iris Elizabeth (1926 - 2010)
spouse: Martin, Charles (private)
Rae, Kim (private) - female
father: Rae, William Biden (1922 - 2003)
mother: Boone, Iris Elizabeth (1926 - 2010)
spouse: Niles, Don (private)
Rae, William Biden (1922 - 2003) - male
b. 26 AUG 1922
d. 20 JUL 2003
William B. Rae of Dumfries passed away July 20, 2003 at Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital. Born in Bristol, Connecticut on August 26, 1926, he was a son of the late Walter W. and Annie M. (Biden) Rae. Bill was a woodsworker, then owned and operated Kim Karen Campground at Davidson Lake from 1965 to 1988 and was a school bus driver for thirteen years.He was a member of the Alexandria Masonic Lodge # 33 as well as the Loyalist Unit # 7 and went on to be a Shriner (Scottish Rite). Bill served as Secretary of the Lodge for six years and in May of 2003, he was a recipient of the Quinn Medallion. He served on the Board of Directors of the Alzheimer Society and the Harvey Seniors Outreach. Bill enjoyed carpentry work, reading, gardening and spending quality time with his granddaughters.He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Iris (Boone) Rae; two daughters, Kim Niles (Donald), Woodstock and Karen Cloutier (Guy), Dumfries; two granddaughters, Jennie Niles of Woodstock and Mariah Cloutier of Dumfries; one brother, Allen Rae (Edith), Dumfries; one sister, Marjorie Jones (Ernest), Fredericton; two sistersin-law, Dorothy Hall (Roland), Brunswick Maine and Helen Wood, Saint John; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Bill was predeceased by a sister-in-law, Marion Harrison. The family invites relatives and friends to Flewelling Funeral Home, 585 Otis Drive, Nackawic for visiting on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral service will be held at St. Clement's Anglican Church, 6832 Route 2, Prince William on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at 11 a.m. Rev. Robert Barry officiating assisted by Archdeacon Walter Williams. Interment will take place later, along with a Masonic Lodge Service, at St. Clement's Anglican Cemetery on Thursday, July 24 at 7 p.m. Honorary pallbearers will be Gerry Covey, Robert Charters, Alfie Reid, Fred Shaw and David Corey. Active pallbearers will be Wendell Flewelling, Rev. John Roy, Gordie Thompson, Merlin Fox, Arnold Wright and Bob Wilson. In lieu of flowers, for those who wish to make a donation in memory of Bill, the family has suggested the Dumfries Fire Hall Wheels to Meals Program % Harvey Outreach. Condolences can be made through the funeral home (575-8988) or the website

Burial - St. Clement's Anglican Cemetery, Nackawick, NB
spouse: Boone, Iris Elizabeth (1926 - 2010)
- m. 26 JUN 1946 in Anglican Church, Dumfries, NB
----------child: Rae, Karen (private)
----------child: Rae, Kim (private)
Randall, Artemus (1875 - 1915) - male
b. 7 DEC 1875
d. OCT 1915

father: Randall, Hiram (1840 - 1924)
mother: Chase, Augusta (1850 - 1911)
----------child: Randall, Lena
Randall, Hiram (1840 - 1924) - male
b. 3 MAR 1840
d. 1924

spouse: Chase, Augusta (1850 - 1911)
----------child: Randall, Artemus (1875 - 1915)
Randall, June - female
spouse: White, Leonard William (1934 - 2007)
Randall, Lemuel - male
spouse: Boone, Mary Doris (1909 - )
- m. 26 JUN 1935 in Oromocto, NB
Randall, Lena - female
father: Randall, Artemus (1875 - 1915)
spouse: White, William Walter (1903 - 1981)
----------child: White, Leonard William (1934 - 2007)
----------child: White, Kenneth Vincent (1939 - 2013)
----------child: White, Lorraine Vivian Agnes (1941 - )
Rankin, Ruth Bach (1903 - 1991) - female
b. 17 AUG 1903
d. 9 NOV 1991

spouse: Lawrence, Bartlett Melvin (1900 - 1966)
- m. 11 APR 1937 in Billings, MT
Ranney, Alana (private) - female
spouse: Sode, John David (private)
- m. 9 SEP 1990
Ratcliffe, Marjorie Marion (1928 - ) - female
b. 18 SEP 1928

spouse: Perley, Dudley Francis (1926 - 2007)
- m. 9 OCT 1954
----------child: Perley, Daniel R (private)
Rauchle, Lorraine Shirley (1935 - ) - female
b. 17 JUL 1935 in Manchester, CT

spouse: Cropley, Orland Raye (1930 - )
- m. 19 OCT 1957 in Manchester, CT
----------child: Cropley, Jo-Ann Marie (private)
----------child: Cropley, Robert Alan (private)
----------child: Cropley, Andrew James (private)
----------child: Cropley, Christopher George (private)
----------child: Cropley, Patricia Ann (private)
Ray, Anthony (private) - male
father: Ray, James (private)
mother: Embry, Susan Jane (private)
Ray, James (private) - male
spouse: Embry, Susan Jane (private)
----------child: Ray, Anthony (private)
----------child: Ray, Sarah (private)
Ray, Sarah (private) - female
father: Ray, James (private)
mother: Embry, Susan Jane (private)
Raye, Thelma (1907 - ) - female
b. 14 JUL 1907 in Danforth, ME

spouse: Cropley, Harold James (1907 - )
- m. 31 MAY 1930 in Danforth, ME
----------child: Cropley, Orland Raye (1930 - )
----------child: Cropley, Eugene Francis (1933 - )
----------child: Cropley, Ora Merlin (1940 - )
----------child: Cropley, Norman Calvin (1941 - )
Rayner, Marlene Rose (1947 - ) - female
b. 13 OCT 1947

spouse: Wood, Clifford Thomas (1944 - )
- m. 6 NOV 1964 in Oshawa, Ont
----------child: Wood, Raymond Clifford (private)
----------child: Wood, Boyd Allington (private)
Recoskie, Adell (private) - female
spouse: Rickard, Brett Franklin (private)
- m. 30 MAY 1987 in Pembroke, Ont
----------child: Rickard, Jason Kyle Carman (private)
Reddy, Eugene Thomas (1888 - 1955) - male
b. 1888
d. 1955

spouse: Boone, Alice Maude (1888 - 1965)
Reed, Glenna - female
  RES of Danforth, ME
spouse: Cropley, James Wesley (1934 - )
----------child: Cropley, Timothy (private)
----------child: Cropley, Laurie (private)
----------child: Cropley, Lisa (private)
Reed, Jessica Dawn (private) - female
father: Reed, Percy (private)
mother: Dorcas, Heather (private)
Reed, Percy (private) - male
spouse: Dorcas, Heather (private)
- m. 24 JUN 1989 in Kingsley, NB
----------child: Reed, Jessica Dawn (private)
Rees, Albert Leslie (1911 - 1998) - male
b. 9 JUN 1911
d. 14 FEB 1998

spouse: Patterson, Bascelia Elizabeth (1926 - )
- m. 10 JUL 1946 in Canterbury, NB
Rees, Carolyn (private) - female
spouse: Derrick, Bradley Eugene (private)
- m. 26 OCT 1984 in Canterbury, NB
----------child: Derrick, Katy Lynn (private)
Rees, Carolyn (private) - female
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
Rees, Charlotte (private) - female
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
Rees, Dale (private) - male
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
Rees, Deborah (private) - female
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
spouse: Boone, Keith H (private)
- m. 16 DEC 1988
Rees, Keith (private) - male
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
Rees, Mark (private) - male
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
Rees, Phillip (private) - male
spouse: Boone, F Annette (private)
- m. 23 JUN 1984
Rees, Phillip (private) - male
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
Rees, Wayne (private) - male
father: Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002)
mother: Ginson, Jean A
Rees, Wilfred James (1933 - 2002) - male
b. 13 JUN 1933 in Turtle Mountain, Manitoba
d. 3 JUL 2002 in Meductic, NB

spouse: Ginson, Jean A
----------child: Rees, Deborah (private)
----------child: Rees, Mark (private)
----------child: Rees, Dale (private)
----------child: Rees, Wayne (private)
----------child: Rees, Phillip (private)
----------child: Rees, Charlotte (private)
----------child: Rees, Carolyn (private)
----------child: Rees, Keith (private)
Reid, Eva (1891 - 1924) - female
b. 3 SEP 1891
d. 4 MAR 1924 in Centreville, NB
Burial - Tracey Mills, NB
spouse: Boone, Herbert Guy (1883 - 1961)
- m. 1 JUL 1916
----------child: Boone, Bina Roberta (1917 - 2003)
Reid, Jeanette (1850 - 1922) - female
b. 28 OCT 1850
d. 21 MAY 1922 in Forest City, ME
Burial - Forest City, NB
spouse: Vantassel, Charles (1851 - 1922)
----------child: Vantassel, Adelaid (1874 - )
Reid, Kathryn Danielle (private) - female
spouse: Jenkins, Christopher Packard (private)
- m. 9 FEB 1985 in St Augustine, FL
----------child: Jenkins, Liesl Christin (private)
----------child: Jenkins, Daniel Harris (private)
Reny, Gerry (private) - male
spouse: Whitney, Betty Mae (private)
----------child: Reny, Jennifer Marie (private)
Reny, Jennifer Marie (private) - female
father: Reny, Gerry (private)
mother: Whitney, Betty Mae (private)
Rerraiuolo, Jane (private) - female
spouse: David, Kurt (1956 - 2022)
- m. 1990
Reynolds, Hazel - female
father: Reynolds, Sam
mother: Harris, Anna Bell (1872 - 1953)
Reynolds, Sam - male
spouse: Harris, Anna Bell (1872 - 1953)
- m. 29 JUN 1892
----------child: Reynolds, Hazel
Reynolds, Vivien Catell - female
spouse: Donaldson, Frederick Albert (1932 - )
- m. 1954
----------child: Donaldson, Patricia Reynolds (1946 - )
----------child: Donaldson, Frederick Albert (private)
Rhoads, Robert Wayne - male
spouse: Crone, Annamaria Ehrhardt (1938 - )
- m. 25 DEC 1956 in Danforth, ME
Rhoda, Louise (1923 - ) - female
b. 20 FEB 1923 in Hodgdon, ME

spouse: Smith, Weldon (1922 - )
- m. 19 AUG 1943
----------child: Smith, Otis (1946 - )
----------child: Smith, Joanne (1948 - )
----------child: Smith, Sharon (private)
----------child: Smith, Carolyn (private)
Rhodes, Samuel (? - 1756) - male
d. 12 JUL 1756

spouse: Boone, Martha (1704 - 1723)
spouse: Boone, Hannah (1707 - 1760)
- m. 6 MAR 1724
Richard, Anne Marie (private) - female
father: Richard, John
mother: Boone, Joanne Marie (private)
Richard, Christine Joanne Marie (private) - female
father: Richard, John
mother: Boone, Joanne Marie (private)
Richard, Ginette Marie - female
spouse: Worrell, Glen Joseph (private)
----------child: Worrell, Baby boy (private)
Richard, John - male
spouse: Boone, Joanne Marie (private)
- m. 8 JUL 1972
----------child: Richard, Christine Joanne Marie (private)
----------child: Richard, Anne Marie (private)
----------child: Richard, Kathy Marie (private)
Richard, Kathy Marie (private) - female
father: Richard, John
mother: Boone, Joanne Marie (private)
Richard, Marie Anne (1917 - ) - female
b. 1917 in Rogersville, NB

spouse: Anderson, Ralph McNeil (1918 - )
----------child: Anderson, Charles Wilson (1948 - )
Richards, Peter (private) - male
spouse: Gould, Diane (private)
Richards, Robin (private) - female
spouse: Nason, Richard Hollis (1946 - )
- m. 18 MAR 1983
----------child: Nason, Michael Richard (private)
----------child: Nason, Ashley Robin (private)
Richards, Susan (private) - female
spouse: Cropley, David Frank (private)
- m. DEC 1976 in Pittsfield, ME
----------child: Cropley, Allison Marie (private)
----------child: Cropley, Michael David (private)
Richardson, Alyssa (private) - female
mother: Richardson, Amanda Jane (private)
Richardson, Amanda Jane (private) - female
father: Richardson, Chris
mother: Cropley, Norma Lexie (private)
----------child: Richardson, Alyssa (private)
----------child: Richardson, Richard Allen (private)
Richardson, Carleton Charles (1935 - ) - male
b. 20 JAN 1935

spouse: Gardner, Bessie Jane (1937 - )
- m. 20 SEP 1958 in Brattleboro, VT
Richardson, Chris - male
spouse: Cropley, Norma Lexie (private)
----------child: Richardson, Amanda Jane (private)
----------child: Richardson, Shawn Edwin (private)
Richardson, Christopher (private) - male
father: Richardson, Shawn Edwin (private)
Richardson, Deborah L (private) - female
spouse: Smith, John Michael (private)
- m. 2 JUN 1990 in Barrie, Ontario
----------child: Smith, Alanna MacKenzie (private)
Richardson, Melissa (~1843 - ) - female
b. ABT 1843 in Lower Brighton, NB
 Melissa previously married to a Hayden.
spouse: Hayden, Samuel (? - 1889)
spouse: Boone, Charles Edward (1835 - 1895)
- m. 16 JUL 1890
Richardson, Richard Allen (private) - male
mother: Richardson, Amanda Jane (private)
Richardson, Shawn Edwin (private) - male
father: Richardson, Chris
mother: Cropley, Norma Lexie (private)

