North Lake, New Brunswick Ties

previous - go to surnames

Beggs, Daniel (private) - male
father: Beggs, Joseph
mother: Lausier, Julie (1943 - )
spouse: Biledeau, Gina (private)
----------child: Beggs, Adam Joseph (private)
Beggs, Donna (1950 - 2012) - female
b. 28 JAN 1950 in Yarmouth, ME
d. 9 OCT 2012 in Lewiston, ME

spouse: Lausier, Charles (1945 - )
----------child: Lausier, Kimberly (private)
Beggs, Joseph - male
spouse: Lausier, Julie (1943 - )
----------child: Beggs, Michael (private)
----------child: Beggs, Daniel (private)
----------child: Beggs, Paul (private)
Beggs, Michael (private) - male
father: Beggs, Joseph
mother: Lausier, Julie (1943 - )
Beggs, Paul (private) - male
father: Beggs, Joseph
mother: Lausier, Julie (1943 - )
Beirman, Debbie (private) - female
spouse: Tompkins, Michael Troy (private)
- m. 14 FEB 1984 in Fredericton, N.B
----------child: Tompkins, Joselin Marie (private)
----------child: Tompkins, Justin Troy (private)
Bell, Alfred Alexander (1890 - 1955) - male
b. 2 JUN 1890 in Jacksontown, NB
d. 25 DEC 1955 in Woodstock, NB

spouse: Lawrence, Idella Ruth (1892 - 1984)
- m. JUN 1937 in Wilmot, NB
Bell, Ella - female
spouse: McQuarrie, Clifford Parker (1919 - 2015)
- m. 28 MAY 1976
Bell, Jean Cynthia (1911 - ) - female
b. 8 JUL 1911 in Saint John, NB

spouse: Boone, Harry Lloyd (1909 - 1986)
- m. 7 JUL 1928 in Oromocto, NB
----------child: Boone, Harry Lloyd (1929 - 1986)
Bell, Russell John (private) - male
spouse: Watt, Jo Ann (1950 - )
- m. 12 SEP 1981 in Maderia Park, BC
Bell, Wellentina (1923 - ) - female
b. 19 NOV 1923 in Waterville, NB

spouse: English, Walter (1918 - 1986)
- m. 25 JUN 1984
Belwa, Wendy (1948 - ) - female
b. 29 APR 1948 in Kingston, ON

spouse: Graham, Clayton Earl (1942 - 1996)
- m. 14 JUN 1969
----------child: Graham, Lindsay (private)
----------child: Graham, Jamie (private)
Belyea, Berton B (1893 - 1916) - male
b. 18 FEB 1893 in Ashland, NB
d. 12 MAR 1916

father: Belyea, William Delaney "Albright" (1857 - 1943)
mother: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)

Burial - Rockland, NB

Belyea, Bessie Millicent (1888 - 1955) - female
b. 17 AUG 1888
d. 23 AUG 1955 in Ottawa, ON

father: Belyea, William Delaney "Albright" (1857 - 1943)
mother: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)
spouse: Tompkins, Arthur Charles (1893 - 1943)
- m. 8 JUL 1913 in Brandon, MB
----------child: Tompkins, Oliver Belyea (1914 - )
Belyea, Charles H (1884 - 1895) - male
b. 24 FEB 1884
d. JUL 1895

father: Belyea, William Delaney "Albright" (1857 - 1943)
mother: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)
Belyea, Diane Ruth (1940 - ) - female
b. 19 SEP 1940

father: Belyea, Maynard Mitchell (1916 - 2002)
mother: Underhill, Phyllis (1916 - )
spouse: Adams, Lloyd Douglas (1938 - )
----------child: Adams, Valerie Lynn (private)
----------child: Adams, Mitchell (private)
----------child: Adams, Marlee (private)
----------child: Adams, Tanya Ruth (private)
----------child: Adams, Twila (private)
----------child: Adams, Beth (private)
Belyea, Eugene (1918 - 1966) - male
b. 2 AUG 1918
d. 1966

father: Belyea, Michell Harry (1889 - 1947)
mother: Brown, Alma (1888 - 1948)
spouse: Crabbe, Geraldine
Belyea, Jane (1791 - 1835) - female
b. 30 NOV 1791
d. 20 OCT 1835

spouse: Flewelling, Thomas (1779 - 1861)
- m. 7 NOV 1821
----------child: Flewelling, Hannah Susanna
----------child: Flewelling, George Thomas (1826 - )
----------child: Flewelling, James Leverett (1828 - )
Belyea, John Halbert (1895 - 1960) - male
b. 3 NOV 1895 in Ashland, NB
d. 2 MAY 1960 in Woodstock, NB

father: Belyea, William Delaney "Albright" (1857 - 1943)
mother: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)

Burial - Rockland, NB

spouse: Shaw, Verna (1901 - )
- m. 18 NOV 1919
spouse: Boone, Della Jane (1896 - 1974)
- m. 2 SEP 1939 in Hartland, NB
Belyea, Judith Karen (1944 - ) - female
b. 3 FEB 1944

father: Belyea, Maynard Mitchell (1916 - 2002)
mother: Underhill, Phyllis (1916 - )
spouse: Sauders, Michael
Belyea, Larry Mitchell (1948 - ) - male
b. 12 MAR 1948

father: Belyea, Maynard Mitchell (1916 - 2002)
mother: Underhill, Phyllis (1916 - )
Belyea, Mabel Maud (1886 - 1963) - female
b. 17 JUL 1886 in Ashland, NB
d. 15 DEC 1963 in Buffalo, NY

father: Belyea, William Delaney "Albright" (1857 - 1943)
mother: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)
spouse: Little, Arthur (1890 - )
----------child: Little, Marion Belyea (1913 - 1950)
----------child: Little, Harold (1931 - )
Belyea, Margaret Madeline (1914 - ) - female
b. 1914

spouse: Hawkes, Joseph Hall (1919 - 1999)
- m. 8 AUG 1966 in Woodstock, NB
----------child: Hawkes, Ronald Joseph
----------child: Hawkes, Myrna
Belyea, Maynard Mitchell (1916 - 2002) - male
b. 18 JUN 1916
d. 10 FEB 2002 in Woodstock, NB

father: Belyea, Michell Harry (1889 - 1947)
mother: Brown, Alma (1888 - 1948)

Burial - Bannon Cemetery

spouse: Underhill, Phyllis (1916 - )
----------child: Belyea, Diane Ruth (1940 - )
----------child: Belyea, Judith Karen (1944 - )
----------child: Belyea, Larry Mitchell (1948 - )
Belyea, Michell Harry (1889 - 1947) - male
b. 21 DEC 1889 in Ashland, NB
d. 2 FEB 1947

father: Belyea, William Delaney "Albright" (1857 - 1943)
mother: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)
spouse: Brown, Alma (1888 - 1948)
----------child: Belyea, Maynard Mitchell (1916 - 2002)
----------child: Belyea, Eugene (1918 - 1966)
Belyea, Nina Doreen (1942 - ) - female
b. 14 OCT 1942 in Waterville, NB

spouse: Dickinson, Winston Wayne (1940 - )
- m. 30 NOV 1963 in Woodstock, NB
----------child: Dickinson, Michelle Alice (private)
----------child: Dickinson, Kendell Wayne (private)
Belyea, William Delaney "Albright" (1857 - 1943) - male
b. 17 FEB 1857 in Ashland, NB
d. 28 AUG 1943 in Ashland, NB

spouse: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)
----------child: Belyea, Charles H (1884 - 1895)
----------child: Belyea, Mabel Maud (1886 - 1963)
----------child: Belyea, Bessie Millicent (1888 - 1955)
----------child: Belyea, Michell Harry (1889 - 1947)
----------child: Belyea, Berton B (1893 - 1916)
----------child: Belyea, John Halbert (1895 - 1960)
Benefield, Edward Cordtney (1929 - ) - male
b. 23 DEC 1929

spouse: Lawrence, Inez Marion (1939 - )
- m. 7 NOV 1964 in Ringgold, GA
----------child: Benefield, Emanual Joseph (private)
Benefield, Emanual Joseph (private) - male
father: Benefield, Edward Cordtney (1929 - )
mother: Lawrence, Inez Marion (1939 - )
Bennett, Jeffrey - male
spouse: Bone, Debra Annette (private)
----------child: Bone, Sonya Lynn (private)
----------child: Bennett, Ryan Lewis (private)
Bennett, Marian (~1604 - ) - female
b. ABT 1604

spouse: Boone, Roger (~1610 - )
- m. BEF 1630
Bennett, Ryan Lewis (private) - male
father: Bennett, Jeffrey
mother: Bone, Debra Annette (private)
Benoit, Justine Marie (1938 - ) - female
b. 23 NOV 1938 in Benoit Office, NB

spouse: Rickard, Willis Adrian (1937 - )
- m. 24 JUN 1958 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Rickard, Paul Allison (private)
----------child: Rickard, Linda Lee (private)
----------child: Rickard, Nancy Ann (private)
----------child: Rickard, Andrew Willis (private)
Berry, Frances - female
spouse: Allen, Samuel John (1940 - )
----------child: Allen, Shirley Lee (private)
----------child: Allen, Samuel John (private)
----------child: Allen, Patrick Joseph (private)
----------child: Allen, Sandra Marie (private)
Berry, Jenny - female
spouse: Mott, Edward Hazen (1884 - 1910)
- m. 28 JAN 1905
Berry, Willard (1868 - ) - male
b. 1868 in St. Stephen, NB

spouse: Boone, Jessie Helena (1876 - 1947)
- m. 13 APR 1904 in St. Stephen, NB
Bertin, Marie Barbara (1948 - 1999) - female
b. 20 SEP 1948 in Belledune, NB
d. 13 DEC 1999 in Saint John, NB

Burial - 20 DEC 1999 Ocean View Cemetery, Saint John, NB

spouse: Lawrence, Ronald Ralph (1943 - )
- m. 16 SEP 1966 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Lawrence, Sherri Lynn (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Steven Ronald (private)
----------child: Lawrence, Scott Andrew Lawrence (private)
Berwerid, Brent (private) - male
spouse: Scott, Sheena Rae (private)
- m. 10 JUN 1983
----------child: Berwerid, Erica Leigh (private)
Berwerid, Erica Leigh (private) - female
father: Berwerid, Brent (private)
mother: Scott, Sheena Rae (private)
Besaw, Lori (private) - female
spouse: London, Kent (private)
- m. 28 NOV 1981
----------child: London, Ross (private)
Betts, Edward - male
spouse: Farrell, Becky Lynn (private)
Betts, Judith (1828 - 1912) - female
b. 4 AUG 1828 in Harmony, ME
d. 19 OCT 1912 in Orient, ME

spouse: Deering, Thomas P (1828 - 1863)
- m. 31 MAR 1848 in Orient, ME
----------child: Deering, Martha E (1848 - )
----------child: Deering, John B (1851 - )
----------child: Deering, Jacob W (1855 - )
----------child: Deering, Clarence B (1859 - )
----------child: Deering, Sarah V (1861 - )
----------child: Deering, Olive Victoria (1864 - )
spouse: Peters, Jacob (~1824 - <1900)
- m. ABT 1863
----------child: Peters, Ida M (~1869 - )
----------child: Peters, Marcus Gilbert (1874 - )
Beuree, Krista Dawn (private) - female
spouse: MacMillan, Scott Frederick (private)
- m. 28 AUG 1993
Beyer, Carol J (private) - female
spouse: Cropley, Andrew (private)
- m. 20 AUG 1988 in Park Ridge, NJ
Bidwell, Elize Charlotte (1927 - ) - female
b. 21 JUL 1927 in London, England

spouse: Lawrence, Donald Aubrey (1932 - )
- m. 8 DEC 1992 in Woodstock, NB
Bigelow, Eula - female
spouse: Boone, Clarence Bedford
----------child: Boone, Eula Ellen (1912 - )
----------child: Boone, Bernice May (1915 - )
----------child: Boone, Winnie Gray (1917 - )
----------child: Boone, Daniel S (1919 - )
----------child: Boone, Rena Blanche (1921 - )
----------child: Boone, Jean Bigelow (1924 - )
----------child: Boone, Ruth Dolis (1926 - )
----------child: Boone, Marilyn Betty (1927 - )
----------child: Boone, Clarence Bedford (1928 - )
----------child: Boone, Richard Edward (1931 - )
Bigelow, Olive - female
spouse: Kinney, Arthur Charles (1886 - 1961)
- m. 1920 in Norridgewaak, ME
----------child: Kinney, Reginald Ivan (1921 - )
----------child: Kinney, Unknown
----------child: Kinney, Madeline Grace (1924 - )
----------child: Kinney, Emerald (1927 - )
----------child: Kinney, Emery Arthur (1927 - )
----------child: Kinney, Beverly Jean (1931 - )
Biggar, Betty Bly - female
spouse: Clark, Arthur Edward (1943 - )
- m. 17 JUL 1963
----------child: Clark, Anthony Edward (private)
----------child: Clark, Katherine Marie (private)
----------child: Clark, Judy Anne (private)
----------child: Clark, Tammy Dawn (private)
Biggs, Donald Arthur (1930 - ) - male
b. 1930 in Fredericton, NB