----------child: Richardson, Christopher (private)
Rickard, Alaina Marie (private) - female
father: Rickard, Andrew Willis (private)
mother: Diamond, Linda Marcel (private)
Rickard, Andrew Willis (private) - male
father: Rickard, Willis Adrian (1937 - )
mother: Benoit, Justine Marie (1938 - )
spouse: Diamond, Linda Marcel (private)
- m. 5 SEP 1987 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Rickard, Alaina Marie (private)
Rickard, Anna Lalena (private) - female
father: Rickard, Peter Allison (private)
mother: O'Hara, Sylvia (private)
Rickard, Archie Wesley (1922 - ) - male
b. 20 APR 1922 in Upper Brighton, NB

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
spouse: Knight, Marjorie Alice (1925 - )
- m. 22 JAN 1944 in Partridge Green, England
----------child: Rickard, Michael Andrew (1947 - )
----------child: Rickard, Peter Allison (private)
Rickard, Barton Allison (1924 - 1944) - male
b. 2 OCT 1924 in Hartland, NB
d. 9 AUG 1944 in France

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
Rickard, Bethany Fern (private) - female
father: Rickard, Michael Andrew (1947 - )
mother: Tiner, Gail
Rickard, Brett Franklin (private) - male
father: Rickard, George Clinton (1929 - )
mother: Shannon, Willa G (1938 - )
spouse: Recoskie, Adell (private)
- m. 30 MAY 1987 in Pembroke, Ont
----------child: Rickard, Jason Kyle Carman (private)
Rickard, Colleen Shannon (private) - female
father: Rickard, George Clinton (1929 - )
mother: Shannon, Willa G (1938 - )
spouse: Crawford, Paul Andrew (private)
- m. 15 AUG 1987
----------child: Crawford, Jordan James (private)
Rickard, Dylan Andrew (private) - male
father: Rickard, Peter Allison (private)
mother: O'Hara, Sylvia (private)
Rickard, Florence Eliza (1912 - 1992) - female
b. 4 DEC 1912 in Hartland, NB
d. 8 FEB 1992 in Oromocto, NB

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
Burial - 11 FEB 1992 Anglican Cemetery, Burton, NB
spouse: Bonnar, Everett James (1910 - )
- m. 22 JUN 1933 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Bonnar, Carol Florence (1934 - )
----------child: Bonnar, Evelyn Mary (1936 - )
----------child: Bonnar, Eileen Charlotte (1938 - )
Rickard, Frank Lawrence (1920 - 1993) - male
b. 11 JAN 1920 in Upper Brighton, NB
d. 11 FEB 1993 in Woodstock, NB

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
Rickard, George Clinton (1929 - ) - male
b. 12 AUG 1929 in Hartland, NB

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
spouse: Shannon, Willa G (1938 - )
- m. 12 AUG 1961 in Greenfield, NB
----------child: Rickard, Mark Edward (private)
----------child: Rickard, Brett Franklin (private)
----------child: Rickard, Colleen Shannon (private)
----------child: Rickard, Joel Clinton (private)
Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943) - male
b. 18 OCT 1887 in Barkers Point, NB [Fredericton
d. 21 OCT 1943 in Woodstock, NB

spouse: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
- m. 25 OCT 1911
----------child: Rickard, Florence Eliza (1912 - 1992)
----------child: Rickard, Leila Jean (1914 - 1974)
----------child: Rickard, Kathleen Marion (1917 - 1976)
----------child: Rickard, Frank Lawrence (1920 - 1993)
----------child: Rickard, Archie Wesley (1922 - )
----------child: Rickard, Barton Allison (1924 - 1944)
----------child: Rickard, Paul Garfield (1927 - 1934)
----------child: Rickard, George Clinton (1929 - )
----------child: Rickard, Nellie Ola (1931 - 1994)
----------child: Rickard, Willis Adrian (1937 - )
Rickard, Jason Kyle Carman (private) - male
father: Rickard, Brett Franklin (private)
mother: Recoskie, Adell (private)
Rickard, Joel Clinton (private) - male
father: Rickard, George Clinton (1929 - )
mother: Shannon, Willa G (1938 - )
Rickard, Kathleen Marion (1917 - 1976) - female
b. 13 JAN 1917 in Hartland, NB
d. 13 MAR 1976 in Woodstock, NB

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
spouse: Hayes, Walter (1906 - 1974)
----------child: Hayes, Rose Margaret (private)
----------child: Hayes, Connie Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Hayes, Allan Wayne (private)
spouse: Dunham, Curtis Linwood (1919 - )
----------child: Dunham, Doreen Anne (1939 - )
----------child: Dunham, Ola M (1940 - 1968)
Rickard, Leila Jean (1914 - 1974) - female
b. 15 DEC 1914 in Hartland, NB
d. 1974

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
spouse: Sherman, Alex
Rickard, Linda Lee (private) - female
father: Rickard, Willis Adrian (1937 - )
mother: Benoit, Justine Marie (1938 - )
spouse: Robichaud, James (private)
- m. 7 APR 1981 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Robichaud, Michael (private)
----------child: Robichaud, April Lee (private)
Rickard, Mark Edward (private) - male
father: Rickard, George Clinton (1929 - )
mother: Shannon, Willa G (1938 - )
Rickard, Michael Andrew (1947 - ) - male
b. 14 JUN 1947 in Saint John, NB

father: Rickard, Archie Wesley (1922 - )
mother: Knight, Marjorie Alice (1925 - )
spouse: Tiner, Gail
- m. 20 SEP 1967
----------child: Rickard, Bethany Fern (private)
----------child: Rickard, Robyn Elaine (private)
----------child: Rickard, Randall Scott (private)
----------child: Rickard, Troy Allen (private)
Rickard, Nancy Ann (private) - female
father: Rickard, Willis Adrian (1937 - )
mother: Benoit, Justine Marie (1938 - )
spouse: Button, Daryl Gordon (private)
- m. 19 NOV 1984 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Button, Jeffery (private)
Rickard, Nellie Ola (1931 - 1994) - female
b. 22 JUL 1931 in Hartland, NB
d. 28 JUN 1994

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
spouse: Johnston, William (1918 - 1996)
- m. 9 SEP 1961
----------child: Johnston, Kevin William (private)
----------child: Johnston, Robin Lee (private)
Rickard, Paul Allison (private) - male
father: Rickard, Willis Adrian (1937 - )
mother: Benoit, Justine Marie (1938 - )
spouse: Plume, Lynn Margaret (private)
- m. 5 SEP 1981 in Saint John, NB
Rickard, Paul Garfield (1927 - 1934) - male
b. 19 JUN 1927 in Hartland, NB
d. 29 JUL 1934 in Hartland, NB

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
Rickard, Peter Allison (private) - male
father: Rickard, Archie Wesley (1922 - )
mother: Knight, Marjorie Alice (1925 - )
spouse: O'Hara, Sylvia (private)
- m. OCT 1976
----------child: Rickard, Dylan Andrew (private)
----------child: Rickard, Anna Lalena (private)
Rickard, Randall Scott (private) - male
father: Rickard, Michael Andrew (1947 - )
mother: Tiner, Gail
Rickard, Robyn Elaine (private) - female
father: Rickard, Michael Andrew (1947 - )
mother: Tiner, Gail
Rickard, Troy Allen (private) - male
father: Rickard, Michael Andrew (1947 - )
mother: Tiner, Gail
Rickard, Willis Adrian (1937 - ) - male
b. 6 MAR 1937 in Hartland, NB

father: Rickard, George Thomas (1887 - 1943)
mother: Lawrence, Lottie Barter (1894 - 1961)
spouse: Benoit, Justine Marie (1938 - )
- m. 24 JUN 1958 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Rickard, Paul Allison (private)
----------child: Rickard, Linda Lee (private)
----------child: Rickard, Nancy Ann (private)
----------child: Rickard, Andrew Willis (private)
Riddell, Marjorie Craig Watt - female
spouse: Ivey, Harry Arthur (1910 - 1996)
----------child: Ivey, Joyce
----------child: Ivey, Edward
----------child: Ivey, Lorraine
----------child: Ivey, Charles
----------child: Ivey, Ronald
----------child: Ivey, Larry
Rideout, Brandy Sue (private) - female
father: Rideout, Wendell
mother: Farrell, Janice Marie (1946 - 2016)
Rideout, Harvey Charles (private) - male
spouse: Hayes, Sandra Iva Levina (private)
- m. 28 NOV 1970 in Hartland, NB
----------child: Rideout, Mark Charles (private)
----------child: Rideout, Wayne Edward (private)
Rideout, Marie Ethel (1929 - ) - female
b. 17 AUG 1929

spouse: Tompkins, Wendell
----------child: Tompkins, Stephen Wendell (private)
----------child: Tompkins, Michael Larry (private)
----------child: Tompkins, Blair Sampy (private)
----------child: Tompkins, Victor David (private)
----------child: Tompkins, Dennis Richard (private)
----------child: Tompkins, Malcom Peter (private)
----------child: Tompkins, Deborah Susan (private)
spouse: Grant, Henry Edgar
- m. 10 NOV 1945
----------child: Grant, Catherine Marie (1946 - )
----------child: Grant, Judy Ann (1948 - )
Rideout, Mark Charles (private) - male
father: Rideout, Harvey Charles (private)
mother: Hayes, Sandra Iva Levina (private)
Rideout, Opal Lorraine (1949 - ) - female
b. 1949

father: Rideout, Robert Blake
mother: Sewell, Leah Mae
spouse: Boone, Ollie Irvine (1945 - )
- m. 29 MAY 1965 in Woodstock NB
Rideout, Robert Blake - male
spouse: Sewell, Leah Mae
----------child: Rideout, Opal Lorraine (1949 - )
Rideout, Wayne Edward (private) - male
father: Rideout, Harvey Charles (private)
mother: Hayes, Sandra Iva Levina (private)
Rideout, Wendell - male
spouse: Farrell, Janice Marie (1946 - 2016)
----------child: Rideout, Brandy Sue (private)
Rieger, Shelley Elizabeth (private) - female
spouse: Lawrence, Robert Oran (private)
- m. 22 MAY 1976 in Burlington, Ont.
----------child: Lawrence, Todd Robert (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Bradley Scott (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Kevin Donald Kenneth (private)
Rietzel, Pearl (1941 - ) - female
b. 1941 in Moncton, NB

spouse: Furrow, Clifton (1937 - )
- m. 11 SEP 1958 in Woodstock NB
----------child: Furrow, Michael (private)
Riley, Leonard Ulysse (1943 - ) - male
b. 29 OCT 1943 in Valleyfield, Que.

spouse: Buxton, Marie Ruth (1942 - )
- m. 18 JAN 1964 in Belleville, Ont.
----------child: Riley, Patrick Allen (private)
Riley, Patrick Allen (private) - male
father: Riley, Leonard Ulysse (1943 - )
mother: Buxton, Marie Ruth (1942 - )
Rindfleisch, Arthur Joseph (1921 - ) - male
b. 28 OCT 1921 in Bristol, CT

spouse: Tompkins, May Christine (1918 - )
- m. 22 FEB 1943
----------child: Rindfleisch, Arthur William (1946 - )
Rindfleisch, Arthur William (1946 - ) - male
b. 12 SEP 1946 in New Britain, CT

father: Rindfleisch, Arthur Joseph (1921 - )
mother: Tompkins, May Christine (1918 - )
Rindfleisch, Jennifer Anne (private) - female
Rindfleisch, Melissa Leigh (private) - female
Ring, Adelia (1836 - 1888) - female
b. 13 JUL 1836 in Yarmouth, NS
d. 31 DEC 1888 in Rockland, NB

spouse: Wheaton, Eleazer Hibbard (1826 - 1891)
- m. 1853 in Yarmouth, NS
----------child: Wheaton, Oscar Henry (1854 - 1929)
----------child: Wheaton, Kate
Ringuette, Joan (private) - female
spouse: Parent, John Michael (private)
- m. 20 MAY 1985 in Quisibis Lake, NB
----------child: Parent, Tracey Florence (private)
Ripley, Judy (private) - female
spouse: Cropley, Omer Charles (1950 - )
Risseeuw, Joseph Charles Ray (1935 - ) - male
b. 1935

spouse: Carr, Kathleen Ruth (1940 - )
- m. 16 AUG 1958 in St George, NB
Risucci, Tina (private) - female
spouse: Dalgren, Troy Andrew (private)
----------child: Dalgren, Troy Andrew (private)
----------child: Dalgren, Kyle Ray (private)
Ritchie, Catherine - female
spouse: Wright, Murchie
----------child: Wright, Joyce Isobel
Ritchie, Kimberley Ann (private) - female
spouse: Parks, Whelan Arthur (private)
- m. 27 AUG 1988 in Baptist Church, Ritchie, N.B
Ritchie, Shirley (private) - female
spouse: Hawkes, Michael K (1949 - 2013)
- m. 18 DEC 1967
----------child: Hawkes, Darren M (private)
----------child: Hawkes, Sheri Lynn (1970 - 2022)
Rittikraukul, Muttera (private) - female
spouse: Cropley, Daniel Forest (private)
- m. 26 MAR 1977 in Calvis, NM
----------child: Cropley, Jason Francis (private)
Rivard, Norman (1945 - ) - male
b. 13 JUL 1945 in Lewiston, ME