Occupation - Stock Clerk

spouse: Boone, Jean Alice (1933 - )
- m. 21 JAN 1953 in Tay Creek, NB
Biledeau, Gina (private) - female
spouse: Beggs, Daniel (private)
----------child: Beggs, Adam Joseph (private)
Billings, Andrew John (private) - male
father: Billings, John Norman (1948 - )
mother: Hayes, Rose Margaret (private)
Billings, Angela Stacey (private) - female
father: Billings, John Norman (1948 - )
mother: Hayes, Rose Margaret (private)
Billings, John Norman (1948 - ) - male
b. 17 NOV 1948 in Cloverdale, NB

spouse: Hayes, Rose Margaret (private)
- m. 24 JUN 1973 in Woodstock, NB
----------child: Billings, Angela Stacey (private)
----------child: Billings, Andrew John (private)
Billings, Sandra (private) - female
spouse: Smith, David (private)
- m. 11 OCT 1986
Billings, Terry - male
spouse: Kennedy, Louise
Birchfield, Clarence (? - 1987) - male
d. 11 SEP 1987

spouse: Boone, Violet Elizabeth Bernice (1911 - )
Bird, Charlotte - female
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, Elizabeth Day (1872 - 1937) - female
b. 17 SEP 1872 in Keswick, NB
d. 28 OCT 1937 in Presque Isle, ME

father: Bird, Frank (1847 - )
mother: Yerxa, Harriet (1851 - )
spouse: Boone, Sherman Willard (1859 - 1936)
- m. 15 FEB 1888 in Keswick, NB
----------child: Boone, Annis Mary (1889 - 1984)
----------child: Boone, Frank Lucius (1891 - )
----------child: Boone, Ralph Willard (1892 - )
----------child: Boone, Storer Woodford (1894 - 1981)
----------child: Boone, Margaret Louise (1895 - 1988)
Bird, Frank (1847 - ) - male
b. 23 OCT 1847 in Keswick, NB

father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
spouse: Yerxa, Harriet (1851 - )
----------child: Bird, Elizabeth Day (1872 - 1937)
----------child: Bird, James (1873 - )
----------child: Bird, Woodford (1875 - )
----------child: Bird, Marie (1881 - )
Bird, Frederick - male
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, James - male
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, James (1873 - ) - male
b. 8 SEP 1873

father: Bird, Frank (1847 - )
mother: Yerxa, Harriet (1851 - )
Bird, Jane - female
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, John - male
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, Marie (1881 - ) - female
b. 13 JAN 1881 in Keswick, NB

father: Bird, Frank (1847 - )
mother: Yerxa, Harriet (1851 - )
spouse: Griffith, Benjamine
Bird, Pearl (1910 - 1993) - female
b. 1 MAY 1910
d. 28 DEC 1993 in Saint John, NB

spouse: Laskey, William Joseph (1910 - 1985)
- m. 10 SEP 1941 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Laskey, Nancy
----------child: Laskey, Judith May (1943 - )
Bird, Pothier - female
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885) - male
b. 1792 in Ireland
d. 1885 in Keswick, NB

spouse: Pugh, Charlotte
----------child: Bird, James
----------child: Bird, Frederick
----------child: Bird, Samuel
----------child: Bird, John
----------child: Bird, Charlotte
----------child: Bird, Pothier
----------child: Bird, Jane
----------child: Bird, Victoria
----------child: Bird, Frank (1847 - )
Bird, Samuel - male
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, Victoria - female
father: Bird, Robert (1792 - 1885)
mother: Pugh, Charlotte
Bird, Woodford (1875 - ) - male
b. 29 OCT 1875

father: Bird, Frank (1847 - )
mother: Yerxa, Harriet (1851 - )
Bishop, Alison (private)
father: Bishop, Frank (1942 - )
mother: Smith, Irene (1939 - )
Bishop, Cindy (private) - female
father: Bishop, Frank (1942 - )
mother: Smith, Irene (1939 - )
Bishop, Frank (1942 - ) - male
b. 22 MAR 1942 in Elgin, NB

spouse: Smith, Irene (1939 - )
- m. 7 JUL 1962
----------child: Bishop, Cindy (private)
----------child: Bishop, Heather (private)
----------child: Bishop, Alison (private)
Bishop, Glen - male
spouse: Foster, Susan (private)
----------child: Bishop, Kristy (private)
----------child: Bishop, Todd (private)
Bishop, Heather (private) - female
father: Bishop, Frank (1942 - )
mother: Smith, Irene (1939 - )
spouse: Black, Hugh (private)
- m. 10 MAY 1986
Bishop, King Edward (private) - male
father: Cropley, Grover Cleveland (1933 - 2000)
mother: Hickling, Rose (1938 - 2000)
Bishop, Kristy (private) - female
father: Bishop, Glen
mother: Foster, Susan (private)
Bishop, Todd (private) - male
father: Bishop, Glen
mother: Foster, Susan (private)
Bitgood, Steven (private) - male
spouse: Moody, Susan (private)
Bither, Marion P (1916 - 1984) - female
b. 11 SEP 1916 in Linneus, ME
d. 1 MAY 1984 in Portland, ME

Burial - Hodgdon, ME

spouse: Anderson, Ellery Earle (1912 - 1988)
- m. 11 MAR 1936 in Bar Harbor, ME
----------child: Anderson, Roger Keith (1937 - 1937)
----------child: Anderson, Rodney Dean (1938 - )
----------child: Anderson, Constance Mae (1942 - )
Black, Barbara Ann - female
spouse: Lister, Dewitt Talmage
----------child: Lister, Thomas Alexander (private)
Black, Hannah Louise (1886 - 1975) - female
b. 21 MAR 1886 in Belfast, Ireland
d. 5 JAN 1975 in St Stephen, NB

spouse: Boone, Frederick James (1886 - 1958)
- m. 27 OCT 1909 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, George Frederick (1910 - 1988)
----------child: Boone, Eileen Mary Noreen Boone (1919 - )
Black, Hugh (private) - male
spouse: Bishop, Heather (private)
- m. 10 MAY 1986
Blackie, Ala Joy (private) - female
spouse: DeMerchant, Michael Ronald (private)
----------child: DeMerchant, Joseph Danny (private)
----------child: DeMerchant, Becky Grace (private)
Blackie, Blaine (private) - male
father: Blackie, John (1928 - 2017)
mother: Howe, Gwendolyn (1928 - 2017)
Blackie, Brent (private) - male
father: Blackie, John (1928 - 2017)
mother: Howe, Gwendolyn (1928 - 2017)
Blackie, John (1928 - 2017) - male
b. 9 JUN 1928 in Fredericton, NB
d. 29 SEP 2017 in Fredericton, NB

spouse: Howe, Gwendolyn (1928 - 2017)
- m. 18 JUL 1953 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Blackie, Brent (private)
----------child: Blackie, Blaine (private)
----------child: Blackie, Lynn (private)
----------child: Blackie, Nancy (private)
----------child: Blackie, Susan (private)
Blackie, Lynn (private) - female
father: Blackie, John (1928 - 2017)
mother: Howe, Gwendolyn (1928 - 2017)
Blackie, Nancy (private) - female
father: Blackie, John (1928 - 2017)
mother: Howe, Gwendolyn (1928 - 2017)
Blackie, Rachael Ann (1848 - ) - female
b. 1848 in Oak Mountain, NB (Debec)

spouse: Jackson, John William (1846 - )
----------child: Jackson, David Elmer (1876 - )
----------child: Jackson, James Duncan (1886 - )
----------child: Jackson, John Enos (1888 - )
Blackie, Susan (private) - female
father: Blackie, John (1928 - 2017)
mother: Howe, Gwendolyn (1928 - 2017)
Blacklock, Bud - male
spouse: Bustard, Geraldine Marie (1941 - )
Blacquier, Avis Irene - female
spouse: Hartin, Ralph Allison (1928 - 2009)
- m. 22 JUN 1946 in Blackville, NB
Blaine, Anna Mary (1872 - 1970) - female
b. 3 AUG 1872 in Fredericton, NB
d. 17 JUL 1970 in Fredericton, NB

spouse: Boone, William Holland (1870 - 1942)
- m. 4 JAN 1893 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Bert Blaine (1894 - 1921)
----------child: Boone, Anna Eloise (1897 - 1898)
Blaine, William McL (1865 - ) - male
b. 1865 in Fredericton, NB

spouse: Boone, Martha Polk (~1876 - 1967)
- m. 18 JUL 1900 in Fredericton, NB
Blair, Charles Edward - male
spouse: Kennedy, Ida (1879 - )
- m. 6 JUL 1910 in McKenzie Corner, NB
Blair, Isobel - female
spouse: Boone, Marshall John (1915 - )
- m. 8 MAR 1947 in Andover, NB
Blais, Jocelyn (private) - female
spouse: Carlucci, Dana Joseph (private)
- m. 7 JAN 1977 in Suncook, NH
Blais, Justin Robert (private) - male
father: Blais, Kenneth (private)
mother: Crone, Jean (private)
Blais, Kenneth (private) - male
spouse: Crone, Jean (private)
----------child: Blais, Justin Robert (private)
----------child: Blais, Sadie Rolande (private)
Blais, Sadie Rolande (private) - female
father: Blais, Kenneth (private)
mother: Crone, Jean (private)
Blake, Eleanor Mae - female
spouse: Brown, Leroy Maxell (1924 - )
- m. 19 JUN 1949
----------child: Brown, Kevin (private)
----------child: Brown, Melony (private)
Blake, Lorraine Susan - female
spouse: McQuarrie, Steven Harold (1947 - )
- m. 20 JUN 1970
----------child: McQuarrie, Jonathon Parker (private)
----------child: McQuarrie, Sara Helen (private)
Blake, Nancy Jean (private) - female
spouse: McQuarrie, Thomas Hallie (1950 - )
- m. 31 JUL 1976
Blake, Rebecca (private) - female
spouse: Cropley, Terry Wayne (private)
----------child: Cropley, Lindsey (private)
----------child: Cropley, Lee (private)
----------child: Cropley, Lacie (private)
Blakely, Johanna (1874 - 1946) - female
b. OCT 1874 in Napam, NB
d. 4 MAY 1946 in Chatham, NB

spouse: O'Hearn, Patrick (1867 - 1960)
----------child: O'Hearn, Mary Elizabeth (1900 - )
----------child: O'Hearn, Frances
----------child: O'Hearn, Patrick
----------child: O'Hearn, Nora
----------child: O'Hearn, Sarah Ellen Gertrude (1907 - 1985)
Blanchard, Amanda (1845 - ) - female
b. 1845

father: Blanchard, George Washington (1818 - 1901)
mother: Bubar, Francis (1818 - 1895)
Blanchard, Annie (1856 - ) - female
b. 1856

father: Blanchard, George Washington (1818 - 1901)
mother: Bubar, Francis (1818 - 1895)
Blanchard, Charles Alton (1927 - 2000) - male
b. 3 JUN 1927 in Danforth, ME
d. 17 OCT 2000 in Biddeford, ME

father: Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960)
mother: Eldridge, Edna Merle (1900 - 1952)
Blanchard, David D (1848 - 1900) - male
b. 1848 in East Bridgewater, MA
d. 18 JUL 1900

father: Blanchard, George Washington (1818 - 1901)
mother: Bubar, Francis (1818 - 1895)
spouse: Hayes, Charity (1841 - )
- m. 20 MAR 1868 in Lee, Maine
Blanchard, George (1853 - 1903) - male
b. 1853 in Lee, ME
d. 16 NOV 1903

father: Blanchard, George Washington (1818 - 1901)
mother: Bubar, Francis (1818 - 1895)
spouse: Patterson, Julia (~1856 - )
----------child: Blanchard, Millage Andrew (? - 1965)
----------child: Blanchard, Perley
----------child: Blanchard, Olie
----------child: Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960)
Blanchard, George Washington (1818 - 1901) - male
b. 22 JAN 1818 in East Bridgewater, MA
d. 1 MAR 1901

spouse: Bubar, Francis (1818 - 1895)
- m. 31 DEC 1840
----------child: Blanchard, Amanda (1845 - )
----------child: Blanchard, Joseph (1846 - 1929)
----------child: Blanchard, David D (1848 - 1900)
----------child: Blanchard, George (1853 - 1903)
----------child: Blanchard, Lorinda (1855 - 1865)
----------child: Blanchard, Annie (1856 - )
Blanchard, Joseph (1846 - 1929) - male
b. 21 FEB 1846 in East Bridgewater, MA
d. 1929

father: Blanchard, George Washington (1818 - 1901)
mother: Bubar, Francis (1818 - 1895)
Came from USA to Canada in 1870 as did his wife Anna
spouse: McKenney, Georgianna (1855 - 1939)
Blanchard, Julian Patricia (1919 - 2001) - female
b. 13 JUL 1919 in Vanceboro, ME
d. 2 FEB 2001 in Harrington, ME

father: Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960)
mother: Eldridge, Edna Merle (1900 - 1952)
Blanchard, Lorinda (1855 - 1865) - female
b. 1855
d. 1865 in Lee, ME

father: Blanchard, George Washington (1818 - 1901)
mother: Bubar, Francis (1818 - 1895)
Blanchard, Melvina - female
spouse: Lewis, Almon
----------child: Lewis, Lindon Lincoln (1861 - 1936)
Blanchard, Millage Andrew (? - 1965) - male
d. 23 FEB 1965 in Danforth, ME

father: Blanchard, George (1853 - 1903)
mother: Patterson, Julia (~1856 - )
spouse: Lounder, Kitty (? - 1919)
- m. 9 SEP 1904
Blanchard, Olie - male
father: Blanchard, George (1853 - 1903)
mother: Patterson, Julia (~1856 - )
Blanchard, Pearl Catherine (1924 - 1988) - female
b. 2 APR 1924 in Mattawaumkeag, ME
d. 7 DEC 1988 in Portland, ME

father: Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960)
mother: Eldridge, Edna Merle (1900 - 1952)
Blanchard, Perley - male
father: Blanchard, George (1853 - 1903)
mother: Patterson, Julia (~1856 - )
Blanchard, Roy Millage (1925 - 1986) - male
b. 13 JUL 1925 in Mattawaumkeag, ME
d. 3 JAN 1986 in Augusta, ME

father: Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960)
mother: Eldridge, Edna Merle (1900 - 1952)
Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960) - male
b. 8 SEP 1895
d. 29 JUN 1960 in Portland, ME

father: Blanchard, George (1853 - 1903)
mother: Patterson, Julia (~1856 - )
spouse: Eldridge, Edna Merle (1900 - 1952)
- m. MAY 1918
----------child: Blanchard, Julian Patricia (1919 - 2001)
----------child: Blanchard, Vivian Etta (1922 - )
----------child: Blanchard, Pearl Catherine (1924 - 1988)
----------child: Blanchard, Roy Millage (1925 - 1986)
----------child: Blanchard, Charles Alton (1927 - 2000)
----------child: Blanchard, Velma Nora Almyra (1930 - 1979)
Blanchard, Velma Nora Almyra (1930 - 1979) - female
b. 22 JAN 1930 in Vanceboro, ME
d. 21 JUN 1979 in Portland, ME

father: Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960)
mother: Eldridge, Edna Merle (1900 - 1952)
Blanchard, Vivian Etta (1922 - ) - female
b. 4 AUG 1922

father: Blanchard, Roy Olden (1895 - 1960)
mother: Eldridge, Edna Merle (1900 - 1952)
Blinn, Gail Ann (1946 - ) - female
b. 15 FEB 1946

father: Blinn, Nelson Joseph
mother: McQuarrie, Doris Anne (1920 - 1999)
spouse: Ewings, Harold H
- m. 25 JUN 1965
----------child: Ewings, Joseph H (private)
----------child: Ewings, Bradley Allen (private)
Blinn, Joseph Nelson (1944 - 1944) - male
b. 12 APR 1944
d. 12 APR 1944

father: Blinn, Nelson Joseph
mother: McQuarrie, Doris Anne (1920 - 1999)
Blinn, Mary Ellen (1948 - ) - female
b. 10 DEC 1948

father: Blinn, Nelson Joseph
mother: McQuarrie, Doris Anne (1920 - 1999)
spouse: Horten, Kent A
- m. 7 APR 1967
----------child: Horten, Tracy Sue (private)
----------child: Horten, Jill Marie (private)
Blinn, Nelson Joseph - male
spouse: McQuarrie, Doris Anne (1920 - 1999)
- m. 17 NOV 1941
----------child: Blinn, Joseph Nelson (1944 - 1944)
----------child: Blinn, Gail Ann (1946 - )
----------child: Blinn, Mary Ellen (1948 - )
----------child: Blinn, Rhoda Mae (private)
----------child: Blinn, Rose Marie (private)
Blinn, Rhoda Mae (private) - female
father: Blinn, Nelson Joseph
mother: McQuarrie, Doris Anne (1920 - 1999)
spouse: Dow, Terry
- m. 18 MAY 1968
----------child: Dow, Angie Leigh (private)
----------child: Dow, Greg Allsion (private)
Blinn, Rose Marie (private) - female
father: Blinn, Nelson Joseph
mother: McQuarrie, Doris Anne (1920 - 1999)
Blume, Werner Frederick (1940 - ) - male
b. 1940

spouse: Bustard, Marie Virginia (1941 - )
- m. 8 JUL 1961 in Pennfield, NB
Boardman, Amey Etta (1893 - 1952) - female
b. 18 JUL 1893 in Canterbury, NB
d. 18 OCT 1952 in North Lake, NB

father: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
mother: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)

Burial - 1952 in Fosterville Lower Cemetery

spouse: Smith, Floyd Cosman (1892 - 1969)
- m. 1917
----------child: Smith, Doris Helen (1918 - 2003)
----------child: Smith, Myra Gladys (1919 - 2010)
----------child: Smith, Shirley Louise (1928 - 2000)
Boardman, Andrew Earl (1904 - 1969) - male
b. 10 SEP 1904 in Canterbury, NB
d. 3 FEB 1969 in Bangor, ME

father: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
mother: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
spouse: McLaughlin, Josephine (1917 - 1989)
- m. 11 MAR 1933 in Woodstock NB
Boardman, Elizabeth (1891 - 1951) - female
b. 3 APR 1891 in Canterbury, NB
d. 17 FEB 1951

father: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
mother: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
spouse: Crane, Jasper
----------child: Crane, Gloria
----------child: Crane, Daughter
----------child: Crane, Clifford
----------child: Crane, LeRoy
Boardman, Ellen Linton (1898 - ) - female
b. 29 AUG 1898 in Canterbury, NB

father: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
mother: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
spouse: Hartin, Kenneth Guy (1897 - )
- m. 11 NOV 1926 in Canterbury, NB
----------child: Hartin, Ralph Allison (1928 - 2009)
----------child: Hartin, John William (1935 - 2011)
Boardman, George (1888 - 1950) - male
b. 9 AUG 1888 in Canterbury, NB
d. 11 MAR 1950 in Calgary, AB

father: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
mother: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
spouse: Gudmunston, Violet Dorothy (1898 - 1963)
- m. 22 MAR 1916 in Calgary, AB
Boardman, George Edward (1938 - ) - male
b. 1938 in Canterbury, NB

father: Boardman, W. Saxon (1902 - )
mother: Cummings, Marion (1913 - 1940)
spouse: Somerville, Alice Christina (1940 - )
Boardman, Pauline (1935 - ) - female
b. 1935

father: Boardman, W. Saxon (1902 - )
mother: Cummings, Marion (1913 - 1940)
spouse: Wright, Willard Garfield (1933 - )
Boardman, Sarah (1887 - ) - female
b. 11 JAN 1887 in Canterbury, NB

father: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
mother: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
spouse: Patterson, Eden
----------child: Patterson, Bascelia Elizabeth (1926 - )
Boardman, W. Saxon (1902 - ) - male
b. 28 JUL 1902 in Canterbury, NB

father: Boardman, William (1854 - 1924)
mother: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
spouse: Cummings, Marion (1913 - 1940)
- m. 2 DEC 1931 in Canterbury, NB
----------child: Boardman, Pauline (1935 - )
----------child: Boardman, George Edward (1938 - )
Boardman, William (1854 - 1924) - male
b. 10 SEP 1854 in Canterbury, NB
d. 11 MAR 1924 in Canterbury, NB

spouse: Shannon, Elizabeth (1863 - 1935)
----------child: Boardman, Sarah (1887 - )
----------child: Boardman, George (1888 - 1950)
----------child: Boardman, Elizabeth (1891 - 1951)
----------child: Boardman, Amey Etta (1893 - 1952)
----------child: Boardman, Ellen Linton (1898 - )
----------child: Boardman, W. Saxon (1902 - )
----------child: Boardman, Andrew Earl (1904 - 1969)
Bodaly, Joyce Elaine (1943 - ) - female
b. 1943 in Saint John, NB

spouse: McKinney, Robert Floyd (1939 - 1994)
- m. 9 OCT 1970 in Westfield, NB
Bodenheimer, B.J. (private) - male
father: Charter, James Brock (private)
mother: Embry, Catherine Louise (private)
Boivin, Albina Theresa (1886 - 1958) - female
b. 30 MAY 1886 in Windham, ME
d. 15 FEB 1958 in Monson, ME

spouse: Durgin, Maurice Bartholomew (1887 - 1979)
- m. 8 FEB 1910 in Portland, ME
----------child: Durgin, Raymond (1910 - 1910)
----------child: Durgin, Dorothy (1911 - 2006)
----------child: Durgin, Maurice B. (1914 - 2004)
----------child: Durgin, Austin Gregory (1915 - 1985)
Bolger, Angela (private) - female
father: Bolger, John
mother: Armour, Joan
Bolger, Jeffrey (private) - female
father: Bolger, John
mother: Armour, Joan
Bolger, John - male
spouse: Armour, Joan
----------child: Bolger, Jeffrey (private)
----------child: Bolger, John Andrew (private)
----------child: Bolger, Angela (private)
Bolger, John Andrew (private) - male
father: Bolger, John
mother: Armour, Joan
Bond, Penny (private) - female
spouse: McKissick, Larry Dean (private)
Bone, Debra Annette (private) - female
father: Bone, Reubin Lewis (1930 - )
mother: Walls, June Roberta (1933 - 2006)
spouse: Garribotto, John
spouse: Bennett, Jeffrey
----------child: Bone, Sonya Lynn (private)
----------child: Bennett, Ryan Lewis (private)
spouse: Otis, James
Bone, Reubin Lewis (1930 - ) - male
b. 21 JAN 1930 in Buffalo, MO

spouse: Walls, June Roberta (1933 - 2006)
- m. 2 NOV 1951 in Brewer, ME
----------child: Bone, Debra Annette (private)
----------child: Bone, Thomas Newton (private)
----------child: Bone, Susan Valerie (private)
Bone, Sonya Lynn (private) - female
father: Bennett, Jeffrey
mother: Bone, Debra Annette (private)
Bone, Susan Valerie (private) - female
father: Bone, Reubin Lewis (1930 - )
mother: Walls, June Roberta (1933 - 2006)
spouse: Wing, Timothy (private)
spouse: Dailey, Terry (private)
spouse: Wheeler, Steven (private)
----------child: Wheeler, Amanda Louise (private)
Bone, Thomas Newton (private) - male
father: Bone, Reubin Lewis (1930 - )
mother: Walls, June Roberta (1933 - 2006)
Bonnar, Carol Florence (1934 - ) - female
b. 21 APR 1934 in Fredericton, NB

father: Bonnar, Everett James (1910 - )
mother: Rickard, Florence Eliza (1912 - 1992)
spouse: Lindsay, Donald Lloyd (1931 - )
- m. 31 DEC 1953 in Burton, NB
----------child: Lindsay, John Everett (private)
----------child: Lindsay, Dianna Carol (private)
----------child: Lindsay, Theodore Donald (private)
Bonnar, Eileen Charlotte (1938 - ) - female
b. 26 SEP 1938 in Fredericton, NB

father: Bonnar, Everett James (1910 - )
mother: Rickard, Florence Eliza (1912 - 1992)
spouse: Johnson, Alden Foster (1937 - )
- m. 29 JUN 1957 in Burton, NB
----------child: Johnson, Bonnie Lynn (private)
----------child: Johnson, Linda Lou (private)
----------child: Johnson, Dale Lester (private)
----------child: Johnson, Darlene Donna (private)
Bonnar, Evelyn Mary (1936 - ) - female
b. 26 JUL 1936 in Fredericton, NB

father: Bonnar, Everett James (1910 - )
mother: Rickard, Florence Eliza (1912 - 1992)
spouse: Carr, Garnett Dennis (1931 - 1971)
- m. 1 NOV 1952 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Carr, Dennis Garnet (private)
----------child: Carr, Joy Myrtle Eileen (private)
----------child: Carr, Susan Joelle (private)
spouse: Fraser, Vaughn Reginald (1939 - )
- m. 31 DEC 1977 in Geary, NB
Bonnar, Everett James (1910 - ) - male
b. 6 MAR 1910 in Fredericton, NB

spouse: Rickard, Florence Eliza (1912 - 1992)
- m. 22 JUN 1933 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Bonnar, Carol Florence (1934 - )
----------child: Bonnar, Evelyn Mary (1936 - )
----------child: Bonnar, Eileen Charlotte (1938 - )
Bonner, Andrew (private) - male
spouse: Borg, Sherylann (private)
- m. SEP 1980
----------child: Bonner, Timothy (private)
----------child: Bonner, Christopher (private)
Bonner, Christopher (private) - male
father: Bonner, Andrew (private)
mother: Borg, Sherylann (private)
Bonner, Timothy (private) - male
father: Bonner, Andrew (private)
mother: Borg, Sherylann (private)
Boone*, Eleanor (1821 - 1861) - female
b. 1821
d. 14 JAN 1861