spouse: Whitehouse, Cheryl (1945 - )
- m. 2 MAY 1981
Roberts, Elizabeth - female
spouse: Roberts, Stuart
spouse: Parker, Truman (1917 - 2016)
- m. 22 SEP 1985 in Forest City, ME
Roberts, Stuart - male
spouse: Roberts, Elizabeth
Robertson, Brenda (~1946 - ) - female
b. ABT 1946 in Weston, ME

spouse: Young, Laurel Leslie (1944 - )
- m. 18 JUL 1964 in Danforth, ME
----------child: Young, Pamela (private)
----------child: Young, Dwayne (private)
----------child: Young, Erik (private)
----------child: Young, Laurel (private)
Robertson, Florence Adelia (1862 - 1897) - female
b. 17 MAR 1862
d. 6 APR 1897 in Rowena, NB

spouse: Boone, James Edward (1855 - 1925)
- m. 17 DEC 1881 in Andover, NB
----------child: Boone, Murray Herbert (1882 - 1973)
----------child: Boone, Lily Helena (1890 - 1974)
----------child: Boone, Florence (1896 - )
Robertson, Ida Mary (1856 - 1927) - female
b. 14 OCT 1856 in St Marys, NB
d. 23 APR 1927 in Rowena, NB

spouse: Boone, William Henry (1854 - 1930)
----------child: Boone, William Ford (1879 - 1968)
----------child: Boone, David Burpee (1881 - 1974)
----------child: Boone, Sarah M (~1884 - )
----------child: Boone, Leo Hoyt (1886 - 1972)
----------child: Boone, Mary Adelia (1888 - 1976)
----------child: Boone, Bessie Liola (1890 - 1976)
----------child: Boone, Grace Lulu (1893 - 1975)
Robertson, Marie (1883 - 1962) - male
b. 1 JUN 1883 in St. Jaques, NB
d. 28 DEC 1962 in Andoer, NB

spouse: Robertson, Marie (1883 - 1962)
----------child: Boone, Samuel Henry John Robert (1909 - )
----------child: Boone, Bruce Medley (1912 - 1965)
----------child: Boone, Thelma Elizabeth (1918 - )
Robichaud, April Lee (private) - female
father: Robichaud, James (private)
mother: Rickard, Linda Lee (private)
Robichaud, Catherine Elizabeth (private) - female
spouse: DeMerchant, Richard Gordon (1944 - )
- m. 3 OCT 1981
----------child: DeMerchant, Melissa Dawn (private)
Robichaud, Delena - female
spouse: Haines, Herbert L (1915 - )
Robichaud, James (private) - male
spouse: Rickard, Linda Lee (private)
- m. 7 APR 1981 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Robichaud, Michael (private)
----------child: Robichaud, April Lee (private)
Robichaud, Michael (private) - male
father: Robichaud, James (private)
mother: Rickard, Linda Lee (private)
Robichaud, Michael Stanley (private) - male
spouse: Boone, Catherine Elizabeth (private)
- m. 21 JUL 1980 in United Baptist Church, Geary, NB
Robinson, Darrell - male
father: Robinson, Everett J
mother: Home, Marjorie Henrietta (1911 - 1997)
Robinson, Dean (1939 - ) - male
b. 28 MAR 1939 in Sherman Mills, ME

father: Robinson, R. Morrison (1899 - 1982)
mother: Smith, Dorothy (1911 - )
spouse: Mitchell, Claire (1939 - )
----------child: Robinson, Kevin (private)
----------child: Robinson, Eric (private)
Robinson, Eric (private) - male
father: Robinson, Franklin (1928 - )
mother: Smith, Jean (1931 - )
Robinson, Eric (private) - male
father: Robinson, Dean (1939 - )
mother: Mitchell, Claire (1939 - )
Robinson, Eva Booth (1905 - 1986) - female
b. 1905 in Sussex, England
d. 7 MAR 1986 in Brantford, ON

spouse: Laskey, George Harold (1905 - 1992)
- m. 1936
----------child: Laskey, Joan Margaret (1936 - )
----------child: Laskey, George Albert (1939 - )
----------child: Laskey, Jean Elizabeth (1940 - )
Robinson, Everett J - male
spouse: Home, Marjorie Henrietta (1911 - 1997)
----------child: Robinson, Lynn
----------child: Robinson, Darrell
----------child: Robinson, George A
Robinson, Franklin (1928 - ) - male
b. 12 APR 1928 in Northampton, NB

spouse: Smith, Jean (1931 - )
- m. 2 MAY 1950
----------child: Robinson, Susan (1950 - )
----------child: Robinson, Eric (private)
Robinson, George A - male
father: Robinson, Everett J
mother: Home, Marjorie Henrietta (1911 - 1997)
Robinson, Kevin (private) - male
father: Robinson, Dean (1939 - )
mother: Mitchell, Claire (1939 - )
Robinson, Lily Maud (1902 - ) - female
b. 19 FEB 1902

spouse: Lewis, Clayton (1899 - 1985)
- m. 23 DEC 1925 in Glassville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada
----------child: Lewis, Ella B (1926 - 1987)
----------child: Lewis, Wendell L (1931 - )
----------child: Lewis, Helen M (1934 - )
----------child: Lewis, Freda M (1939 - )
----------child: Lewis, Dinah M (1943 - )
Robinson, Lynn - female
father: Robinson, Everett J
mother: Home, Marjorie Henrietta (1911 - 1997)
Robinson, Mary Ellen (private) - female
spouse: Muncey, Arthur (private)
----------child: Muncey, Arthur (private)
----------child: Muncey, Ashley Elizabeth (private)
Robinson, Mary Emily (1890 - 1965) - female
b. 15 OCT 1890 in St. Jaques, NB
d. 10 JAN 1965 in Rowena, NB

spouse: Boone, Leo Hoyt (1886 - 1972)
- m. JUL 1910
----------child: Boone, Neil Revere (1911 - 2007)
----------child: Boone, Marshall John (1915 - )
----------child: Boone, Hubert Cecil (1917 - 2003)
----------child: Boone, Clara May (1920 - )
Robinson, Norma (1936 - ) - female
b. 5 NOV 1936 in Sherman Mills, ME

father: Robinson, R. Morrison (1899 - 1982)
mother: Smith, Dorothy (1911 - )
spouse: LaPierre, Andrew (1933 - )
- m. 25 OCT 1958
----------child: LaPierre, Steven (private)
----------child: LaPierre, Maureen (private)
----------child: LaPierre, Andrea (private)
Robinson, Olive Margaret (1891 - 1948) - female
b. 7 MAR 1891 in Markhamville, NB
d. 11 FEB 1948 in Sussex, NB

spouse: Maxan, George Allan (1877 - 1951)
- m. 12 OCT 1921 in Newtown, NB
----------child: Maxan, George Vernon Wesley (1925 - 1935)
Robinson, Pauline (1931 - ) - female
b. 2 FEB 1931 in Sherman Mills, ME

father: Robinson, R. Morrison (1899 - 1982)
mother: Smith, Dorothy (1911 - )
spouse: McNally, Edgar (1923 - )
- m. 25 DEC 1946
----------child: McNally, Brian (1949 - )
Robinson, R. Morrison (1899 - 1982) - male
b. 27 FEB 1899 in Sherman Mills, ME
d. 28 JUL 1982

spouse: Smith, Dorothy (1911 - )
- m. 22 JUN 1935
----------child: Robinson, Pauline (1931 - )
----------child: Robinson, Norma (1936 - )
----------child: Robinson, Dean (1939 - )
Robinson, Susan (1950 - ) - female
b. 13 DEC 1950 in Woodstock NB

father: Robinson, Franklin (1928 - )
mother: Smith, Jean (1931 - )
spouse: Malcolm, Roderick (1950 - )
- m. 10 JUN 1972
----------child: Malcolm, Scott (private)
----------child: Malcolm, Katherine (private)
Rocco, Margaret - female
spouse: Schenkie, Theodore (1949 - )
----------child: Schenkie, Grace (private)
----------child: Schenkie, Amy (private)
----------child: Schenkie, Michael (private)
Rockwell, Clifton L - male
spouse: McQuarrie, Stella Mae (1922 - 2012)
- m. 30 JAN 1943
----------child: Rockwell, Connie Marie (1943 - )
Rockwell, Connie Marie (1943 - ) - female
b. 15 JUN 1943

father: Rockwell, Clifton L
mother: McQuarrie, Stella Mae (1922 - 2012)
spouse: Breau, Omer J
- m. OCT 1964
----------child: Breau, Susan Marie (private)
----------child: Breau, Stephanie Ann (private)
----------child: Breau, Allen Oscar (private)
Rockwell, Rita Theresa (1940 - ) - female
b. 15 MAY 1940 in Cape Breton, NS

spouse: Lawrence, James Wilmot (1932 - )
- m. 29 OCT 1955
----------child: Lawrence, James Wilmot (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Sterling Roger (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Timothy Brian (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Marsha Kim (private)
----------child: Lawrence, David Emerson (private)
Rogers, Bobbi-Jo (private) - female
spouse: Clark, Anthony John (private)
----------child: Clark, Roy Wesley Irvine (private)
Rogers, Carrie (1870 - 1901) - female
b. 4 NOV 1870 in England?
d. 11 NOV 1901 in Green Mountain, NB

spouse: Boone, Harvey Beverly (1876 - 1955)
- m. 12 MAR 1898 in Orient, ME
Rogers, William Henry (1917 - ) - male
b. 1917 in Fredericton, NB

spouse: Graham, Phyllis Marjorie (1917 - )
- m. 13 MAR 1935 in Woodstock, NB
Rogerson, Dan (private) - male
Occupation - Baptist Minister
spouse: Adams, Marlee (private)
Rollins, Alverdo (1867 - ) - male
b. 1867

Rollins, Amanda - female
father: Rollins, Calvin (1835 - )
mother: Vantassel, Elizabeth (1841 - )
Rollins, Annette (1863 - ) - female
b. 1863

father: Rollins, Calvin (1835 - )
mother: Vantassel, Elizabeth (1841 - )
Rollins, Arvin (1942 - 1989) - male
b. 2 JUN 1942 in Orient, ME
d. 12 JUN 1989 in East Hartford, CT

father: Rollins, Leslie Lewis (1889 - 1954)
mother: Dewitt, Annie Mae (1901 - 1984)
Rollins, Burn Milton (1941 - 1941) - male
b. 27 FEB 1941 in Orient, ME
d. 25 MAR 1941 in Orient, ME

father: Rollins, Leslie Lewis (1889 - 1954)
mother: Dewitt, Annie Mae (1901 - 1984)
Rollins, Calvin (1835 - ) - male
b. 1835

spouse: Vantassel, Elizabeth (1841 - )
----------child: Rollins, Annette (1863 - )
----------child: Rollins, Gladys (1864 - )
----------child: Rollins, Ira (1865 - )
----------child: Rollins, Walter (1868 - )
----------child: Rollins, Elizabeth (1871 - )
----------child: Rollins, Amanda
Rollins, Dane Ronald (1935 - 2000) - male
b. 5 MAY 1935 in Orient, ME
d. 7 DEC 2000 in Germany

father: Rollins, Leslie Lewis (1889 - 1954)
mother: Dewitt, Annie Mae (1901 - 1984)
Rollins, Elizabeth (1871 - ) - female
b. 24 JUL 1871 in North Lake, NB

father: Rollins, Calvin (1835 - )
mother: Vantassel, Elizabeth (1841 - )
Rollins, Ethel P (1927 - 2004) - female
b. 1927
d. 15 MAY 2004

father: Rollins, Leslie Lewis (1889 - 1954)
mother: Dewitt, Annie Mae (1901 - 1984)
Rollins, Eugene (1874 - ) - male
b. 1874

father: Rollins, William (1849 - )
mother: Harriet, ? (1835 - )
Rollins, Gail (private) - female
spouse: Malone, Larry (private)
- m. 7 AUG 1983
----------child: Malone, Matthew Larry (private)
----------child: Malone, Mallory Jill (private)
Rollins, Gladys (1864 - ) - female
b. 1864

father: Rollins, Calvin (1835 - )
mother: Vantassel, Elizabeth (1841 - )
Rollins, Ira (1865 - ) - male
b. 1865

father: Rollins, Calvin (1835 - )
mother: Vantassel, Elizabeth (1841 - )
spouse: Millie, ? (1874 - )
----------child: Rollins, Vera (1890 - )
Rollins, Ira - male
spouse: Vantassel, Millie Jennett (1873 - )
Rollins, James Arthur (1944 - 1944)
b. 4 JAN 1944 in Orient, ME
d. 4 JAN 1944 in Orient, ME