Burial - Burtt's Corner, NB

spouse: Boone, John James (1808 - 1861)
- m. BEF 1837
----------child: Boone, Emma Renzy (1838 - )
----------child: Boone, Milford (1840 - 1859)
----------child: Boone, Cilus (1842 - )
----------child: Boone, Abiatha (1844 - 1862)
Boone*, Lorrie (private) - female
spouse: Boone, Lorne Dwight (1957 - 2002)
----------child: Boone, Joshua (private)
----------child: Boone, Robin (private)
Boone, Aaron (1855 - ) - male
b. 1855

father: Boone, Henry (1817 - 1886)
mother: White, Ruth (1821 - 1884)
Died young with TB

Boone, Abiatha (1844 - 1862) - male
b. 1844
d. 12 FEB 1862

father: Boone, John James (1808 - 1861)
mother: Boone*, Eleanor (1821 - 1861)

Burial - in Burtt's Corner, NB

Boone, Abigail (1723 - ) - female
b. 13 APR 1723 in Rhode Island

father: Boone, Samuel (1686 - 1766)
mother: Sweet, Mary (1685 - ~1760)
spouse: Smith, Ephram
- m. 4 APR 1741
Boone, Abigail (1831 - 1917) - female
b. 22 JUN 1831 in Tracy, NB
d. 1 OCT 1917 in Tracy, NB

father: Boone, Everett DeWitt (1798 - 1835)
mother: Nason, Sarah (1791 - 1873)
spouse: Nason, Lemuel (1831 - 1885)
- m. 12 SEP 1854
Boone, Abigail (1886 - 1980) - female
b. 1886 in Dorn Ridge, NB
d. 12 JAN 1980

father: Boone, Richardson (1844 - 1897)
mother: Lawrence, Abigail (1853 - 1886)
spouse: Fogg, Herbert
Boone, Abigail Elizabeth (1798 - 1877) - female
b. 29 SEP 1798
d. 29 DEC 1877

father: Boone, Henry (1774 - 1846)
mother: White, Ann
spouse: Sisson, Humphrey (1794 - 1863)
Boone, Abigale E (1851 - 1927) - female
b. 16 AUG 1851 in St. Mary's, NB
d. 18 JUN 1927 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Samuel (1824 - 1903)
mother: Jones, Temperance (1827 - )
spouse: Brewer, William Kyle (1843 - 1928)
- m. 6 OCT 1868 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Abraham (~1787 - 1813) - male
b. ABT 1787
d. 1813 in Niagara Falls, ON

father: Boone, Samuel (1764 - 1848)
mother: DeWitt, Catherine Katie (1765 - 1855)
Boone, Absolom F (1873 - 1892) - male
b. 1873
d. 7 APR 1892

father: Boone, James E (1837 - 1890)
mother: Boone, Basheba (~1837 - >1890)
Boone, Adaline (~1869 - ) - female
b. ABT 1869

father: Boone, Samuel (1819 - 1889)
mother: Haines, Margaret (~1826 - 1905)
Boone, Adelaide (1868 - 1951) - female
b. 4 SEP 1868 in St Marys, NB
d. 4 SEP 1951 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Samuel (1819 - 1889)
mother: Haines, Margaret (~1826 - 1905)
spouse: Shields, Ernest
----------child: Shields, Iva (1890 - )
----------child: Shields, Ottie Ernest (1893 - )
----------child: Shields, Sarah May (1895 - )
Boone, Adelbert Harvey (1939 - 2020) - male
b. 16 FEB 1939
d. 22 MAR 2020 in Dover Foxcroft, ME

father: Boone, Richard Leon (1902 - 1971)
mother: Higgins, Hope Margaret (1906 - 1993)
DOVER-FOXCROFT - Bert Boone, 81, died at home March 22, 2020, after courageously battling kidney failure. Born February 16, 1939 in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine to Richard and Hope Boone.
Bert is survived by Joeene, loving wife of 60 years; sons Tom and Tim Boone; daughter Laurie Smith and husband Brian; grandchildren TJ Boone and wife Kayla, Ashley Robinson and husband Alex, Dustin Boone, Morgan Cameron and husband Clifford; great grandchildren Natalie, Samuel and Jace Robinson, Jeffrey, Norianna and Cedar Boone, Aubrey and Dustin Boone Jr.; also sister Clarice Sloat-Call; and several loving nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by six brothers and sisters.
Bert served in the Air Force as a jet mechanic and later spent much of his career cutting wood or sawing lumber, but mostly he loved working in the woods with his horses. In retirement, if not spending time on the farm "outback" he could be found repurposing vehicles at the shop and recently converted a golf cart into a sawmill. He had many special friends and was known for his generosity and his "work is never done" attitude.
spouse: Gilman, Joeene
- m. 26 SEP 1959
----------child: Boone, Thomas Ralph (private)
----------child: Boone, Timothy Richard (private)
----------child: Boone, Laurie Ann (private)
Boone, Agnes (1874 - 1894) - female
b. 1 MAY 1874
d. 14 AUG 1894

father: Boone, Nathan (1841 - 1902)
mother: Lynch, Hannah (1840 - 1915)
spouse: Stickles, Thomas
- m. 28 JUN 1893 in Zealand Station, NB
----------child: Stickles, daughter (1894 - )
Boone, Alan Woodford (1936 - ) - male
b. 28 DEC 1936

father: Boone, Storer Woodford (1894 - 1981)
mother: McGregor, Phebe Lewis
spouse: Carson, Gayle Marlene (1940 - )
- m. 16 MAY 1981 in Bar Harbor, ME
Boone, Albert (1849 - 1933) - male
b. 14 MAY 1849 in Devon, NB
d. 18 JAN 1933 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, Samuel (1819 - 1889)
mother: Haines, Margaret (~1826 - 1905)
spouse: Hanselpacker, Amelia (1852 - 1933)
- m. 19 AUG 1874
----------child: Boone, Margaret (1875 - 1881)
----------child: Boone, Elizabeth (1877 - 1959)
----------child: Boone, Minnie (1879 - 1879)
----------child: Boone, George (1879 - 1879)
----------child: Boone, Ella Maria (1882 - )
----------child: Boone, Ernest (~1886 - 1912)
Boone, Albert (~1872 - ) - male
b. ABT 1872

father: Boone, James (1847 - 1883)
mother: Haines, Alexandrina (1849 - 1936)
Boone, Albert - male
father: Boone, Hazen LeRoy (1900 - 1967)
mother: Coyle, Helen Marguerite (1903 - 1994)
Boone, Albert Blair (1894 - 1911) - male
b. 9 OCT 1894 in Milford, MA
d. 26 DEC 1911 in Milford, MA

father: Boone, Spafford Barker (1856 - 1928)
mother: Cross, Elizabeth Jane (1861 - 1945)
Boone, Albert Edred (1860 - 1866) - male
b. 5 MAR 1860 in Geary, NB
d. 20 MAY 1866

father: Boone, Samuel (1829 - 1907)
mother: Smith, Rebecca Elizabeth (1834 - 1922)
Boone, Albert Ernest (1892 - 1964) - male
b. 8 FEB 1892 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 28 JUL 1964 in Fredericton Jct., NB

father: Boone, William Moran (1865 - 1950)
mother: Smith, Mary Samantha (1871 - 1934)

Burial - 30 JUL 1964 at Fredericton Jct., NB

spouse: Howe, Nettie (1898 - 1918)
spouse: Smith, Nellie Alberta (1900 - 1984)
- m. 27 APR 1920
----------child: Boone, Ernest William Rainsford (1921 - 1977)
----------child: Boone, Emma Mary Jane (1922 - )
----------child: Boone, Moran Andrew (1923 - )
----------child: Boone, Leonard Whitfield (? - 2004)
----------child: Boone, Myrtle Metitia (1936 - )
Boone, Aldrada May (1872 - 1944) - female
b. 30 NOV 1872 in Fredericton Junction, NB
d. 16 SEP 1944 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Charles Everett (~1846 - )
mother: Carr, Victoria (1848 - 1938)
spouse: Saunders, Frank Pierce (1868 - 1949)
Boone, Alexander (1812 - 1898) - male
b. 1 APR 1812 in Geary, NB
d. 22 NOV 1898 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, William Hull (1766 - 1849)
mother: Hayward, Ann (1768 - 1845)

Burial - Branch Road Cemetery, Gary, NB

spouse: Smith, Hannah (1811 - 1835)
- m. 21 FEB 1833 in Burton, NB
----------child: Boone, Isaiah (1834 - 1852)
----------child: Boone, Infant (1835 - 1835)
spouse: Mead, Ann (1815 - 1898)
- m. 20 FEB 1837 in Burton, NB
----------child: Boone, Charlotte (~1839 - 1861)
----------child: Boone, Mary A (1840 - 1841)
----------child: Boone, Emily (~1842 - )
----------child: Boone, Letitia (1843 - 1843)
----------child: Boone, Rebecca F J (1844 - 1844)
----------child: Boone, George W (1844 - 1845)
----------child: Boone, Charles (~1846 - )
----------child: Boone, Henry A (~1848 - )
----------child: Boone, William Harvey (1848 - 1930)
Boone, Alexander (1827 - 1924) - male
b. 12 JUN 1827 in Sunbury Co., NB
d. 2 JUL 1924 in Green Mountain, NB

father: Boone, George (1796 - 1855)
mother: Haines, Mary (1808 - 1901)
1901 census lists Scovil {Byram - Unknown if this his last name or first name.?} as his adopted son born Jan 11, 1899. Scovil always went by the name "Boone" A granddaughter, Gertude Wood living with Alex and Sarah at time of 1901 census According to the 1871 census for York County, Alex and family were living in Lincoln, about where the Princess Margaret Bridge is located today. Sometime in the next two years, he moved bag and baggage to Green Mountain, NB to live in a cabin on the land known locally as the "Albert Field" (referring to property owned at one time by Albert Veysey.) Since the community was only about a dozen years settled, it is possible he moved because of employment as a "joiner", or carpenter. His uncle, Joseph Boone, was already living there, so it is possible some influence came from that direction. It is interesting to speculate the means and route Alex took to reach his destination. Most accounts state there were no roads to speak of, other than a wagon trail, linking Fosterville, Green Mountain and North Lake to Canterbury (where present day Meductic stands). Presumably, he came from Fredericton on a steamboat to Canterbury then overland. Did he have his own horse(s)? Household goods? Wagon to carry them? It seems most likely that he did because no chance of acquiring these items in that remote section of the country.It is also possible he may have been part of a group movement. Buckingham's and Cropley's from nearby Sunbury County and Queens took up residency in North Lake around the same time.How long he remained in the cabin is unknown. But on Nov 12, 1883, he purchased for $600, property known as Lot #16, from Joseph H Hall, his son in law. Located on the south side of the community at the foot of what became known as the "Boone Hill", the farm boasted 100 acres, over half of it in standing timber. Nearly 70 years later, his grandson, Basil (my father) would buy the property from Warden Boone, another grandson.On Sep 16, 1895, Alex needed some ready cash which he obtained by taking out a mortgage on the farm for $200 with George Coulter, Douglas, NB (Vol 105, Page 355, LRO, Fredericton). It took him nine years to pay it off.According to notes by Inez (Foster) Lounder, Alex continued with his carpentry to an advanced age. He built the school at Green Mountain around 1880 and the church in 1895. Eve Veysey mentions in her diary around this time that Alex is still working on the pews.Basil Boone remembers his grandfather as a witty individual always ready with a flip remark. For instance on returning home one day from his regular visit with his Granddaughter, Gertude Wood (married to Wesley Vantassel) at the "Point", he was asked by Sarah if Gertrude was glad to see him. Alex said he didn't know; she didn't say and she didn't wag her tail. "Hmmmph!" said Sarah.North Lake, Oct. 4, 1913 - A very enjoyable event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boone on Thursday, Sept. 25th, it being the 62nd anniversary of their wedding. A goodly number were present. Chief among the gatherings was Rev. J.E. Flewelling, rector of Canterbury, who made very pleasing remarks to the wedding party. A supper was given about five p.m. The first table consisted of the bride and groom and the family, of which only one son and one daughter were present. (A guess would be Charles, who lived with them, and Margaret who lived across the road.) Rev. Mr. Flewelling graced the head of the table.
Mr. and Mrs. Boone received may useful and costly presents, consisting of a substantial sum of money. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wetmore’s gift was $5 in gold.
After an enjoyable time amidst jokes and hearty laughter, the guests in a body wished Mr. and Mrs. Boone sincere wishes for years of happiness together. Everyone expressed themselves well pleased with the time spent and left for their home at 9:30 p.m. They would enjoy another 11 years of wedded bliss.

Burial - Fosterville, NB

spouse: Perry, Sarah (1832 - 1927)
- m. 25 SEP 1851 in Burton, NB
----------child: Boone, Elizabeth Mary (1852 - 1948)
----------child: Boone, Margaret Amelia (1855 - 1933)
----------child: Boone, George Edward (1856 - 1946)
----------child: Boone, Henry Harvey (1859 - 1956)
----------child: Boone, Anne (1862 - 1937)
----------child: Boone, William Warden (1864 - 1941)
----------child: Boone, Alice Cecelia (1867 - 1956)
----------child: Boone, Charles Frederick (1872 - 1937)
Boone, Alexander (1881 - 1972) - male
b. 13 OCT 1881 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 25 AUG 1972 in Eastport, ME

father: Boone, Henry Harvey (1859 - 1956)
mother: Vatassel, Martha Sophia (1862 - 1947)

Burial - Eastport, ME

spouse: Lenfast, Vonie May (1887 - 1983)
- m. JUN 1904 in Orient, ME
----------child: Boone, Herman Audley (1906 - 1977)
----------child: Boone, Theresa Irene (1908 - 1995)
----------child: Boone, Eldon John (1910 - 1996)
----------child: Boone, Howard Delmonte (1913 - 1998)
----------child: Boone, Villa Beatrice (1915 - 1998)
----------child: Boone, Fred Linwood (1918 - 2006)
----------child: Boone, Myrtle Georgie (1919 - 2002)
----------child: Boone, Helen Kathleen (1922 - )
----------child: Boone, Elizabeth M (1924 - )
----------child: Boone, Winnie Muriel (1926 - 2014)
----------child: Boone, Rena L (1927 - 1947)
----------child: Boone, Martha P (1929 - )
Boone, Alexander Donald (private) - male
father: Boone, Cedric Donald (private)
mother: Tibbits, Maureen Ann (private)
Boone, Alfred Fraser (1913 - 1976) - male
b. 26 JUN 1913 in Waterville, NB
d. 10 FEB 1976 in Oromocto, NB

father: Boone, Marvin Allison (1884 - 1965)
mother: Smith, Etta Idella Maude (1889 - 1972)
Married at the parsonage of the Brunswick St. Baptist Church by Rev Guiou.

Burial - Boone Family Plot, Lower Cemetery, Geary, NB

spouse: Wood, Eunice Hester (1916 - 1988)
- m. 4 JUN 1935 in Brunswick St. Baptist Church, NB
----------child: Boone, Madeleen Florence (1937 - )
----------child: Boone, Lois Alberta (1939 - )
----------child: Boone, Alfred Harlan (1944 - )
----------child: Boone, Duane Frederick (1950 - )
----------child: Boone, Ian Jerome (private)
Boone, Alfred Harlan (1944 - ) - male
b. 11 DEC 1944 in Victoria Public Hospital, NB

father: Boone, Alfred Fraser (1913 - 1976)
mother: Wood, Eunice Hester (1916 - 1988)
spouse: Miller-Demerchant, Patricia (private)
- m. 14 FEB 1990
Boone, Alice (1910 - 2009) - female
b. 12 AUG 1910 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 3 FEB 2009 in Weston, ME

father: Boone, Charles Frederick (1872 - 1937)
mother: Taylor, Pearl Edna (1886 - 1972)
Alice B. Gilpatrick, R.N., 98, wife of the late Roland Gilpatrick, died Feb 3, 2009, at her home in Weston. She was born Aug. 12, 1910, in North Lake, New Brunswick, the daughter of Charles F. and Pearl (Taylor) Boone. Alice was a registered nurse for 38 years. After her retirement she remained active in nursing, helping people in her surrounding area. Alice worked on the dairy farm with her husband and operated some of the equipment. She was one of the founders of East Grand Health Center and served on the board of directors. She was a member of Danforth Baptist Church and played the organ there for many years. She served on the board of directors of Danforth Residential Center. Alice was a member of Danforth Garden Club, the Knitting Guild, a local area book club, Aroostook Hospital Alumni Association, Houlton Regional Hospital Auxiliary, the school board and the Grange. She was a wonderful neighbor who would stop and visit going to or returning from work. A special thanks goes to all of Alice's caregivers and Dr. Ted Sussman. She is survived by a foster son, Sheldon Barker of Weston; three grandchildren, Christine McLaughlin, Susan Barker and William Barker; and their mother, Shirley Barker; four great-grandchildren, one great-great-grandchild; special friends, Gertrude Bartlett and Mildred Faulkner; many nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends too numerous to name. In addition to her husband, Roland; and her parents, she was predeceased by two sisters, Gwen Way and Winifred Smith. Friends may call 6-8 p.m. Thursday at Clay Funeral Home-Bartlett Chapel, 24 Houlton Road, Danforth, and noon- 2 p.m. Friday at Danforth Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Friday at the church with the Rev. Peter Grenier officiating. Friends and family are invited to a gathering after the funeral at First Settlers Lodge, Weston. Spring interment will be at Danforth Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Breast Cancer Association or Danforth Baptist Church. Donations may be left at the funeral home. For an online guest book, please visit

Burial - 22 MAY 2009 at Danforth, ME

spouse: Gilpatrick, Roland B (1910 - 1993)
- m. 8 JAN 1946 in Bar Harbor, ME
Boone, Alice Cecelia (1867 - 1956) - female
b. 8 AUG 1867 in Oromocto, NB
d. 20 FEB 1956 in Kirkland, NB

father: Boone, Alexander (1827 - 1924)
mother: Perry, Sarah (1832 - 1927)

Burial - 22 FEB 1956 at Kirkland, NB

spouse: Bustard, John (1862 - 1928)
----------child: Bustard, William Henry (1890 - 1900)
----------child: Bustard, John Hazen (1893 - )
----------child: Bustard, Andrew A. (1895 - )
----------child: Bustard, Mabel (1896 - )
----------child: Bustard, Glendelia (1899 - 1989)
----------child: Bustard, Sarah Fay (1901 - )
----------child: Bustard, Charles Raymond (1903 - 1970)
----------child: Bustard, David Kennedy (1904 - 1991)
----------child: Bustard, Arthur Chester (1909 - )
Boone, Alice Maude (1888 - 1965) - female
b. 16 APR 1888 in Fredericton NB
d. 28 NOV 1965 in Somerville, MA

father: Boone, Charles Humphrey (1858 - 1933)
mother: Ward, Elizabeth Charlotte (1848 - 1924)
spouse: Reddy, Eugene Thomas (1888 - 1955)
Boone, Alice May (1869 - 1939) - female
b. 12 JUN 1869 in Geary, NB
d. 19 JAN 1939 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, James Whitman (1831 - 1904)
mother: Carr, Hannah E (1837 - )
spouse: Brown, Daniel
Boone, Alicia Dawn (1986 - 2012) - female
b. 6 MAR 1986
d. 6 NOV 2012 in Fredericton NB

father: Boone, Dewayne Curtis (private)
mother: Derrick, Jerilynn Marie (private)
Alicia D. Boone of Nackawic, NB passed away November 6, 2012 at Fredericton, NB. Born at Fredericton, NB in 1986, she was a daughter of Dewayne and Jerilynn (Derrick) Boone.Alicia is survived by her parents of Nackawic, NB; three sisters, Julianne Boone, Erin Boone, both of Nackawic, NB and Kristy Boone (Joel), Douglas, NB; eight nieces and nephews, Michael, Marissa, Maria, Marielle, McKade, Dakota, Abigail and Alexandra; her maternal grandmother, Glenna Derrick, Canterbury, NB; several aunts, uncles and cousins.She was predeceased by her maternal grandfather, Eugene Derrick, paternal grandparents, Lois and Leslie Boone and an uncle Rickie Boone.A funeral service was held at Flewelling Funeral Home, 585 Otis Drive, Nackawic, NB on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Ryan Farrell and Rev. Wayne Flowers officiating. Words of Remembrance was delivered by her sister, Erin Boone. Rev. Farrell shared Remembrances written by several family members. Special music was provided by by Rev. Flowers who sang and played the guitar as well as by soloist and organist, Kim White. A private interment took place at Otis Cemetery. A reception followed at the funeral home.Pallbearers were Jason Millie, Joel Demers, uncles, Larry Boone, Keith Boone, Brad Derrick and Lawrence Farrell.

Burial - 10 NOV 2012 in Otis Cemetery, Nackawick, NB

Boone, Allan Ernest (1913 - 2003) - male
b. 10 JAN 1913 in Aroostook Jct., NB
d. 6 MAR 2003 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Dow Sterling (1872 - 1942)
mother: Drummond, Mary Agnes (1874 - 1939)
spouse: Flewelling, Faye Miriam (1916 - 1997)
- m. 13 SEP 1941
----------child: Boone, Beverley (1947 - )
----------child: Boone, Marilyn
Boone, Allen (1842 - 1843) - male
b. 1842
d. 1843

father: Boone, Stephen (1814 - 1881)
mother: Crouse, Margaret (1818 - 1860)
[Bilboone.ged Reortedly in Bridgewater, ME in 1890 working as a lumberman

Boone, Allen Benjamin (1930 - ) - male
b. 1930 in Tay Mills, NB

father: Boone, Benjamin Sydney (1898 - 1962)
mother: Davidson, Mary Ellen (1900 - 1930)
spouse: Thomas, Dorothy Christina (1933 - 2021)
- m. 19 NOV 1960 in Stanley, NB
----------child: Boone, Duane (private)
Boone, Allen Claude Douglas (1921 - 2008) - male
b. 15 JUL 1921 in Geary, NB
d. 28 MAR 2008 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Marvin Allison (1884 - 1965)
mother: Smith, Etta Idella Maude (1889 - 1972)
The death of Allen C. D. Boone of Geary, NB occurred at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital on Friday, March 28th, 2008. Born in Geary on July 15th, 1921, he was the son of the late Marvin and Etta (Smith) Boone. Allen graduated from Provincial Normal School in 1939 and began his teaching career. He held many teaching positions throughout New Brunswick for over 20 years and following that, he decided to become an office worker until his retirement. After his retirement, Allen loved to research genealogy. He is survived by his sister, Kathleen Drummond of Waasis, NB as well as several nieces and nephews. Allen was predeceased by his parents; sister, Florence; and brothers, Arnold and Alfred. There will be no visitation by request. A memorial service will be held at the Oromocto Select Community Funeral Home (357-5100) on Thursday, April 3rd, 2008 at 2:00 pm. Rev. Gerald Matthews officiating. Interment will take place at a later date in the Lower Geary Cemetery. For those who wish, memorial tributes in Allen's honor may be made to the Lung Association, the NB Heart and Stroke Foundation or to a charity of the donor's choice

Burial - Lower Cemetery, Geary, NB

spouse: Acton, Audrey (1924 - )
- m. 17 JUL 1948 in Victoria, B.C.
Boone, Allen John (1950 - 1950) - male
b. 1 JAN 1950
d. 10 JAN 1950 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, George Hazen (1931 - )
mother: Boyne, Maureen Amy (1932 - )
Boone, Allison Rose (private) - female
father: Boone, Byron Daniel (private)
mother: Barrance, Catherine Elizabeth (private)
Boone, Alton (1905 - 1990) - male
b. 12 APR 1905 in Monticello, ME
d. 11 FEB 1990 in Malvern, AK

father: Boone, Guy Tracy (1881 - 1981)
mother: Stackpole, Myra (1883 - )
Boone, Alton (private) - male
father: Boone, Delbert Wayne (1922 - 2005)
mother: Kaley, Shirley Pauline
Boone, Alton Simon (1915 - 1983) - male
b. 14 FEB 1915 in Stacyville, ME
d. 11 OCT 1983 in Millinocket, ME

father: Boone, Simon Lesley (1884 - 1975)
mother: Gerald, Ethel Mae (1886 - 1975)
spouse: Haskell, Shirley Frances (1926 - 2017)
- m. 12 JAN 1946
----------child: Boone, Mary Ethel (1948 - )
spouse: York, Flora M. (1905 - 1978)
- m. 3 AUG 1957
Boone, Alvin Gordon (? - 2004) - male
d. 26 NOV 2004 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Gordon George (1907 - 1961)
mother: Carr, Ruth (1915 - )
The death of Alvin Gordon Boone (Uncle Dudley), husband of Alma (Sullivan) Boone, of McGivney, occurred on Friday, November 26, 2004 at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital, Fredericton, NB. Born in Geary, NB, he was a son of the late Gordon and Ruth (Carr) Boone. Alvin was an avid outdoorsman, enjoying hunting and fishing. Besides his wife, he is survived by one daughter, Ann (Stephan Vienneau) Hicks of McGivney, NB; adopted sons and daughter, Donnie Stennick, Terry Stennick, Luke Stennick, Travis Carr, Gordie Carr and Tina Stennick; three grandchildren, Gordon, Trisha and Kaylee; many adopted grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, Alvin was predeceased by one brother, Ronald and one sister Betty. Visitation will take place at York Funeral home, 302 Brookside Drive, Fredericton, NB on Sunday from 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9 pm. The Funeral Service will be held on Monday, November 29, 2004 at 2 pm from the York Funeral Home's T. Gordon MacLeod Memorial Chapel. Interment will be in the McGivney Community Cemetery. Personal condolences may be offered through
spouse: Sullivan, Alma Joyce (1948 - )
- m. 7 OCT 1967 in Stanley, NB
----------child: Boone, Ann (private)
Boone, Amanda - female
father: Boone, Richard (1825 - 1891)
mother: Crouse, Lydia (~1830 - )
Boone, Amanda (private) - female
father: Boone, Keith (1960 - 1993)
mother: Shaw, Maida Dawn (private)
Boone, Amanda (private) - female
father: Boone, Jeffery Alan (1957 - 2001)
mother: Hanson, Terry (private)
Boone, Amanda Joy (private) - female
father: Boone, George Richard (private)
mother: Bubar, Susan (private)
Boone, Amy (1889 - 1891) - female
b. 22 MAY 1889 in Fredericton, NB
d. 1891

father: Boone, John Lemuel (1853 - 1918)
mother: Howland, Sarah (1866 - 1941)
She is a twin to Harry. NB birth registration #00152.