father: Rollins, Leslie Lewis (1889 - 1954)
mother: Dewitt, Annie Mae (1901 - 1984)
Rollins, Joyce Fern (1931 - 1997) - female
b. 5 APR 1931 in Orient, ME
d. 9 OCT 1997 in Stafford, CT

father: Rollins, Leslie Lewis (1889 - 1954)
mother: Dewitt, Annie Mae (1901 - 1984)
Rollins, Leslie Lewis (1889 - 1954) - male
b. 16 AUG 1889 in Orient, ME
d. 18 SEP 1954 in Orient, ME

spouse: Faulkner, Ruby (1904 - 1926)
- m. 26 NOV 1919 in Orient, ME
spouse: Dewitt, Annie Mae (1901 - 1984)
- m. 2 AUG 1930 in Orient, ME
----------child: Rollins, Ethel P (1927 - 2004)
----------child: Rollins, Joyce Fern (1931 - 1997)
----------child: Rollins, Dane Ronald (1935 - 2000)
----------child: Rollins, Burn Milton (1941 - 1941)
----------child: Rollins, Arvin (1942 - 1989)
----------child: Rollins, James Arthur (1944 - 1944)
Rollins, Oscar (1886 - ) - male
b. 1886 in Orient, ME

spouse: Dwyer, Mabel (1895 - )
- m. MAR 1914 in Orient, ME
Rollins, Vera (1890 - ) - female
b. 1890

father: Rollins, Ira (1865 - )
mother: Millie, ? (1874 - )
Rollins, Walter (1868 - ) - male
b. 1868

father: Rollins, Calvin (1835 - )
mother: Vantassel, Elizabeth (1841 - )
Rollins, William (1849 - ) - male
b. 1849

spouse: Harriet, ? (1835 - )
----------child: Rollins, Eugene (1874 - )
Rondeau, Kirk - male
spouse: Tompkins, Barbara (private)
----------child: Rondeau, Meghan (private)
Rondeau, Meghan (private) - female
father: Rondeau, Kirk
mother: Tompkins, Barbara (private)
Rooney, Brian Daniel (1947 - ) - male
b. 1947 in Saint John, NB

spouse: Boone, Lorraine Norma (1938 - )
- m. 27 JUN 1970 in Saint John, NB
Rose, ? - female
spouse: Graham, Laurel (1930 - )
- m. 1954
----------child: Graham, Laurel Anne (private)
Rose, Gordon (private) - male
spouse: Barry, Patricia Gail (private)
- m. 8 AUG 1982 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Rose, Peter Andrew (private)
----------child: Rose, Lauren Christine (private)
Rose, Jacob Matthew (private) - male
father: Rose, Stephen Jacob (private)
mother: Bustard, Linda Lou (private)
Rose, Jess - male
spouse: Boone, Hannah Jessica (1768 - 1860)
- m. 8 DEC 1788 in Tracy, NB
Rose, Lauren Christine (private) - female
father: Rose, Gordon (private)
mother: Barry, Patricia Gail (private)
Rose, Peter Andrew (private) - male
father: Rose, Gordon (private)
mother: Barry, Patricia Gail (private)
Rose, Phyllis (1947 - ) - female
b. 2 JUL 1947 in Hermitage, NFLD

spouse: Boone, Roland (1947 - )
- m. 26 SEP 1968 in Hermitage, NFLD
----------child: Boone, Terrance Roland (private)
----------child: Boone, Scott William (private)
Rose, Stephen Jacob (private) - male
spouse: Bustard, Linda Lou (private)
- m. 22 MAY 1994
----------child: Rose, Jacob Matthew (private)
Rosevear, Donna Marie (private) - female
spouse: Lawrence, Sterling Roger (private)
- m. 20 FEB 1993 in Lakeville, NB
Ross, Albert Dillon (1903 - 1984) - male
b. 21 AUG 1903 in Eastport, ME
d. 13 SEP 1984 in Eastport, ME
Burial - Eastport, ME
spouse: Boone, Theresa Irene (1908 - 1995)
- m. 7 AUG 1925 in St. Stephen, NB
----------child: Ross, Albert Norman
----------child: Ross, Virginia Alberta
----------child: Ross, Ella Rose
Ross, Albert Norman - male
father: Ross, Albert Dillon (1903 - 1984)
mother: Boone, Theresa Irene (1908 - 1995)
Ross, David (private) - male
father: Ross, Donald
mother: Vantassel, Connie
Ross, Destra (private) - female
father: Ross, Donald
mother: Vantassel, Connie
Ross, Donald - male
spouse: Vantassel, Connie
----------child: Ross, Destra (private)
----------child: Ross, David (private)
----------child: Ross, Madonna (private)
Ross, Ella Rose - female
father: Ross, Albert Dillon (1903 - 1984)
mother: Boone, Theresa Irene (1908 - 1995)
Ross, Jane K (1846 - 1922) - female
b. FEB 1846
d. 24 MAY 1922 in St. Andrews, NB
Burial - St. Andrews, NB
spouse: Boone, William Bradford (1836 - 1897)
- m. 10 NOV 1864
----------child: Boone, Samuel W R (1866 - 1949)
----------child: Boone, George D (1868 - 1875)
----------child: Boone, Mary G (1870 - 1871)
----------child: Boone, Harry Ward (1876 - 1946)
----------child: Boone, George A (1877 - 1879)
----------child: Boone, James Bradford (1880 - 1968)
Ross, Madonna (private) - female
father: Ross, Donald
mother: Vantassel, Connie
Ross, Margaret (1893 - 1976) - female
b. 30 DEC 1893
d. 1 MAY 1976

spouse: Flewelling, George Havelock (1878 - 1934)
- m. 25 DEC 1915
----------child: Flewelling, Faye Miriam (1916 - 1997)
----------child: Flewelling, Frederick James Ross (1918 - )
----------child: Flewelling, Freda Kathleen (1923 - )
Ross, Virginia Alberta - female
father: Ross, Albert Dillon (1903 - 1984)
mother: Boone, Theresa Irene (1908 - 1995)
Rouse, Alisha (private) - female
father: Rouse, Paul (private)
mother: Ellingwood, Trina (private)
Rouse, Cathy Irene (private) - female
father: Rouse, Thomas (1934 - )
mother: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
spouse: Cole, Hudson
- m. 22 NOV 1979
----------child: Cole, Glena (private)
----------child: Cole, Becky Rae (private)
Rouse, Helena Ruth (private) - female
father: Rouse, Thomas (1934 - )
mother: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
Rouse, Janet Marie (1957 - 1967) - female
b. 22 JUL 1957 in Danforth, ME
d. 22 AUG 1967

father: Rouse, Thomas (1934 - )
mother: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
Rouse, Julia (private) - female
father: Rouse, Paul (private)
mother: Ellingwood, Trina (private)
Rouse, Lynn Marie (private) - female
father: Rouse, Thomas (1934 - )
mother: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
Rouse, Paul (private) - male
spouse: Neely, Trina Elizabeth (private)
Rouse, Paul (private) - male
father: Rouse, Thomas (1934 - )
mother: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
spouse: Ellingwood, Trina (private)
- m. 9 AUG 1980
----------child: Rouse, Julia (private)
----------child: Rouse, Alisha (private)
Rouse, Shannon Marie (private) - female
father: Rouse, Thomas (private)
mother: Harvie, Debbie (private)
Rouse, Sonya (private) - female
father: Rouse, Thomas (private)
mother: Harvie, Debbie (private)
Rouse, Steven (private) - male
father: Rouse, Thomas (1934 - )
mother: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
Rouse, Thomas (1934 - ) - male
b. 22 NOV 1934 in Danforth, ME

spouse: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
- m. 22 OCT 1953 in Danforth, ME
----------child: Rouse, Cathy Irene (private)
----------child: Rouse, Janet Marie (1957 - 1967)
----------child: Rouse, Thomas (private)
----------child: Rouse, Paul (private)
----------child: Rouse, Steven (private)
----------child: Rouse, Lynn Marie (private)
----------child: Rouse, Helena Ruth (private)
Rouse, Thomas (private) - male
father: Rouse, Thomas (1934 - )
mother: Young, Althea Louise (1935 - )
spouse: Harvie, Debbie (private)
- m. 19 APR 1980
----------child: Rouse, Shannon Marie (private)
----------child: Rouse, Thomas Edward (private)
----------child: Rouse, Sonya (private)
Rouse, Thomas Edward (private) - male
father: Rouse, Thomas (private)
mother: Harvie, Debbie (private)
Rouselle, Jeremy (private) - male
father: Rouselle, William (1930 - )
mother: Derrick, Laura (1938 - )
Rouselle, Juanita (private) - female
father: Rouselle, William (1930 - )
mother: Derrick, Laura (1938 - )
spouse: Hall, Terrance (private)
- m. 19 NOV 1977
----------child: Hall, Adam (private)
----------child: Hall, Tara (private)
Rouselle, Thomas (private) - male
father: Rouselle, William (1930 - )
mother: Derrick, Laura (1938 - )
Rouselle, William (1930 - ) - male
b. 20 MAY 1930 in Escuminac, NB

spouse: Derrick, Laura (1938 - )
- m. 10 AUG 1957
----------child: Rouselle, Thomas (private)
----------child: Rouselle, Juanita (private)
----------child: Rouselle, Jeremy (private)
Roy, Agnes - female
spouse: Dumoulin, Eugene
----------child: Dumoulin, Aime
----------child: Dumoulin, Robert
----------child: Dumoulin, Roger
----------child: Dumoulin, Aurore (1936 - 2008)
----------child: Dumoulin, Jeannie
----------child: Dumoulin, Jeannette
----------child: Dumoulin, Gertrude
----------child: Dumoulin, John
----------child: Dumoulin, Yvon
----------child: Dumoulin, Giselle
----------child: Dumoulin, Marcella
----------child: Dumoulin, Gilberta
Roy, Patricia (private) - female
spouse: Walton, Dale Gordon (private)
----------child: Walton, Caleb James Boucher (private)
----------child: Walton, Kristine Emily (private)
Ruest, Kirk (private) - male
father: Ruest, Thomas Harry (1922 - )
mother: Johnston, Alice Marie (1925 - 2020)
Ruest, Lorraine - female
father: Ruest, Thomas Harry (1922 - )
mother: Fish, Phyllis Rosella (1927 - 1991)
spouse: Farrell, Maurice Gilford (1936 - 2011)
- m. 28 FEB 1959 in United Baptist Parsonage, Woodstock, N.B
----------child: Farrell, Thomas Maurice (private)
----------child: Farrell, Randall Gilford (private)
----------child: Farrell, Robert Charles (private)
----------child: Farrell, Teresa Christine (private)
----------child: Farrell, Trudy Marie (private)
----------child: Farrell, Janice Anita (private)
Ruest, Myrna (private) - female
father: Ruest, Thomas Harry (1922 - )
mother: Johnston, Alice Marie (1925 - 2020)
Ruest, Ronald (private) - male
father: Ruest, Thomas Harry (1922 - )
mother: Johnston, Alice Marie (1925 - 2020)
Ruest, Roy (private) - male
father: Ruest, Thomas Harry (1922 - )
mother: Fish, Phyllis Rosella (1927 - 1991)
Ruest, Therese (1945 - 2013) - female
b. 7 MAR 1945 in Andover, NB
d. 13 JUL 2013 in Andover, NB

father: Ruest, Thomas Harry (1922 - )
mother: Johnston, Alice Marie (1925 - 2020)
Burial - Andover, NB