Boone, Anastis (1811 - 1844) - female
b. 3 FEB 1811 in Burtt's Corner, NB
d. 6 JUN 1844

father: Boone, George (1785 - 1861)
mother: Crane, Sarah (1785 - 1854)
spouse: Hall, Samuel
- m. 1 MAR 1839
Boone, Anastis (1840 - 1927) - female
b. 8 FEB 1840 in Burtts Corner, NB
d. 21 FEB 1927 in Burtts Corner, NB

father: Boone, Stephen (1814 - 1881)
mother: Crouse, Margaret (1818 - 1860)
spouse: Burtt, Israel (1834 - 1922)
- m. 22 SEP 1858 in Sunbury Co., NB
----------child: Burtt, Milton Colby (1876 - )
----------child: Burtt, William Allen (1884 - )
Boone, Andrew (private)
father: Boone, George David (1930 - 2010)
mother: Ames, Joyce
Boone, Andrew Harold (private) - male
father: Boone, Harold Robert (private)
mother: Smith, Rowena Grace (private)
Boone, Andrew John (private) - male
father: Boone, Keith (1960 - 1993)
mother: Shaw, Maida Dawn (private)
spouse: Strain, Amanda Lee (private)
- m. 2 JUL 2005 in North Gower, ON
Boone, Angus (1865 - ) - male
b. 31 MAR 1865

father: Boone, George Frederick (~1831 - 1878)
mother: Macleod, Christine (? - 1875)
Boone, Angus Burden (1905 - 1990) - male
b. 1905
d. 31 MAR 1990

father: Boone, William Moran (1865 - 1950)
mother: Smith, Mary Samantha (1871 - 1934)

Burial - Fredericton Jct., NB

spouse: Carr, Laura Julia (1915 - 1991)
- m. 23 DEC 1933 in Burton, NB
----------child: Boone, Verna Elizabeth (1935 - )
----------child: Boone, Glendon Herbert (1936 - 2013)
----------child: Boone, Ella May (1937 - 1938)
----------child: Boone, Edna Fay (1939 - 1939)
----------child: Boone, Laurette Mary (1941 - )
----------child: Boone, Frederick David (1947 - )
Boone, Ann (1709 - 1782) - female
b. 18 SEP 1709 in Rhode Island
d. 30 JAN 1782

father: Boone, Samuel (1686 - 1766)
mother: Sweet, Mary (1685 - ~1760)
spouse: Jackson, Stephen
- m. 15 AUG 1725
Boone, Ann (1749 - 1775) - female
b. 9 AUG 1749 in North Kingstown, RI
d. 1775

father: Boone, Samuel Andrew (1717 - ~1797)
mother: Wightman, Mary (1714 - 1782)
Boone, Ann (private) - female
father: Boone, Alvin Gordon (? - 2004)
mother: Sullivan, Alma Joyce (1948 - )
Boone, Ann Elizabeth (1823 - 1882) - female
b. 16 DEC 1823 in Fredericton, NB
d. 28 AUG 1882 in Douglas, NB

father: Boone, Murray (1792 - 1823)
mother: Kinney, Elizabeth
Boone, Ann Victoria (? - 1908) - female
d. 8 AUG 1908

father: Boone, Henry (~1793 - 1848)
mother: Boone, Mary Ann (1798 - )
spouse: DeWitt, Isaac (? - 1922)
- m. 20 AUG 1866 in Sunbury Co NB
----------child: DeWitt, Mary Jerain (1871 - )
----------child: DeWitt, Jane Maria (1875 - )
----------child: DeWitt, Zoria Alfred (1879 - )
----------child: DeWitt, Frederick E (1880 - )
----------child: DeWitt, Theodosia B (1882 - )
----------child: DeWitt, George Edward (1887 - )
----------child: DeWitt, Margaret E (1894 - )
Boone, Anna (1866 - 1936) - female
b. 13 DEC 1866 in Geary, NB
d. 20 APR 1936 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, John W (1840 - 1924)
mother: Till, Martha Matilda (1844 - 1926)
spouse: Till, George Norman (1848 - 1931)
- m. 1883
----------child: Till, George W (1884 - )
----------child: Till, John Frederick (1886 - )
----------child: Till, Dora Letitia (1892 - )
----------child: Till, Dorus (1892 - 1970)
----------child: Till, Inez May (1896 - 1979)
Boone, Anna Eloise (1897 - 1898) - female
b. 22 JAN 1897 in St Mary's Ferry, NB
d. 1898

father: Boone, William Holland (1870 - 1942)
mother: Blaine, Anna Mary (1872 - 1970)
Boone, Anne (1787 - 1881) - female
b. 17 MAR 1787 in Tracy, NB
d. 23 FEB 1881 in Richibucto, NB

father: Boone, William (1743 - 1829)
mother: Hill, Ruth (1743 - 1833)
spouse: Haines, Joseph (~1770 - 1865)
- m. 14 OCT 1804
----------child: Haines, George (1801 - 1858)
----------child: Haines, Peter (1803 - )
----------child: Haines, Whitman (1805 - 1896)
----------child: Haines, James (1806 - )
----------child: Haines, Elizabeth (1807 - 1876)
----------child: Haines, Mary (1808 - 1901)
----------child: Haines, William (1809 - )
----------child: Haines, Alexander (1809 - )
----------child: Haines, Ann (1814 - )
----------child: Haines, Patience (1816 - )
----------child: Haines, Abigail (1818 - 1904)
----------child: Haines, John (1824 - 1901)
Boone, Anne (1790 - 1890) - female
b. 10 MAR 1790
d. 1 APR 1890

father: Boone, William Hull (1766 - 1849)
mother: Hayward, Ann (1768 - 1845)

Burial - Carr Cemetery, Geary, NB

spouse: Carr, Asa (1795 - 1875)
- m. 18 AUG 1814 in Ancestral File record v4.19
----------child: Carr, Eben (1816 - 1891)
----------child: Carr, Mary Anne (1817 - 1897)
----------child: Carr, Edward (1819 - 1900)
----------child: Carr, Richard Asa (1821 - )
----------child: Carr, Sarah Anne (1825 - 1895)
----------child: Carr, Willie Ann (~1827 - 1914)
----------child: Carr, Franklin (1829 - 1915)
----------child: Carr, Leonard (1834 - )
----------child: Carr, Amasa (1837 - 1926)
Boone, Anne (1862 - 1937) - female
b. 12 AUG 1862 in Fredericton, NB
d. 31 JUL 1937 in Kirkland, NB

father: Boone, Alexander (1827 - 1924)
mother: Perry, Sarah (1832 - 1927)
Every night the whole Hall family would play cards after dinner. From time to time Annie (Boone) Hall would leave Forest City, New Brunswick to visit her daughter Claire in Brewer to help out with her Legasse grandkids. Annie Boone died shortly after her farmhouse burned down.The Halls had a farm, but her husband, Joseph Hall (1852-1919), disliked farming and worked as the Superintendent of Mill Tannery at the local mill. The Hall boys also disliked farming, so the daughters did all the farm work and house work.

Burial - 2 AUG 1937 at Union Corner, NB

spouse: Hall, Joseph Henry (1852 - 1919)
- m. 1880
----------child: Hall, Wilfred Sterling (1882 - 1963)
----------child: Hall, Mae (1888 - 1975)
----------child: Hall, Hazen (? - 1917)
----------child: Hall, Joseph (? - 1959)
----------child: Hall, Bernice Picola (1892 - 1984)
----------child: Hall, Claire (1893 - 1990)
----------child: Hall, Annie (1895 - 1980)
----------child: Hall, Grace Irene (1898 - )
----------child: Hall, Kenneth Wayne (1900 - 1977)
Boone, Anne (~1874 - ) - female
b. ABT 1874

father: Boone, James (1847 - 1883)
mother: Haines, Alexandrina (1849 - 1936)
Boone, Anne Alberta (1871 - 1954) - female
b. 13 JUN 1871 in Fredericton Junction, NB
d. 1 OCT 1954 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Charles Everett (~1846 - )
mother: Carr, Victoria (1848 - 1938)
spouse: Short, Henry William (1868 - 1956)
- m. 23 MAR 1888 in Woodstock, NB
Boone, Anne Elizabeth (1896 - 1952) - female
b. 13 JUL 1896 in Forest City, NB
d. 4 JAN 1952 in Hartford, CT

father: Boone, George Edward (1856 - 1946)
mother: Veysey, Maude (1866 - 1945)
Jan 5, 1952 Funeral services for Mrs Annie E. McQuarrie, 55, of Hodgdon, were held Tuesday at the Dunn Funeral Home with Rev. Paul Kierstead officiating.
The daughter of George and Maude Veysey Boone, she was born July 13, 1896 at Forest City, NB, and died in Hartford, Conn., January 4, after a short illness. A resident of Hodgdon, she lived in Hartford for the past two months.
Surviving are her husband, Hallie McQuarrie of Hodgdon, two sons, George of Cary and Clifford of Boston; four daughters, Mrs Clifton Rockwell and Mrs Nelson Blinn of Houlton, Mrs Paul Addington of Hodgdon, Mrs James W. Piper of Portland, Oregon; two brothers, Otto and Basil of Forest City, NB, four sisters, Mrs Clinton Gillispie of Canterbury, NB, Mrs Max Goldin of Providence, R.I., Mrs Clarence Buckingham of Forest City, Maine, Miss Ella Boone of Portland; and 10 grandchildren.
Interment will be in the Hodgdon cemetery in the spring.

Burial - 8 JAN 1952 at Hodgdon, Me (vault)

spouse: McQuarrie, Hallie Hugh (1892 - 1970)
- m. 24 NOV 1915 in Hodgdon, ME
----------child: McQuarrie, George Allen (1916 - )
----------child: McQuarrie, Jennie Maude (1917 - 1995)
----------child: McQuarrie, Clifford Parker (1919 - 2015)
----------child: McQuarrie, Doris Anne (1920 - 1999)
----------child: McQuarrie, Clinton (1921 - 1922)
----------child: McQuarrie, Stella Mae (1922 - 2012)
----------child: McQuarrie, Mildred Rae (1923 - )
----------child: McQuarrie, Alton (1925 - 1925)
----------child: McQuarrie, Veysey (1926 - 1926)
----------child: McQuarrie, Betty (1928 - 1928)
Boone, Anne S (1871 - ) - female
b. 1871

father: Boone, John W (1840 - 1924)
mother: Till, Martha Matilda (1844 - 1926)
spouse: Nason, Herman (1860 - )
- m. 22 MAR 1893 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Nason, Martha
----------child: Nason, Iva
----------child: Nason, Abigail
----------child: Nason, Clara
Boone, Annette (private) - female
father: Boone, Royce Elwood (1928 - )
mother: Eaton, Marilyn Eva (1933 - 2011)
spouse: Fitzgerald, Paul (private)
Boone, Annette Dawn (private) - female
father: Boone, Dale Irving (1947 - )
mother: Albright, Elaine Marie (1948 - )
spouse: Arbeau, Ian (private)
----------child: Arbeau, Evan (private)
----------child: Arbeau, Eric Charles (private)
Boone, Annie (1867 - ) - female
b. 1867

father: Boone, James Whitman (1831 - 1904)
mother: Carr, Hannah E (1837 - )
Boone, Annie Grace (1902 - ) - female
b. 25 DEC 1902

father: Boone, John Lemuel (1853 - 1918)
mother: Howland, Sarah (1866 - 1941)
Boone, Annie Isabina (1864 - 1930) - female
b. 1864
d. 29 OCT 1930 in Tracy, NB

father: Boone, William Murray (1827 - 1914)
mother: Nason, Hannah (1832 - 1902)
Boone, Annie Madeline (1901 - 1947) - female
b. 14 JAN 1901 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 8 DEC 1947 in Fredericton Jct., NB

father: Boone, Dolphus Dalton (1869 - 1955)
mother: Carr, Jane (1873 - 1939)

Burial - 9 DEC 1947 Fredericton Jct., NB

Boone, Annis Levina (1869 - 1870) - female
b. 1 MAR 1869
d. 15 JUL 1870

father: Boone, Richardson (1834 - 1928)
mother: Shirley, Annis Skidmore (1832 - 1887)
Boone, Annis Mary (1889 - 1984) - female
b. 27 FEB 1889 in Presque Isle, Me.
d. 9 JAN 1984 in Presque Isle, ME

father: Boone, Sherman Willard (1859 - 1936)
mother: Bird, Elizabeth Day (1872 - 1937)
Annis B. Cook, 94, died Jan. 9, 1984, at a local nursing home after a long illness. She was born Feb 27, 1889, at Presque Isle, the daughter of Dr. Sherman W. Boone, M.D., and Elizabeth (Bird) Boone. She was a communicant of St. john's Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Cook graduated from Presque Isle High School and attended Mount Allison College in Nova Scotia. He was house mother at Phi Eta Kappa Fraternity of UMO from 1946 to 1960 and house mother of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity of Colby College in Waterville from 1966 to 1967.
She is survived by one son, retired Army Lt. Col. Robert B. Cook, of Felton, Calif.; one grandson, Paul R. Cook of Ben Lomond, Calif.; one sister, Mrs. Vaughan (Margaret) Parsons, of Presque Isle; several nieces and nephews.
There will be no calling hours. Burial Office will be said 10:30 a.m. Friday a St. John's Episcopal church with Rev. Richard Watson officiating. Spring interment will be in Fairmount Cemetery.

Burial - Presque Isle, Me.

spouse: Cook, George Reed (1884 - 1945)
- m. 11 OCT 1911 in Presque Isle, ME
----------child: Cook, Robert Boone (1915 - 1990)
Boone, Anson (~1837 - ) - male
b. ABT 1837

father: Boone, Humphrey (1811 - >1851)
mother: King, Eunice (~1812 - <1853)
Boone, Anthony William (private) - male
father: Boone, William Cedric (1937 - )
mother: White, Shirley Elizabeth (1941 - )
spouse: Tompkins, Deborah Susan (private)
- m. 21 FEB 1994
----------child: Boone, Kristy Leigh (private)
----------child: Boone, Kurtis Anthony William (private)
Boone, Archie Marshall (1944 - ) - male
b. 1944 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, Neil Revere (1911 - 2007)
mother: Finnemore, Hazel Lyola (1912 - 2009)
spouse: Inman, Jacqueline Audrey (1948 - )
- m. 18 SEP 1965 in Perth, NB
Boone, Ardis (1931 - ) - female
b. 3 MAR 1931

father: Boone, Clarence Guy (1905 - 1980)
mother: McMinn, Geneva Adelia (1904 - 1999)
spouse: Whitehouse, David
Boone, Ardith Marie (1949 - ) - female
b. 1949 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Gerald Austin (1924 - )
mother: Merritt, Millie Ester (1928 - )
spouse: Armstrong, Walter William (1943 - )
- m. 22 JUL 1967 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Arlene Frances (1942 - ) - female
b. 1942 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, Neil Revere (1911 - 2007)
mother: Finnemore, Hazel Lyola (1912 - 2009)
spouse: Walker, Alton Tyler (1940 - )
- m. 14 JUL 1961 in Perth, NB
Boone, Arlie (1949 - ) - male
b. 14 SEP 1949

father: Boone, George Norman (1925 - 2004)
mother: Giberson, Vada Marion (1930 - )
spouse: Paget, Connie
- m. 1 MAY 1971 in Hartland, NB
----------child: Boone, Gregory (private)
Boone, Arlington (1893 - 1991) - male
b. 28 SEP 1893 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 4 MAR 1991 in Woodstock, NB

father: Boone, William Warden (1864 - 1941)
mother: Foster, Lenora Almeda (1875 - 1936)
Mr. Arlie Boone of this place and Miss Hazel McFawn of Mill Settlement, Sunbury Co., were quietly married on Wednesday, 14th inst., in St. John by Rev. F.S. Foster. They returned home via Danforth by auto. A reception was held at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Boone, on Friday evening. Relatives, friends and acquaintances to the number of over eighty sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper. An old-time charivari was the in order. After the serenade, the bride and groom passed an abundance of candy, nuts, etc., among the guests. The gentlemen were also supplied with cigars. Many costly and practical gifts were presented to the happy couple. Both Mr. and Mrs. Boone are held in the highest esteem in this place, the latter having taught school here. We wish them long years of wedded bliss.Until his retirement, Arlie farmed at Green Mountain beside Alex's property and across the road from his aunt Margaret Wetmore. The picture of me and Arlie's horse was taken in 1952 after raking loose hay into windrows. In the background is the Wetmore farm and the old James Crone property to the right.By 1964 they were living on St Andrew's street in Woodstock where they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Oct 11, 1964. The local paper reported all the family present.Mrs Edward Hebert (Mary), their daughter, made the wedding cake and served it. Tea was poured by Mrs Delbert Boone and Mrs Arthur Boone, and served by Miss Evelyn Boone, Miss Linda Hebert and Miss Betty Boone, grand-daughters.During the day, they received a telephone call from grand-daughter, Barbara Boone, Anniston, Alabama, and a telegram from Clifford Hebert, Dartmouth, NS.Mrs Boone attended Teacher's College and taught several years in the schools of NB. Mr Boone joined the Orange Order in his youth and received his 50 year pin in 1963. (Note:- About 20 years later one day he was visiting my father when I happened to be there. He mentioned the Orange Lodge. Did you know, I asked him, that the Orange Order was started by two members of the Masonic Fraternity? I might as well hit him with a hammer. To think his beloved fraternity may have had any connection with that - that - mysterious group the Masons, simply bordered on heresy. It is true, by the way; by two Masons in Armaugh, Northern Ireland.The paper went on to say that on the previous Wednesday evening, friends and neighbors in this part of town had a get-together for the couple at their home. They received many useful gifts.On Apr 5, 1978, the Bugle carried a story on "84-year old Arlie Boone passing the long winter by hooking rugs" Over the past five years he hooked about 25 of them after learning to be a "happy hooker" while spending the winter with his daughter, Mary, in Dartmouth, NS.Even as he approached his 90th birthday, he would hike from his home down to Stedman's for coffee and chat with "the boys". Quite a remarkable man

Burial - Fosterville, NB

spouse: McFawn, Hazel (1889 - 1968)
- m. 14 OCT 1914 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Boone, Mary Lyda (1918 - 2001)
----------child: Boone, Arthur Wetmore (1919 - 1996)
----------child: Boone, William Warden (1920 - 2006)
----------child: Boone, Delbert Wayne (1922 - 2005)
Boone, Arminta Olive (1865 - 1930) - female
b. 14 AUG 1865 in Tracy, NB
d. 16 MAR 1930 in Tracy, NB

father: Boone, William Murray (1827 - 1914)
mother: Nason, Hannah (1832 - 1902)
spouse: Nason, Ezekiel McLeod (1868 - 1907)
spouse: Morgan, Wesley William (1871 - 1957)
- m. 26 FEB 1908 in Tracy, NB
Boone, Arnold Edra (1910 - 1964) - male
b. 2 DEC 1910 in Waterville, NB
d. 29 JAN 1964 in New Zion, NB

father: Boone, Marvin Allison (1884 - 1965)
mother: Smith, Etta Idella Maude (1889 - 1972)

Occupation -
Shovel operator, coal mining

Burial - 31 JAN 1964 in Baptist Cemetery, Newcastle Bridge, NB

spouse: Corey, Freda Lillian (1914 - )
- m. 5 SEP 1934 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Hayward Arnold (1935 - 1939)
----------child: Boone, Vernon Claude (1940 - )
----------child: Boone, Geraldine Freda (1943 - )
----------child: Boone, Raymond Frederick (private)
Boone, Arnold George (1936 - 1936) - male
b. 2 MAR 1936 in Geary, NB
d. 9 APR 1936 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, Gordon George (1907 - 1961)
mother: Carr, Ruth (1915 - )
Boone, Arnold Sheldon (1909 - 1981) - male
b. 9 OCT 1909 in Rowena, NB
d. 26 JUL 1981 in Hartford, CT

father: Boone, Murray Herbert (1882 - 1973)
mother: Mason, Lena Claire (1888 - )
spouse: Michaud, Louise M (1911 - )
- m. 10 MAY 1931 in Caribou, ME
spouse: Goodwin, Pauline E
- m. 19 OCT 1936
Boone, Arthur Allison (1925 - ) - male
b. 1 NOV 1925 in Aroostook, NB

father: Boone, Arthur Edwin (1899 - 1970)
mother: Hatheway, Vivian Ellis (1907 - 1990)

Occupation - Mechanic

spouse: Douglass, Edith Grace (1935 - )
- m. 6 MAR 1961 in Stanley, NB
Boone, Arthur Avondale (1883 - 1921) - male
b. 21 SEP 1883 in Keswick, NB
d. 8 DEC 1921 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Lewis (1856 - 1941)
mother: Sandwith, Lavina (1862 - 1936)
spouse: Mabie, Lulu Pearl (1889 - 1962)
- m. 25 OCT 1911 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, David Goodwell (1914 - )
Boone, Arthur Edgar (1917 - ) - male
b. 1917 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Richard E (1885 - )
mother: Miller, Eva Isabella (1886 - )

Occupation - CPR

spouse: McDade, Clara Louise (1916 - )
- m. 28 NOV 1938 in McAdam, NB
----------child: Boone, Marsha Phoebe Alice (1939 - )
spouse: Gaynor, Ruth Doreen (1921 - )
- m. 7 MAR 1945
Boone, Arthur Edwin (1899 - 1970) - male
b. 12 OCT 1899 in McAdam, NB
d. 8 MAR 1970

father: Boone, Dow Sterling (1872 - 1942)
mother: Drummond, Mary Agnes (1874 - 1939)

Occupation - Machinist, CPR

Burial - Aroostook Jct., NB

spouse: Hatheway, Vivian Ellis (1907 - 1990)
- m. 15 APR 1925 in Andover, NB
----------child: Boone, Arthur Allison (1925 - )
----------child: Boone, Donald Murray (1927 - 2005)
----------child: Boone, Marion Elizabeth (1933 - )
----------child: Boone, Gordon
----------child: Boone, Betty
Boone, Arthur Graham (1885 - 1908) - male
b. 30 DEC 1885
d. 15 DEC 1908

father: Boone, John Lemuel (1853 - 1918)
mother: Howland, Sarah (1866 - 1941)
spouse: Wilkinson, Ina E
Boone, Arthur Grant (1895 - 1951) - male
b. 25 JUN 1895 in Fort Fairfield, ME
d. 22 APR 1951 in Sacremento, CA

father: Boone, Melvin Mersereau (~1871 - 1935)
mother: Boone, Elizabeth (~1867 - 1910)
Boone, Arthur Wetmore (1919 - 1996) - male
b. 15 SEP 1919 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 15 MAR 1996 in Dr Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Arlington (1893 - 1991)
mother: McFawn, Hazel (1889 - 1968)
spouse: Graham, Velma Christine (1915 - 1995)
- m. 30 MAR 1942
----------child: Boone, Kathleen Margaret (1942 - 1999)
----------child: Boone, Gary (1944 - )
----------child: Boone, Betty Lou (1949 - )
Boone, Arthur Winston (1907 - 1992) - male
b. 9 OCT 1907 in Ashland, NB
d. 6 DEC 1992 in Hartland, NB

father: Boone, George Whitman (1867 - 1956)
mother: McCallum, Sarah Williams (1867 - 1934)