Ruest, Thomas Harry (1922 - ) - male
b. 1922 in Grand Falls, NB

spouse: Fish, Phyllis Rosella (1927 - 1991)
- m. 4 SEP 1942 in Devon, NB
----------child: Ruest, Lorraine
----------child: Ruest, Roy (private)
spouse: Johnston, Alice Marie (1925 - 2020)
- m. 10 JUN 1951 in Andover, NB
----------child: Ruest, Therese (1945 - 2013)
----------child: Ruest, Myrna (private)
----------child: Ruest, Kirk (private)
----------child: Ruest, Ronald (private)
Ruff, Clinton James (private) - male
father: Ruff, Murray Lemuel (1935 - )
mother: Lawrence, Rowena Opal (1938 - )
spouse: DeMerchant, Beverley Jean (private)
- m. 30 JUL 1977 in Holmesville, NB
----------child: Ruff, Loretta Ester (private)
Ruff, Dana Lynn (private) - male
father: Ruff, Murray Lemuel (1935 - )
mother: Lawrence, Rowena Opal (1938 - )
spouse: Emerley, Shelia Bernice (private)
- m. 14 AUG 1981 in Perth-Andover, NB
----------child: Ruff, Jennifer Lee (private)
----------child: Ruff, Jenelle Leanne (private)
----------child: Ruff, Jessica Lynn (private)
Ruff, Jenelle Leanne (private) - female
father: Ruff, Dana Lynn (private)
mother: Emerley, Shelia Bernice (private)
Ruff, Jennifer Lee (private) - female
father: Ruff, Dana Lynn (private)
mother: Emerley, Shelia Bernice (private)
Ruff, Jessica Lynn (private) - female
father: Ruff, Dana Lynn (private)
mother: Emerley, Shelia Bernice (private)
Ruff, Joseph Murray (1971 - 1971) - male
b. 11 MAY 1971
d. 11 MAY 1971

father: Ruff, Murray Lemuel (1935 - )
mother: Lawrence, Rowena Opal (1938 - )
Ruff, Krista Ann (private) - female
father: Ruff, Murray Lemuel (1935 - )
mother: Lawrence, Rowena Opal (1938 - )
spouse: Emberley, Gerry Roy (private)
- m. 2 JUL 1988 in Hamilton, Ont
----------child: Emberley, Joseph Murray (private)
----------child: Emberley, Tia Alisha (private)
Ruff, Loretta Ester (private) - female
father: Ruff, Clinton James (private)
mother: DeMerchant, Beverley Jean (private)
Ruff, Murray Lemuel (1935 - ) - male
b. 12 JUL 1935 in Holmesville, NB

spouse: Lawrence, Rowena Opal (1938 - )
- m. 13 OCT 1956 in Wilmot, NB
----------child: Ruff, Clinton James (private)
----------child: Ruff, Dana Lynn (private)
----------child: Ruff, Sheila Faye (private)
----------child: Ruff, Krista Ann (private)
----------child: Ruff, Joseph Murray (1971 - 1971)
Ruff, Sheila Faye (private) - female
father: Ruff, Murray Lemuel (1935 - )
mother: Lawrence, Rowena Opal (1938 - )
spouse: Dickinson, Harry Jeffery (private)
- m. 24 MAR 1984 in Holmesville, NB
----------child: Dickinson, Jason Jeffery (private)
----------child: Dickinson, Michelle Leanne (private)
Russell, Eva Jane (1872 - ) - female
b. 15 JAN 1872

spouse: Graham, Daniel Edward (1868 - )
----------child: Graham, Archibald Corbett (1896 - 1927)
----------child: Graham, Eva M (1897 - )
----------child: Graham, Harry (1899 - )
----------child: Graham, Lou M (1900 - )
----------child: Graham, Lena
----------child: Graham, Jessie
----------child: Graham, Emery
----------child: Graham, Ruby L (1907 - 2007)
----------child: Graham, Aubrey Gordon (1913 - 2004)
----------child: Graham, Velma Christine (1915 - 1995)
Russell, Joan (1925 - 1983) - female
b. 25 APR 1925
d. 31 OCT 1983

spouse: Boone, Harry Lloyd (1929 - 1986)
- m. 30 AUG 1951 in Truro, NS
----------child: Boone, Jean Edith (1955 - 2000)
Russell, Joseph Gordon (1944 - ) - male
b. 1944 in Jacquet River, NB

spouse: Boone, Gloria Arvella (1950 - )
- m. 20 MAR 1965 in Geary, NB
Russell, Susan (1816 - 1852) - female
b. 1816 in NY
d. 23 JAN 1852 in Orient, ME

spouse: Deering, Hartley
spouse: Collier, Isaac (1818 - 1888)
- m. BEF 1844
----------child: Collier, Elizabeth (1844 - )
----------child: Collier, Melinda (1846 - )
----------child: Collier, Jane (1848 - )
----------child: Collier, Hartley (1852 - )
Ruth, ? (1827 - ) - female
b. 1827 in USA

spouse: Dinnen, Bernard (1825 - )
----------child: Dinnen, May (1849 - )
----------child: Dinnen, Bernard (1854 - )
----------child: Dinnen, Ellen (1858 - )
----------child: Dinnen, Ruth (1860 - )
----------child: Dinnen, Susan (1863 - )
----------child: Dinnen, Francis (1866 - )
Ruttan, Alison (private) - female
spouse: Davis, George Allison (private)
- m. 25 JUN 1988
----------child: Davis, Michael Gerald (private)
----------child: Davis, Erin Elizabeth (private)
Ryan, Bartholomew (1931 - ) - male
b. 31 JUL 1931 in Newton, MA

spouse: London, Leslie (1947 - )
- m. 24 NOV 1965
----------child: Ryan, Brett (private)
----------child: Ryan, Britt (private)
Ryan, Brett (private) - male
father: Ryan, Bartholomew (1931 - )
mother: London, Leslie (1947 - )
Ryan, Britt (private) - female
father: Ryan, Bartholomew (1931 - )
mother: London, Leslie (1947 - )
Ryan, Christine (private) - female
spouse: White, Trevor (private)
- m. 28 SEP 1991
Ryan, Lisa Marie (private) - female
spouse: Veysey, David Charles (private)
- m. 31 DEC 1981 in Bangor, ME
Ryan, Robert Kyle (private) - male
spouse: Kahl, Dawn (private)
----------child: Ryan, Robert Kyle (private)
Ryan, Robert Kyle (private) - male
father: Ryan, Robert Kyle (private)
mother: Kahl, Dawn (private)
Ryder, Brenda - female
spouse: Wood, Thomas James (1921 - 1998)
----------child: Wood, Rodnie (private)
----------child: Wood, Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Wood, Lorna (private)
Sabin, Elmer M (1905 - 1970) - male
b. 19 NOV 1905 in Maine
d. 22 MAY 1970 in Waterville, ME

father: Sabin, Lewis Harold (1883 - 1953)
mother: Leeman, Sadie Augusta (1886 - 1965)
Sabin, Frances Nolly (1916 - 1924) - female
b. 17 JUL 1916 in Masardis, ME
d. 1924

father: Sabin, Lewis Harold (1883 - 1953)
mother: Leeman, Sadie Augusta (1886 - 1965)
Sabin, Howard (1910 - 1987) - male
b. 20 SEP 1910 in Maine
d. 18 APR 1987 in Oakland, ME

father: Sabin, Lewis Harold (1883 - 1953)
mother: Leeman, Sadie Augusta (1886 - 1965)
Sabin, Lewis Harold (1883 - 1953) - male
b. 26 APR 1883 in Weston, ME
d. 17 NOV 1953 in Waterville, ME

spouse: Leeman, Sadie Augusta (1886 - 1965)
----------child: Sabin, Elmer M (1905 - 1970)
----------child: Sabin, Ralph Harold (1908 - 1972)
----------child: Sabin, Howard (1910 - 1987)
----------child: Sabin, Frances Nolly (1916 - 1924)
Sabin, Ralph Harold (1908 - 1972) - male
b. 2 JUL 1908 in Masardis, ME
d. 17 NOV 1972 in Oakland, ME

father: Sabin, Lewis Harold (1883 - 1953)
mother: Leeman, Sadie Augusta (1886 - 1965)
Sabine, Judy Lynn (private) - female
spouse: Boone, Edward Bruce (1950 - )
- m. 21 AUG 1971 in Perth, NB
Saindon, Noree (1947 - ) - female
b. 6 JUN 1947

spouse: Peters, Martin (1950 - )
- m. 12 FEB 1983
Salender, Florence Eva (1877 - 1965) - female
b. 3 JAN 1877 in Frankfort, KT
d. 1965 in Forest City, NB
Burial - Forest City, NB
spouse: Hamilton, Arthur C (1878 - 1927)
- m. 1900
----------child: Hamilton, Katherine (1900 - 1968)
----------child: Hamilton, Georgie (1907 - )
----------child: Hamilton, Arthur
----------child: Hamilton, Mary V (1913 - 1976)
----------child: Hamilton, Helen E (1914 - )
----------child: Hamilton, William Naudin (1920 - 1938)
Salle, Samantha Linsey La (private) - female
Salvaggio, Jane (private) - female
spouse: David, Jeffrey Allen (private)
- m. 1990
----------child: David, Melinda Ann (private)
Sanchez, Michael (private) - male
spouse: Smith, Kelly (private)
- m. 9 MAR 1985
Sander, Terry (private) - female
spouse: Embry, Timothy Joseph (private)
----------child: Embry, Adam (private)
----------child: Embry, Jaimie (private)
Sanderson, Bessie Joyce (1917 - 2003) - female
b. 9 SEP 1917 in Brantford, ON
d. 13 JUL 2003 in Newmarket, ON

spouse: Lawrence, Jack Alexander (1915 - 1978)
- m. 22 NOV 1941 in Branford, ON
----------child: Lawrence, Alex David (1945 - )
----------child: Lawrence, Phyllis Loraine (1949 - )
----------child: Lawrence, Joy Elizabeth (private)
Sandwith, Lavina (1862 - 1936) - female
b. 14 FEB 1862 in Fredericton, NB
d. 26 JUN 1936 in Devon, NB
Burial - 28 JUN 1936 Devon, NB
spouse: Boone, Lewis (1856 - 1941)
- m. in St. Paul's Anglican Church, NB
----------child: Boone, Arthur Avondale (1883 - 1921)
----------child: Boone, Lydia Florence (1885 - 1975)
----------child: Boone, William Douglas (1886 - 1982)
Sanford, Avis - female
spouse: Wright, Clair Robert (1932 - )
----------child: Wright, Greg (private)
----------child: Wright, Sue Ann (private)
----------child: Wright, Brenda (private)
Sauders, Michael - male
spouse: Belyea, Judith Karen (1944 - )
Saunders, Ann - female
  RES: Date: 1926 Place: Living in Oakfield, ME
spouse: Greer, Thomas (1874 - 1912)
- m. ABT 1900
----------child: Greer, Thomas William (1901 - 1964)
----------child: Greer, Freeman (1902 - )
----------child: Greer, Clara Francis (1903 - )
----------child: Greer, James Allan (1906 - 1979)
----------child: Greer, Charles Arthur (1909 - 1989)
----------child: Greer, Cora Lynell (1913 - 2011)
Saunders, Dorothy Margaret (1924 - ) - female
b. 1924 in Perth, NB

spouse: Boone, Donald Murray (1927 - 2005)
- m. 18 JUN 1953 in Aroostook, NB
----------child: Boone, Barbara (private)
----------child: Boone, Brian (private)
----------child: Boone, Deborah (private)
----------child: Boone, Darlene (private)
Saunders, Frank Pierce (1868 - 1949) - male
b. 21 JUL 1868 in Dumbarton, NB
d. 26 AUG 1949 in McAdam, NB

spouse: Boone, Aldrada May (1872 - 1944)
Saunders, Jane - female
b. in Ireland

spouse: Bustard, George (1817 - 1889)
----------child: Bustard, James (1841 - 1917)
----------child: Bustard, Susanah (1845 - 1905)
----------child: Bustard, Deborah (1848 - 1923)
----------child: Bustard, Margaret (1850 - )
----------child: Bustard, George (1853 - 1928)
----------child: Bustard, Mary Jane (1856 - )
----------child: Bustard, Hugh (1856 - 1869)
----------child: Bustard, Robert (1859 - 1945)
----------child: Bustard, John (1862 - 1928)
----------child: Bustard, Andrew (1866 - 1936)
Saunders, Josephine (1851 - 1885) - female
b. 5 MAR 1851
d. 3 FEB 1885 in Saint John, NB

spouse: Laskey, George Howard (1850 - 1918)
- m. 7 NOV 1872 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Laskey, George Saunders (1874 - 1956)
----------child: Laskey, Bertha K (1875 - 1886)
----------child: Laskey, John Bond (1879 - 1955)
----------child: Laskey, William Andrew (1880 - 1886)
----------child: Laskey, Marcie
----------child: Laskey, Joseph H (1885 - 1885)
Saunders, Mansell Allan (1932 - ) - male
b. 25 OCT 1932

spouse: Patterson, Joyce Marie (1934 - )
- m. 24 NOV 1950 in Osgoode, ON
Saunders, Ronald - male
spouse: Boone, Shirley (1941 - )
Savoie, Marie Blanche Yvette (1946 - ) - female
b. 11 OCT 1946 in Lower Neguac, NB

spouse: Stewart, Donald Kerr (1941 - )
- m. 24 JUL 1965
----------child: Stewart, Sandra Marie (private)
----------child: Stewart, Lana Lee (private)
----------child: Stewart, Yvette Blanche (private)
Sawyer, Carleton - male
spouse: Boone, Maxine Ruth (1912 - )
- m. 31 OCT 1931
Sawyer, Yvonne - female
spouse: Hutchins, George (1908 - )
Scarr, Helen - female
father: Scarr, Joseph Alexander (1885 - )
mother: Boone, Ellen Reid (1880 - 1948)
Scarr, Joseph Alexander (1885 - ) - male
b. 1885

spouse: Boone, Ellen Reid (1880 - 1948)
- m. 28 JUN 1911 in Fernie, BC
----------child: Scarr, Helen
----------child: Scarr, Margaret
Scarr, Margaret - female
father: Scarr, Joseph Alexander (1885 - )
mother: Boone, Ellen Reid (1880 - 1948)
Schaeffe, Susan (1941 - ) - female
b. 11 DEC 1941 in Norwalk, CO

spouse: Pineo, Paul (1941 - )
- m. 28 AUG 1963
----------child: Pineo, Paul (private)
Schenkie, Amy (private) - female
father: Schenkie, Theodore (1949 - )
mother: Rocco, Margaret
Schenkie, Grace (private) - female
father: Schenkie, Theodore (1949 - )
mother: Rocco, Margaret
Schenkie, Mary (1946 - ) - female
b. 16 OCT 1946

father: Schenkie, Theodore
mother: Cropley, Anna Charlotte (1924 - )
spouse: Smith, Dale
- m. 11 MAR 1967
----------child: Smith, Cheryl (private)
----------child: Smith, Adam (private)
----------child: Smith, Thomas (private)
Schenkie, Michael (private) - male
father: Schenkie, Theodore (1949 - )
mother: Rocco, Margaret
Schenkie, Theodore - male
spouse: Cropley, Anna Charlotte (1924 - )
- m. 18 JUN 1944
----------child: Schenkie, Mary (1946 - )
----------child: Schenkie, Theodore (1949 - )
Schenkie, Theodore (1949 - ) - male
b. 1 APR 1949

father: Schenkie, Theodore
mother: Cropley, Anna Charlotte (1924 - )
  KNOW: Ted
spouse: Rocco, Margaret
----------child: Schenkie, Grace (private)
----------child: Schenkie, Amy (private)
----------child: Schenkie, Michael (private)
Schillinger, Marion - female
spouse: Veysey, Tyson L (1893 - 1968)
----------child: Veysey, Cecilia Maxine (1924 - 2011)
----------child: Veysey, Marie
----------child: Veysey, Margaret
----------child: Veysey, Merle
----------child: Veysey, Janette
----------child: Veysey, Darrell Tyson (1928 - 2001)
Schillinger, Nellie - female
spouse: Deering, Daniel (1853 - )
----------child: Deering, Bliss (1892 - 1981)
Schleider, Liese (1933 - ) - female
b. 13 OCT 1933 in Wiesbaden, Germany

spouse: Cropley, Eugene Francis (1933 - )
- m. 15 MAR 1957 in Landstudl, Germany
----------child: Cropley, Daniel Forest (private)
----------child: Cropley, David Frank (private)
----------child: Cropley, Karen Sue (private)
----------child: Cropley, Timothy James (private)
Schmidt, Kenneth Walter (1935 - ) - male
b. 1935 in New Denmark, NB

spouse: Boone, Marion Elizabeth (1933 - )
- m. 28 MAR 1958 in Andover, NB
Schnupp, Michael Charles (private) - male
spouse: Tompkins, Twyla Michelle Veysey (private)
----------child: Jensen, Khryspm Marisa (private)
----------child: Jensen, Dillan David Michael (private)
Schoelier, Virginia (1928 - ) - female
b. 16 AUG 1928 in Sebewaing, MI

spouse: Smith, Robert (1929 - )
Schramer, Jack (private) - male
father: Schramer, Mark
mother: Shaw, Robin Elizabeth (private)
Schramer, Lindsay (private) - female
father: Schramer, Mark
mother: Shaw, Robin Elizabeth (private)
Schramer, Mark - male
spouse: Shaw, Robin Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Schramer, Jack (private)
----------child: Schramer, Lindsay (private)
Schriver, Cora - female
spouse: Wilcox, Donald
----------child: Wilcox, Delores Ann (1937 - )
Scott, Agnes (1925 - 1978) - female
b. 1 FEB 1925 in Canterbury, NB
d. 13 SEP 1978

spouse: English, Walter (1918 - 1986)
- m. 9 APR 1941
----------child: English, Shirley (1942 - )
----------child: English, Joyce (1946 - )
----------child: English, Robert Charles (1950 - )
Scott, Andrea Joy (private) - female
father: Scott, Karle
mother: Kerr, Brenda Shirley (1940 - )
Scott, Blair Howard (1917 - ) - male
b. 1917

spouse: Greenleaf, Jean Luella (1921 - 2007)
- m. 9 APR 1944 in Woodstock NB
Scott, Debra Michelle (private) - female
father: Scott, Laurie Alvin (1950 - )
mother: Davis, Catherine Zernia (private)
Scott, Donald Earnest (1938 - ) - male
b. 7 MAR 1938 in Elmwood, NB

spouse: Boone, Betty Lou (1949 - )
- m. 19 AUG 1970
Scott, Donna - female
spouse: Anderson, Hollis Richard (1937 - 2020)
----------child: Anderson, Linda (private)
----------child: Anderson, Rodney (private)
Scott, Herbert Linwood (1926 - ) - male
b. 31 MAY 1926 in Millinocket, ME

spouse: Veysey, Lenora Sophia (1929 - 2019)
- m. 9 OCT 1948 in Woodstock, NB
----------child: Scott, Ronald Linwood (1949 - )
----------child: Scott, Laurie Alvin (1950 - )
----------child: Scott, Jerri Lynn (private)
Scott, Jason Frederick (private) - male
father: Scott, Karle
mother: Kerr, Brenda Shirley (1940 - )
Scott, Jerri Lynn (private) - female
father: Scott, Herbert Linwood (1926 - )
mother: Veysey, Lenora Sophia (1929 - 2019)
spouse: Palmer, Mark Edward
- m. 15 AUG 1975 in Bar Harbor, ME
----------child: Palmer, Jason Scott (private)
Scott, Joan Marie (1938 - 2019) - female
b. 1938
d. 14 NOV 2019 in Fredericton, NB

spouse: Wood, Ivan Lowell (1933 - 2021)
- m. 25 FEB 1956
----------child: Wood, Baby (private)
----------child: Wood, Clifton (private)
----------child: Wood, Brian (private)
----------child: Wood, Gary (private)
----------child: Wood, Jeffery (private)
Scott, Karle - male
spouse: Kerr, Brenda Shirley (1940 - )
- m. 19 AUG 1961
----------child: Scott, Sheena Rae (private)
----------child: Scott, Andrea Joy (private)
----------child: Scott, Jason Frederick (private)
Scott, Katie Jane (1874 - 1963) - female
b. 14 JUL 1874 in Meadows, Charlotte Co., NB
d. 3 FEB 1963 in Blacks Harbor, NB
Burial - Moore's Mills, Charlotte Co., NB
spouse: Boone, Walter Havelock (1863 - 1950)
- m. 31 DEC 1891 in Meadows, Charlotte Co., NB
----------child: Boone, Elsie Valora (1892 - 1953)
----------child: Boone, Harold Havelock (1895 - 1963)
----------child: Boone, Hazel Ruby (1900 - 1977)
----------child: Boone, Muriel Freda (1904 - )
----------child: Boone, Glenwood (1906 - 1907)
----------child: Boone, Truman Roderick (1908 - 1936)
----------child: Boone, Roderick F (1909 - 1909)
----------child: Boone, Freeman (1910 - 1910)
----------child: Boone, Baby2 (1912 - 1912)
----------child: Boone, Walter Harry (1913 - )
----------child: Boone, Ella Coralie (1915 - 1982)
----------child: Boone, Denzil Ross (1917 - 1918)
Scott, Laurie Alvin (1950 - ) - male
b. 12 JUL 1950 in Bar Harbor, ME

father: Scott, Herbert Linwood (1926 - )
mother: Veysey, Lenora Sophia (1929 - 2019)
spouse: Davis, Catherine Zernia (private)
- m. 14 NOV 1975 in Cape Elizabeth, NJ
----------child: Scott, Debra Michelle (private)
Scott, Letitia - female
spouse: Mott, Jean Purlie (1895 - 1977)
- m. 2 APR 1955 in Old Town, ME
Scott, Mary M (1873 - ) - female
b. 1873

spouse: Boone, John Albert (1869 - 1932)
- m. 25 MAY 1892
Scott, Michael (private) - male
spouse: Folsom, Kathern Karen (private)
Scott, Ronald Linwood (1949 - ) - male
b. 13 FEB 1949 in Bar Harbor, ME

father: Scott, Herbert Linwood (1926 - )
mother: Veysey, Lenora Sophia (1929 - 2019)
Scott, Sarah Elizabeth (1844 - 1923) - female
b. 19 DEC 1844 in Oromocto, NB
d. 18 FEB 1923

spouse: Gaskin, Henry (? - 1874)
----------child: Gaskin, John Allan (1864 - 1936)
----------child: Gaskin, William Henry (1865 - 1938)
----------child: Gaskin, Robert Burns (1867 - 1892)
----------child: Gaskin, George Edward (1870 - 1900)
----------child: Gaskin, Anna Isobel (1871 - 1956)
----------child: Gaskin, Miranda
spouse: Vantassel, George A (1849 - 1932)
----------child: Vantassel, Myra (1873 - 1909)
----------child: Vantassel, Amanda (1876 - )
----------child: Vantassel, Wesley (1877 - )
----------child: Vantassel, Juliette (1880 - )
----------child: Vantassel, Alfred (1882 - 1965)
----------child: Vantassel, Bertha Amelia (1885 - 1971)
Scott, Sheena Rae (private) - female
father: Scott, Karle
mother: Kerr, Brenda Shirley (1940 - )
spouse: Berwerid, Brent (private)
- m. 10 JUN 1983
----------child: Berwerid, Erica Leigh (private)
Scott, Sheldon Eugene (1939 - ) - male
b. 1939 in McAdam, NB

spouse: Boone, Carol Ann (1937 - )
- m. 21 FEB 1969 in St Stephen, NB
Scott, William - male
spouse: Lawrence, Julia (1855 - 1950)
Seabury, Della - female
spouse: Boone, Merville (1900 - 1974)
- m. 12 JUL 1920 in Norridgewaak, ME
Seamans, Mildred - female
spouse: McQuarrie, George Allen (1916 - )
- m. 22 OCT 1936
----------child: McQuarrie, Helen Marie (1937 - )
----------child: McQuarrie, Linda Lou (1943 - )
Sears, Joseph - male
spouse: Boone, Nellie
Secord, Margret - female
spouse: Dibblee, Ebenezer (1779 - 1863)
----------child: Dibblee, Ann Jane Secord (1812 - 1894)
----------child: Dibblee, Sophia
----------child: Dibblee, Eliza
----------child: Dibblee, Margaret
----------child: Dibblee, Jane
----------child: Dibblee, Charlotte
----------child: Dibblee, William
----------child: Dibblee, Samuel
----------child: Dibblee, Isaac
----------child: Dibblee, Caroline
----------child: Dibblee, Sidney
Sedgwick, Carol - female
spouse: Cropley, Norman Calvin (1941 - )
----------child: Cropley, Lori Ann (private)
----------child: Cropley, Nanette Jean (private)
Seeley, Eleanor Jane (1859 - 1935) - female
b. 2 JUN 1859
d. 3 FEB 1935 in Hartland, NB
Burial - Hartland, NB
spouse: Boone, Delbert Edward (1862 - 1936)
- m. 16 JUN 1886
----------child: Boone, Elizabeth Ann (1890 - 1976)
----------child: Boone, Hazel Josephine (1892 - 1972)
----------child: Boone, Mary Maud (1894 - 1975)
----------child: Boone, Laura Elby (1895 - 1968)
----------child: Boone, Charles Ashel (1899 - 1985)
Seeley, Margaret (1945 - ) - female
b. 29 JUN 1945 in Nakina, ON

spouse: Wood, Graeme (1945 - )
- m. 24 AUG 1968
Serpliss, Amy (private) - female
father: Serpliss, Jim
mother: Borg, Pamela Jane (private)
Serpliss, Jim - male
spouse: Borg, Pamela Jane (private)
----------child: Serpliss, Amy (private)
----------child: Serpliss, Rebecca (private)
----------child: Serpliss, Julia (private)
Serpliss, Julia (private) - female
father: Serpliss, Jim
mother: Borg, Pamela Jane (private)
Serpliss, Rebecca (private) - female
father: Serpliss, Jim
mother: Borg, Pamela Jane (private)
Sewell, Bernard (1918 - 1992) - male
b. 27 JUL 1918 in Sewellville, NB
d. 14 JAN 1992 in Saint John, NB

spouse: Farrell, Loreen Virginia (1919 - 2013)
----------child: Sewell, Nancy (private)
----------child: Sewell, Gloria (private)
----------child: Sewell, Carol Anne (private)
Sewell, Carol Anne (private) - female
father: Sewell, Bernard (1918 - 1992)
mother: Farrell, Loreen Virginia (1919 - 2013)
Sewell, Dianne (private) - female
spouse: Harris, Dale Ernest (private)
- m. 6 OCT 1973
Sewell, Gloria (private) - female
father: Sewell, Bernard (1918 - 1992)
mother: Farrell, Loreen Virginia (1919 - 2013)
Sewell, James Lloyd (1931 - ) - male
b. 1931 in Knowlesville, NB

spouse: Spinney, Margaret Audrey (1939 - 2002)
- m. 18 JAN 1957 in Perth, NB
Sewell, Laura Ann (1948 - ) - female
b. 19 JUN 1948 in Woodstock, NB

spouse: Lawrence, Stephen Melvin (1949 - )
- m. 26 SEP 1969 in Hartland, NB
----------child: Lawrence, Blake Andrew (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Dwight Blaine (private)
Sewell, Leah Mae - female
spouse: Rideout, Robert Blake
----------child: Rideout, Opal Lorraine (1949 - )
Sewell, Nancy (private) - female
father: Sewell, Bernard (1918 - 1992)
mother: Farrell, Loreen Virginia (1919 - 2013)
Seymour, Eldona - female
father: Seymour, William F
mother: Elder, Alice Maude Mary
Seymour, Grace - female
father: Seymour, William F
mother: Elder, Alice Maude Mary
Seymour, Helena Irene (1913 - 2004) - female
b. 17 MAY 1913 in Kingsley Road, York Co., NB
d. 19 APR 2004 in Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, NB

father: Seymour, William F
mother: Elder, Alice Maude Mary
The death of Helena Irene Boone of Estey's Bridge, NB, wife of the late Rupert Boone, occurred on Monday, April 19, 2004 at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital, Fredericton, NB.Born in Kingsley, NB on May 17, 1913, she was the daughter of the late William F. and Alice Maude Mary (Elder) Seymour. A 1932 graduate of the Provincial Normal School, Mrs. Boone was an active member of the Kingsley United Church, Elder for a number of years, honourary member of the UCW, Sunday School Teacher, member of the Senior Citizens (Silver Tops) and the Kingsley Ladies Auxiliary.
She is survived by two sisters, Grace Richardson of Fredericton and Eldona McCullough (Beverly) of Keswick Ridge; sisters-in-law Marjorie Seymour, Helen Smith and Elaine Shanks; brother-in-law Don Boone; loving caring friend, Rev. Bob Johnson; numerous nieces and nephews. Besides her husband and parents she was predeceased by one brother, Watson Seymour and brother-in-law Gordon. There will be no visitation by request of the family.The Memorial Service will be held on Friday at 2 pm from the Kingsley United Church, with Rev. Joanne Barr officiating and Rev. Bob Johnson assisting. Reception to follow the service in the Church Hall. Interment will be in the Seymour Memorial Cemetery, Kingsley, NB. For those who wish, remembrances to the Kingsley United Church or Seymour Memorial Cemetery would be appreciated by the family.

Burial - 23 APR 2004 Seymour Memorial Cemetery, Kingsley, NB
spouse: Boone, Rupert Charles (1910 - 2002)
- m. 24 JUN 1936 in United Church, Kingsley, NB
Seymour, Ronald - male
spouse: Boone, Madeline
Seymour, Watson - male
father: Seymour, William F
mother: Elder, Alice Maude Mary
Seymour, William F - male
spouse: Elder, Alice Maude Mary
----------child: Seymour, Watson
----------child: Seymour, Helena Irene (1913 - 2004)
----------child: Seymour, Grace
----------child: Seymour, Eldona
Shaddick, John - male
spouse: Haines, Abigail (1818 - 1904)
Shaffer, Catherine (private) - female
spouse: Sibley, Terry (private)
----------child: Sibley, Chyne (private)
Shanks, Angela Lynn (private) - female
father: Shanks, Frederick Samuel (1940 - )
mother: Armstrong, Joyce Louella (1942 - )
spouse: Foss, Judson Chester (private)
- m. 30 AUG 1986 in Baptist Church, Honeytown, NB
Shanks, Charlotte - female
father: Shanks, Otis (~1875 - 1940)
mother: Boone, Olive J (1885 - 1958)
spouse: O'Hara, Donald
Shanks, Ella May - female
father: Shanks, Otis (~1875 - 1940)
mother: Boone, Olive J (1885 - 1958)
spouse: O'Hara, Kenneth Earl
- m. JUN 1923
Shanks, Frederick Samuel (1940 - ) - male
b. 7 AUG 1940 in Victoria Public Hospital, NB

father: Shanks, Samuel George (1913 - 1983)
mother: Boone, Elaine Isabelle (1920 - )
spouse: Armstrong, Joyce Louella (1942 - )
- m. 29 JUL 1961 in Geary, NB
----------child: Shanks, Kevin Scott (private)
----------child: Shanks, Angela Lynn (private)
----------child: Shanks, Jamie Mark (private)
Shanks, Jamie Mark (private) - male
father: Shanks, Frederick Samuel (1940 - )
mother: Armstrong, Joyce Louella (1942 - )
Shanks, Kevin Scott (private) - male
father: Shanks, Frederick Samuel (1940 - )
mother: Armstrong, Joyce Louella (1942 - )
Shanks, Lloyd (1908 - 1982) - male
b. 1 MAY 1908
d. 11 OCT 1982

father: Shanks, Otis (~1875 - 1940)
mother: Boone, Olive J (1885 - 1958)
spouse: Boone, Marion (1903 - 1977)
- m. 23 MAR 1932 in Oromocto, NB
Shanks, Marilyn Jacqueline (private) - female
father: Shanks, Samuel George (1913 - 1983)
mother: Boone, Elaine Isabelle (1920 - )
spouse: Morehouse, Donald Douglas (1950 - )
- m. 29 NOV 1975 in Oromocto, NB
----------child: Morehouse, Cheryl Amy (private)
----------child: Morehouse, Peter Allan (private)
----------child: Morehouse, Steven Wayne (private)
Shanks, Otis (~1875 - 1940) - male
b. ABT 1875 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 6 JUN 1940
Burial - Fredericton Jct., NB
spouse: Boone, Olive J (1885 - 1958)
- m. ABT 1906
----------child: Shanks, Lloyd (1908 - 1982)
----------child: Shanks, Ella May
----------child: Shanks, Charlotte
Shanks, Samuel George (1913 - 1983) - male
b. 9 OCT 1913 in Lauvina, Sunbury Co., NB
d. 14 DEC 1983 in DEC Hospital, Fredericton, NB
Burial - 17 DEC 1983 Lower Cemetery, Geary, NB
spouse: Boone, Elaine Isabelle (1920 - )
- m. 22 JUN 1938 in Oromocto, NB
----------child: Shanks, Frederick Samuel (1940 - )
----------child: Shanks, Marilyn Jacqueline (private)
Shannon, ? (private) - female
spouse: Hebert, Jeffrey Charles (private)
----------child: Hebert, Nathan Edward (private)
Shannon, Andrea (private) - female
father: Shannon, Charles (private)
mother: Grant, Veronica (private)
Shannon, Ashley (private)
father: Shannon, Charles (private)
mother: Grant, Veronica (private)
Shannon, Carrie (private) - female
father: Shannon, Sterling (1947 - )
mother: Collicott, Linda (1947 - )
Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998) - male
b. 17 MAR 1916 in Dead Creek, NB
d. 1998

father: Shannon, Frederick Earl (1887 - 1965)
mother: Smith, Bertha (1867 - 1965)
spouse: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
- m. 14 MAY 1938
----------child: Shannon, Raymond (1939 - )
----------child: Shannon, Winston (1942 - )
----------child: Shannon, Donna Mae (1944 - 2020)
----------child: Shannon, Sterling (1947 - )
----------child: Shannon, Doreen (1950 - )
----------child: Shannon, Thomas (private)
----------child: Shannon, Charles (private)
Shannon, Charles (private) - male
father: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
mother: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
spouse: Grant, Veronica (private)
- m. 21 NOV 1981
----------child: Shannon, Ashley (private)
----------child: Shannon, Andrea (private)
Shannon, Claudia Evelyn (1921 - 2004) - female
b. 3 NOV 1921 in Woodstock, NB
d. 24 NOV 2004 in Woodstock, NB

father: Shannon, Frederick Earl (1887 - 1965)
mother: Smith, Bertha (1867 - 1965)
Claudia E. Graham of Canterbury passed away November 24, 2004 at Carleton Memorial Hospital. She was born at Woodstock on November 3, 1921, a daughter of the late F. Earl and H. Bessie (Smith) Shannon. Claudia operated the telephone switchboard in her home from 1963 until 1969. She also was employed as a clerk at Derrick's General Store and later at the Canterbury Irving. She was an active member of St. Mark's United Church of Canada, serving as Clerk of Session and a choir member.Claudia is survived by four daughters, Lois Cummings, Deanna Grant (Orville), both of Canterbury, Carolyn Wood (Paul), Quispamsis and Marilyn MacMillan (David), Nackawic; two sons, Carl Graham (Vesta) and Curtis Graham (Gail), both of Canterbury; fifteen grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; two daughters-in-law, Brenda and Wendy; several nieces and nephews.She was predeceased by her husband, Arthur Graham in 1968, two sons, Roy in 1974 and Clayton in 1996, a son-in-law, Keith Cummings in 1996 and a brother Charles Shannon.Resting at Flewelling Funeral Home, 585 Otis Drive, Nackawic with visiting hours Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral service will be held at St. Mark's United Church of Canada, Canterbury on Friday, November 26, 2004 at 2 p.m. Rev. Dr. Bev. Brazier officiating. Interment will be in Canterbury Cemetery.
Honorary pallbearers will be John Smith, Clifton Furrow, St. Mark's Church Elders and members of the church choir.Active pallbearers will be grandsons, Randy Graham, Karl Grant, Daniel Cummings, Graham Wood, Stephen Cummings and Peter MacMillan.For those who wish to make a donation in memory of Claudia, the family has suggested St. Mark's United Church.The family mailing address is 39 Maple Street, Canterbury, NB E6H 2J4
spouse: Graham, Arthur L (1915 - 1968)
- m. 15 JUN 1940 in Upper Woodstock, NB
----------child: Graham, Roy (1940 - 1974)
----------child: Graham, Clayton Earl (1942 - 1996)
----------child: Graham, Lois (1943 - )
----------child: Graham, Deana (1945 - )
----------child: Graham, Carolyn (1946 - )
----------child: Graham, Carl (1948 - )
----------child: Graham, Marilyn Evelyn (1949 - )
----------child: Graham, Curtis (private)
Shannon, Darcey (private) - female
father: Shannon, Sterling (1947 - )
mother: Collicott, Linda (1947 - )
Shannon, Donna Mae (1944 - 2020) - female
b. 19 JUL 1944 in Canterbury, NB
d. 23 APR 2020 in Oshawa, ON

father: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
mother: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
Passed away peacefully at home on April 23, 2020. Beloved wife to Jerry of 57 years and cherished mother of Debbie (Scott). Donna was predeceased by her son Chris, parents Charles & Minnie Shannon and brothers Raymond (Mary), Winston (Rose), and Stirling (Ann). Donna will be sadly missed by her brothers Tom (Brenda), Charles (Lori) and sister Doreen (Gary), as well as many nieces, nephews and friends. The family would like to thank the compassionate care from Donna’s PSWs, and nurses and physicians of the Palliative Care Team at Lakeridge Health Oshawa. A private family service of remembrance will be held April 27, 2020 at The Oshawa Funeral Home (847 King St. W, Oshawa 905-721-1234). A Celebration of Life will be announced at a later date. In memory of Donna, memorial donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Durham Region.
spouse: Veysey, Jerry Dale (1943 - )
- m. 2 MAR 1963 in Woodstock, NB
----------child: Veysey, Christopher Charles (private)
----------child: Veysey, Deborah Lynn (private)
Shannon, Doreen (1950 - ) - female
b. 7 OCT 1950 in Dead Creek, NB

father: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
mother: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
spouse: Tingley, Gary (private)
- m. 4 MAY 1974
----------child: Tingley, Stephanie (private)
----------child: Tingley, Trevor (private)
Shannon, Earl (1888 - ) - male
b. 1888

spouse: Smith, Bessie (1895 - )
- m. 13 SEP 1913
----------child: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
----------child: Shannon, Claudia Evelyn (1921 - 2004)
Shannon, Edith (1879 - 1879) - female
b. JAN 1879
d. 5 OCT 1879 in Canterbury, NB

father: Shannon, Thomas (1850 - 1930)
mother: Cunningham, Margaret
Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935) - female
b. 7 OCT 1863 in Canterbury, NB
d. 5 APR 1935 in Canterbury, NB

father: Shannon, Robert
mother: Farrell, Elizabeth
spouse: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
----------child: Boardman, Sarah (1887 - )
----------child: Boardman, George (1888 - 1950)
----------child: Boardman, Elizabeth (1891 - 1951)
----------child: Boardman, Amey Etta (1893 - 1952)
----------child: Boardman, Ellen Linton (1898 - )
----------child: Boardman, W. Saxon (1902 - )
----------child: Boardman, Andrew Earl (1904 - 1969)
Shannon, Frederick Earl (1887 - 1965) - male
b. 26 APR 1887 in Canterbury, NB
d. 28 MAY 1965 in Woodstock NB

father: Shannon, Thomas (1850 - 1930)
mother: Cunningham, Margaret
The United Church hall was decorated with a profusion of early autumn flowers when many relatives and friends gathered to offer congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shannon on their 50th wedding anniversary.
Receiving the guests was their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Graham, Canterbury, and Mrs. John Smith, Nashwaaksis, and Mrs. D.M. Flewelling, Fredericton.
Presiding over the tea cups in the afternoon were Mrs. Hedley Graham, Mrs. Charles Lewis of Hartland. In the evening, Mrs. William McKee of Saint John and Mrs. Aubrey Hutchinson of Chatham presided.
Serving the guests were the Misses Hilda and Emily Smith, Deanna and Carolyn Graham, Audrey Hutchinson and Mrs. Carl Merritt.
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon were married at Lower Woodstock by Rev. C.D. Barton. The bride was Miss Bessie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith and the groom was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shannon.
Their family consists of two children, one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Graham and one son, Charles, residing at Canterbury, fifteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Among the many gifts received by the honored couple was purse of money, a dual control electric blanket, gifts of gold and china. A golden anniversary book was presented by Mrs. Roy Graham, accompanied by a poem composed by Mrs. Graham.
They received many cards and messages of congratulations, including telegrams from Rev. and Mrs. Fred Burrill, Berwick, N.S.; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith, Bridgewater, N.S.; and Hon. John Diefenbaker. Letters from Hon. Hugh John Flemming and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ames, extending best wishes.
At the tea hour the table was covered with a line cloth and centered with a three-tiered wedding anniversary cake, made by Mrs. Laura Pineo, Ogunquit, Maine. (Below Portland). The cake was encircled at the base with gold-colored hulls and flanked by golden candles in silver holders. Vases of yellow and white flowers decorated the table.
Mrs. Roy White proposed the toast and Mr. Shannon responded. Special guests were Rev. and Mrs. Roy White.
spouse: Smith, Bertha (1867 - 1965)
----------child: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
----------child: Shannon, Claudia Evelyn (1921 - 2004)
Shannon, John (private) - male
father: Shannon, Thomas (private)
mother: Ingraham, Brenda (private)
Shannon, Kelly (private) - female
father: Shannon, Raymond (1939 - )
mother: Neely, Laurine (1943 - )
spouse: Walsh, James
- m. 7 NOV 1962
----------child: Walsh, Matthew (private)
----------child: Walsh, James (private)
Shannon, Mary Isobel (1883 - 1964) - female
b. 15 AUG 1883 in Canterbury, NB
d. 11 NOV 1964 in Canterbury, NB

father: Shannon, Thomas (1850 - 1930)
mother: Cunningham, Margaret
Shannon, Michelle (private) - female
father: Shannon, Winston (1942 - )
mother: Carberry, Rose (1949 - )
Shannon, Nicole (private) - female
father: Shannon, Winston (1942 - )
mother: Carberry, Rose (1949 - )
Shannon, Noralee (private) - female
spouse: Anderson, Edison (private)
Shannon, Raymond (1939 - ) - male
b. 25 MAY 1939 in Dead Creek, NB

father: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
mother: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
spouse: Neely, Laurine (1943 - )
- m. 26 OCT 1963
----------child: Shannon, Kelly (private)
spouse: Henderson, Mary (1942 - )
- m. 27 JUL 1978
Shannon, Robert - male
b. in Ireland

spouse: Farrell, Elizabeth
----------child: Shannon, Thomas (1850 - 1930)
----------child: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
Shannon, Sara (private) - female
father: Shannon, Thomas (private)
mother: Ingraham, Brenda (private)
Shannon, Sterling (1947 - ) - male
b. 27 JAN 1947 in Dead Creek, NB

father: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
mother: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
spouse: Collicott, Linda (1947 - )
- m. 11 MAY 1968
----------child: Shannon, Darcey (private)
----------child: Shannon, Carrie (private)
Shannon, Thomas (1850 - 1930) - male
b. 12 JUN 1850 in Canterbury, NB
d. 2 JAN 1930

father: Shannon, Robert
mother: Farrell, Elizabeth
The death occurred at his home on January 3rd of Thomas Shannon after a lengthy illness. Mr. Shannon, who had reached the age of 79 years, was well and favorably known, a man of sterling character, and will be greatly missed in the community.
He is survived by one son, Earl, with whom he made his home; one daughter, Mrs. Richard Derrick, (May) of Canterbury, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Boardman, of Canterbury. His wife, who was formerly Miss Margaret Cunningham, pre-deceased him several years ago.
The funeral was held on Saturday at the United Church, Skiff Lake, conducted by Rev. H.S. Raynor. Among the many floral tributes was a wreath from the United Church, Skiff Lake, of which the deceased had been a faithful member.
spouse: Cunningham, Margaret
----------child: Shannon, Edith (1879 - 1879)
----------child: Shannon, Thomas (1879 - 1880)
----------child: Shannon, William (1882 - 1885)
----------child: Shannon, Mary Isobel (1883 - 1964)
----------child: Shannon, Frederick Earl (1887 - 1965)
Shannon, Thomas (1879 - 1880) - male
b. SEP 1879 in Canterbury, NB
d. 27 APR 1880 in Canterbury, NB

father: Shannon, Thomas (1850 - 1930)
mother: Cunningham, Margaret
Shannon, Thomas (private) - male
father: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
mother: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
spouse: Ingraham, Brenda (private)
- m. 4 SEP 1982
----------child: Shannon, Sara (private)
----------child: Shannon, John (private)
Shannon, Willa G (1938 - ) - female
b. 8 APR 1938 in Greenfield, NB

spouse: Rickard, George Clinton (1929 - )
- m. 12 AUG 1961 in Greenfield, NB
----------child: Rickard, Mark Edward (private)
----------child: Rickard, Brett Franklin (private)
----------child: Rickard, Colleen Shannon (private)
----------child: Rickard, Joel Clinton (private)
Shannon, William (1882 - 1885) - male
b. 1882 in Canterbury, NB
d. 4 SEP 1885 in Canterbury, NB

father: Shannon, Thomas (1850 - 1930)
mother: Cunningham, Margaret
Shannon, Winston (1942 - ) - male
b. 1 APR 1942 in Dead Creek, NB

father: Shannon, Charles (1916 - 1998)
mother: Wright, Minnie (1919 - )
spouse: Carberry, Rose (1949 - )
- m. 20 JUL 1968
----------child: Shannon, Michelle (private)
----------child: Shannon, Nicole (private)
Sharey, Michelle (private) - female
spouse: Delong, Thomas Wayne (private)
----------child: Delong, Kayla Rose (private)
----------child: Delong, Carissa Lynn (private)
Sharp, Jane - female
spouse: Haines, John (1824 - 1901)
Sharp, Keziah - female
spouse: Kierstead, George Holmes (1835 - 1918)
Sharpe, David (~1811 - ) - male
b. ABT 1811

----------child: Sharpe, Keizah (~1840 - )
----------child: Sharpe, Hanford A (1845 - )
Sharpe, Hanford A (1845 - ) - male
b. 1845

father: Sharpe, David (~1811 - )
Sharpe, Keizah (~1840 - ) - female
b. ABT 1840

father: Sharpe, David (~1811 - )
spouse: Keirstead, George
----------child: Kierstead, Eva May (1865 - 1942)
----------child: Keirstead, Joseph
----------child: Keirstead, Oscar
----------child: Keirstead, Dora
----------child: Keirstead, Maude
Shaw, Albert (~1858 - ) - male
b. ABT 1858

father: Shaw, George (~1816 - <1891)
mother: Lenentine, Jane (~1819 - >1890)
Shaw, Ann Ellen (1949 - ) - female
b. 13 FEB 1949 in Worcester, MA

father: Shaw, Royal Lawrence (1912 - 2009)
mother: Carlson, Ellen Yolanda (1916 - 1954)
spouse: Moe, Brian Leland (private)
- m. 5 AUG 1972 in Sudbury, MA
----------child: Moe, Jeffrey (private)
----------child: Moe, Robin Lynn (private)
----------child: Moe, Kari Suzanne (private)
Shaw, Anthony (private) - male
father: Shaw, Blaine
mother: Boone, Peggy
Shaw, Audrey (private) - female
spouse: Parker, Donald (private)
Shaw, Blaine - male
spouse: Boone, Peggy
----------child: Shaw, Jill (private)
----------child: Shaw, Jennifer (private)
----------child: Shaw, Anthony (private)
Shaw, Bonnie (private) - female
father: Shaw, Max (1929 - 1983)
mother: Cropley, Bertha (1936 - )
Shaw, Bradford Royal (1947 - ) - male
b. 5 JAN 1947 in Worcester, MA

father: Shaw, Royal Lawrence (1912 - 2009)
mother: Carlson, Ellen Yolanda (1916 - 1954)
Shaw, Brent (private) - male
father: Shaw, Keith
mother: Dunham, Ola M (1940 - 1968)
Shaw, Carol (private) - female
spouse: Shaw, Lawrence Batstone
----------child: Shaw, Lauralyn Emily (private)
----------child: Shaw, David Lawrence (private)
----------child: Shaw, Elizabeth Carol (private)
Shaw, Carol Joan - female
father: Shaw, Paul Frederick (1914 - 2011)
mother: Batstone, Violet
spouse: Plumb, Peter
Shaw, Charles C (1856 - ) - male
b. 25 DEC 1856

father: Shaw, George (~1816 - <1891)
mother: Lenentine, Jane (~1819 - >1890)
Shaw, Daniel (~1846 - ) - male
b. ABT 1846

father: Shaw, George (~1816 - <1891)
mother: Lenentine, Jane (~1819 - >1890)
Shaw, Daniel Geoffrey (private) - male
father: Shaw, Donald George (1929 - )
mother: Wade, Jean Francis (1930 - )
spouse: Stimson, Sandi (private)
- m. 28 JUN 1981 in Framingham, MA
Shaw, Daniel Mark (private) - male
father: Shaw, Donald Mark (private)
mother: Tuttle, Cynthia (private)
Shaw, David (private) - male
father: Shaw, Max (1929 - 1983)
mother: Cropley, Bertha (1936 - )
Shaw, David Lawrence (private) - male
father: Shaw, Lawrence Batstone
mother: Shaw, Carol (private)
Shaw, David Matthew (private) - male
father: Shaw, Donald Mark (private)
mother: Tuttle, Cynthia (private)
Shaw, Donald George (1929 - ) - male
b. 2 JUL 1929 in Worcester, MA

father: Shaw, Frank LeBaron (1882 - 1969)
mother: Lawrence, Emily May (1887 - 1986)
spouse: Wade, Jean Francis (1930 - )
- m. 30 AUG 1952 in Sudbury, MA
----------child: Shaw, Lisa Marilyn (private)
----------child: Shaw, Donald Mark (private)
----------child: Shaw, Daniel Geoffrey (private)
----------child: Shaw, Leslie Jean (private)
----------child: Shaw, Phillip Wade (private)
Shaw, Donald Mark (private) - male
father: Shaw, Donald George (1929 - )
mother: Wade, Jean Francis (1930 - )
spouse: Tuttle, Cynthia (private)
- m. 2 SEP 1977 in Framingham, MA
----------child: Shaw, James Tuttle (private)
----------child: Shaw, David Matthew (private)
----------child: Shaw, Daniel Mark (private)
Shaw, Duane Kevin Lawrence (private) - male
father: Shaw, Royal Lawrence (1912 - 2009)
mother: Wray, Helen (1931 - )
Shaw, Edith Mae (1900 - ) - female
b. 20 APR 1900

father: Shaw, Jonathan Z (1849 - 1913)
mother: Hagerman, Victoria Maud (1860 - 1943)
Shaw, Elizabeth Carol (private) - female
father: Shaw, Lawrence Batstone
mother: Shaw, Carol (private)
Shaw, Evelyn - female
spouse: Lockhart, Charles Arthur (1881 - 1956)
----------child: Lockhart, Leora Elaine (1914 - 1989)
Shaw, Frank LeBaron (1882 - 1969) - male
b. 2 NOV 1882 in Temple, N.B
d. 5 MAR 1969 in Worcester, MA

father: Shaw, Jonathan Z (1849 - 1913)
mother: Hagerman, Victoria Maud (1860 - 1943)
Chadwick Shaw records Frank Shaw's middle name as "Lorne". E-mail dated Dec 4, 2001 Burial - Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Worcester, MA
spouse: Lawrence, Emily May (1887 - 1986)
- m. 21 SEP 1911 in Prince William, N.B
----------child: Shaw, Royal Lawrence (1912 - 2009)
----------child: Shaw, Paul Frederick (1914 - 2011)
----------child: Shaw, Harold Francis (1916 - 1986)
----------child: Shaw, Marian Annabelle (1922 - )
----------child: Shaw, Donald George (1929 - )
Shaw, George (~1816 - <1891) - male
b. ABT 1816 in Dumfries, NB
d. BEF 1891

spouse: Lenentine, Jane (~1819 - >1890)
----------child: Shaw, Julie Ann (~1843 - )
----------child: Shaw, Michael (1844 - )
----------child: Shaw, Daniel (~1846 - )
----------child: Shaw, George F (1848 - )
----------child: Shaw, Jonathan Z (1849 - 1913)
----------child: Shaw, Charles C (1856 - )
----------child: Shaw, Albert (~1858 - )
Shaw, George F (1848 - ) - male
b. 1848

father: Shaw, George (~1816 - <1891)
mother: Lenentine, Jane (~1819 - >1890)
Shaw, Guy (private) - male
father: Shaw, Keith
mother: Dunham, Ola M (1940 - 1968)
Shaw, Hanford Lengrove (1879 - ) - male
b. 6 MAY 1879

father: Shaw, Jonathan Z (1849 - 1913)
mother: Hagerman, Victoria Maud (1860 - 1943)
Shaw, Harold Francis (1916 - 1986) - male
b. 17 AUG 1916 in Prince William, N.B
d. 29 JAN 1986 in West Chicago, DuPage, IL

father: Shaw, Frank LeBaron (1882 - 1969)
mother: Lawrence, Emily May (1887 - 1986)
spouse: Deck, Luci
- m. 20 JUN 1953 in Western Springs, IL
----------child: Shaw, Robin Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Shaw, Marian (private)
----------child: Shaw, John Brian Northcote (private)
----------child: Shaw, Jeffrey Lawrence (private)
----------child: Shaw, Kristin Kilby (private)

next - go to surnames