Burial - Hartland, NB

spouse: McInnis, Inez Ellen (1909 - 2002)
- m. 8 JUL 1931 in Hartland, NB
----------child: Boone, Winston (1933 - )
----------child: Boone, Shirley Joan (1934 - )
----------child: Boone, Clinton (1936 - )
----------child: Boone, John (1938 - )
----------child: Boone, Elizabeth
Boone, Arwood Bamford (1888 - ) - male
b. 19 APR 1888

father: Boone, Charles (~1859 - )
mother: Stiles, Charlotte Jane (1857 - 1926)
Boone, Ashley Alison (private) - female
father: Boone, Aubrey (private)
mother: Harrigan, Wendy (private)
Boone, Aubrey (private) - male
father: Boone, Delbert Wayne (1922 - 2005)
mother: Kaley, Shirley Pauline
spouse: Harrigan, Wendy (private)
----------child: Boone, Ashley Alison (private)
----------child: Boone, Candice Dawn (private)
spouse: Markey, Laureen (private)
----------child: Boone, Hannah Marie (private)
Boone, Audrey (1911 - 1986) - female
b. 1 JUN 1911 in Berlin, NH
d. 23 MAR 1986 in South Windham, ME

father: Boone, John Ferris (1885 - 1971)
mother: Shirley, Florence Anne (1890 - 1981)
Boone, Audrey Hazel (1924 - ) - female
b. 7 DEC 1924 in Plaster Roack, NB

father: Boone, James Duncan (1904 - 1981)
mother: Stickles, Jean Alice (1901 - )
spouse: DeMerchant, Angus (1922 - )
- m. 18 APR 1942
Boone, Austin (1896 - 1965) - male
b. 11 MAY 1896 in Tay Settlement, NB
d. 18 APR 1965 in Tay Settlement, NB

father: Boone, Henry Lynch (1870 - 1934)
mother: Boone, Rhoda (1877 - 1963)
spouse: Leslie, Julia (1896 - )
- m. 25 DEC 1914 in Stanley, NB
----------child: Boone, Mildred (1920 - )
----------child: Boone, Hayward Fred (1921 - 2011)
----------child: Boone, Gerald Austin (1924 - )
----------child: Boone, Greta Letitia (1928 - )
----------child: Boone, Jean Alice (1933 - )
----------child: Boone, Henry Leslie (1941 - 1941)
Boone, Avery (1906 - 1987) - male
b. 10 DEC 1906 in Dorn Ridge, NB
d. 17 OCT 1987 in Whitehorse, Yukon

father: Boone, Ransford (1868 - 1962)
mother: Haines, Alma (1877 - 1964)

Burial - Whitehorse, Yukon

spouse: Brewer, Mildred (1912 - 1933)
- m. 8 MAY 1928 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Jean Irma (1929 - 2016)
spouse: Allaby, Dorothy (1912 - 1988)
- m. 28 SEP 1940 in Mannhurst, NB
----------child: Boone, Roland (1947 - )
Boone, Awilda (1864 - 1905) - female
b. 4 FEB 1864 in Gladstone, NB
d. 25 NOV 1905

father: Boone, Henry (1845 - 1933)
mother: Meehan, Mary (~1839 - )
Boone, Baby (1947 - 1947) - female
b. 24 JAN 1947 in Carleton Memorial Hospital, Woodstock, NB
d. 5 APR 1947 in Danforth, ME

mother: Boone, Ivadelle Muriel (1928 - 2001)

Burial - 7 APR 1947 Fosterville, NB

Boone, Baby2 (1912 - 1912) - male
b. 20 AUG 1912 in McAdam, NB
d. 20 AUG 1912 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Walter Havelock (1863 - 1950)
mother: Scott, Katie Jane (1874 - 1963)
Boone, Baden Gibson (1904 - 1971) - male
b. 26 DEC 1904 in McAdam, NB
d. 24 MAR 1971 in Pert, NB

father: Boone, Newton Wilson (1881 - 1964)
mother: Gibson, Myrtle Evelyn (1883 - 1970)

Occupation - RR Trainman

spouse: Storr, Elsie Wilhemia (1915 - 2003)
- m. 21 AUG 1935 in St. Stephen, NB
----------child: Boone, Mary Joan (1937 - )
----------child: Boone, Sandra (1939 - )
----------child: Boone, Shirley (1941 - )
----------child: Boone, Carol (1943 - <2003)
Boone, Barbara (~1858 - ) - female
b. ABT 1858

father: Boone, John Edward (1832 - 1903)
mother: Tracy, Sarah Jane (1838 - 1868)
Boone, Barbara - female
father: Boone, Howard Delmonte (1913 - 1998)
mother: Graham, Cora M
Boone, Barbara (private) - female
father: Boone, Donald Murray (1927 - 2005)
mother: Saunders, Dorothy Margaret (1924 - )
Boone, Barbara Elaine (1945 - ) - female
b. 1945 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Frederick Wesley (1924 - 1978)
mother: McArthur, Irene Joyce (1925 - )
spouse: Hagerman, Harry Darius (1933 - )
- m. 26 OCT 1968 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Barbara Mary (1944 - ) - female
b. 14 MAY 1944 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, William Warden (1920 - 2006)
mother: Dickinson, Muriel Cecile (1920 - 2005)
spouse: Heinselman, Russell C
- m. 14 SEP 1970 in Hodgdon, ME
----------child: Heinselman, Lauri Beth (private)
----------child: Heinselman, Craig Aaron (private)
Boone, Barletta Amelia (1867 - 1935) - female
b. 28 MAR 1867 in Tracy, NB
d. 8 OCT 1935 in Tracy, NB

father: Boone, William Murray (1827 - 1914)
mother: Nason, Hannah (1832 - 1902)
spouse: Burtt, Austin Thomas (1866 - 1946)
- m. 12 JAN 1892 in Tracy, NB
Boone, Basheba (~1837 - >1890) - female
b. ABT 1837
d. AFT 1890

father: Boone, James Whitman (1803 - 1881)
mother: Nevers, Maria (1811 - 1843)
spouse: Boone, James E (1837 - 1890)
----------child: Boone, Herbert P (1861 - 1892)
----------child: Boone, Mary M (1866 - )
----------child: Boone, Burton Harvey (1867 - 1953)
----------child: Boone, George T (1870 - 1873)
----------child: Boone, Absolom F (1873 - 1892)
----------child: Boone, Violetta (1875 - 1892)
----------child: Boone, Edward Allison (1876 - 1936)
Boone, Basil Sedences (1909 - 1998) - male
b. 17 SEP 1909 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 9 AUG 1998 in at home, Bristol, NB

father: Boone, William Warden (1864 - 1941)
mother: Foster, Lenora Almeda (1875 - 1936)
Basil went by a variety of names (Jim, Zeeb), including a few that were applied in the heat of an argument, but the most common was "Hillbilly". Not because of his backwoods aura, but to distinguish him from his cousin with the same name living in the same commumity. Still, in some ways, the nickname fitted him like a glove.From birth till death he never traveled any further than 200 miles from where he first saw the light of day. And then only if he could not find any excuse not to. Distaining any profession that would require regular hours, he much preferred working at seasonal jobs in the woods, guiding, trapping; in short, anything to keep him outside and in touch with nature. Of course the consequences of this life-style was that he had little in the way of material goods. Just enough to get by: an old house (no such thing as a mortgage), a well-used car or half-ton, boat and motor and so on. In retrospect, all perfectly natural for him.During the early years of marriage, he and mother bounced around from relative to relative, living here for a few months, then moving on. For example, during the winter they were married, 1932-33, they lived with his sister Edith. In April, 1933, they moved to Fosterville to live in a house owned by his brother-in-law, Dalton Carr where they stayed until Fall, then moved in with Anne Howe for the winter. The following spring they share accomodation with Earl Atkinson until October, 1934, then moved back in with Edith. During 1937 and 1938 they lived with Anne Howe (where I was born), spent a year with Wesley (Jim) Farrell, before finally moving into a place of their own on Green Mountain.It was hardly the Tah Mahal, but it was theirs. Constructed from logs, the building had one room and not exactly closed tight to the weather. It was not uncommon to wake on a winter's morning to find a fine layer of snow on the bedcovers where it has sifted in around the window. Although only three or four at the time, I can vaguely remember this.But this was only a temporary dwelling. Basil tore down the old Vantassell house at the Point (Balm of Gilead), carted the lumber home and built a fine storey and a half directly in front of the "camp" as we called it. It had a kitchen, livingroom and two bedrooms upstairs with a porch on front. Bare studs adorned the walls, not a lick of insulation, so it took the cook stove and parlor heater both to keep the temperature above freezing in the winter. Eight cord of wood did the trick.< But hey, it was home. Here my little sister, Joan, was born in November, 1943 and died a month later. I remember the neighborhood ladies preparing her little body for burial and holding a short service right there in the livingroom.When we moved to Forest City, temporarily for the winter and spring of 1944, then permanently in August of that year, the house was sold to Warden Boone who moved it a couple of miles to his father's land. Warden eventually moved to Maine and sold the house to Charles Atkinson who moved it onto the land where Alex Boone lived. Basil rebought the house and land in 1951, lived there for two years while cutting the pulp from the land, then moved back to Forest City. He sold the house to Richard Atkinson who moved it to Canterbury where it is still standing today looking somewhat forlorn and showing its age. That house moved almost as many times as Basil.Basil never had much formal education. He attended a one room school in Green Mountain reaching the fourth or fifth reader, probably the equivalent of grade five or six. But he could write well and was a voracious reader. Most of his "education" came from this activity as well as hands-on experience. And when it came to the great outdoors, he knew his stuff. He could fall a tree on a dime, build a fire in pouring rain, cook a meal, put up a temporary shelter, hunt, fish, and find his way home in pitch darkness over hill and dale through the woods.Like all guides, he had a fondness for telling tall tales to the people he escorted around the lakes or during a hunting trip. I suppose to these sportsmen from such faraway places as New York, Pennsylvania, or Ohio, this grizzled guide fit the image. Basil played it to the hilt. During a fishing expedition on Spednic Lake with a man and wife team, the lady spotted a distant water fowl. She inquired as to what it was. Basil informed her it was a loon. When she wanted to know if they were good eating, Basil had his opening."Only if they are cooked properly," he said.Now her interest began to rise. She readied her pencil and paper and asked Basil for the receipe.He told her: "First, you find a large, round, smooth stone, place it in a large container, fill with water, add salt and bring it to a boil. Place the loon, feathers and all, on the rock in the boiling water and cook vigorously for five hours. Then add vegetables and cook one more hour.<br><br> The lady is writing all this down. "And then...?" she asked< "Then," said Basil, "you throw away the loon and eat the rock." It took a minute, but she finally got the message: a loon is too tough to eat.One other occasion he was on the lake with only his dog for company idling away a summer evening when another boat drifted by with another guide and sportsman aboard. Admiring the dog, the sport asked about the breed. He's a bass dog", replied Basil, "worth about $4000".The sport, never having heard about this kind of dog, expressed a curious interest. He wanted to know what they were known for."Just what the name implies," said Basil. "He is something like a birddog, only he hunts for bass fish. When you get to where you think it may be good bass fishing, you tie the anchor around the dog's neck and throw him overboard. The dog would walk around on the bottom sniffing for bass towing the boat along behind him. When the boat stops, that's where the bass are." The "city-slicker" was amazed. "Won't dog drown?" He was becoming a bit skeptical."Of course," said Basil. "You can only use them once. That's why they are so expensive." With his knowledge of the field and stream, we never lacked for food. A crack shot, he could lever off a magazine of ammo from his old .32 special rifle like it was an automatic. He later acquired a .308 savage that he swore by. Never had much use for a shotgun, but did use a .22 rifle for his trap line.He loved to hunt otter. Not only for the valuable pelt (which was often the only income he would see just before Christmas), but because the otter is an extremely intelligent animal that presented him with a challenge. They are so fast, you generally only got one chance at getting off a shot.I recall one early spring day we were checking out some traps near Mud Lake Falls when he spotted an otter feeding on a rock quite a distance from shore and directly in front of the falls. The lake was frozen enough to walk on, but this area was dangerous because of the water current. The otter would dive through a hole near the rock, pop back up a minute later with a clam, get back on the rock for a tidbit. After watching the pattern for a few minutes, Basil took aim with the .22 rifle and as the otter settled on the rock, he fired. Almost before the crack of the rifle reached my ears, that otter had disappeared into the hole. Almost as quick, he came back up and flopped out on the ice to lay still.Basil took a long stick and began to crawl on his stomach across the ice to where the otter lay. When he was close enough, he hooked the animal with the stick, and slowly crawled back to shore. He had hit the animal in the neck attesting to his sharp eye and steady hand. The scary thing though, the next day, that entire area was open water.He wasn't always so lucky and not get wet. A short distance from this location, the lake (which is actually a wide stream created by the old dam which in turn created the Falls) narrows to a distance of only 50 feet or so across. There is a noticeable current through this gut that rarely freezes to any safe thickness. One always skirted this area into the rocky, wooded shoreline when walking by. One snapping cold day in mid-winter he was hiking along and either forgot about the danger, or more likely ignored it, when he dropped through the ice to his armpits. Although the water is deep at this point, the ice was solid enough around him that he managed to claw his way back out of the hole. He was a walking cake of ice when he reached home a mile away. He seemed to suffer no ill effects. Just another of those little things to take in stride.Probably a good thing that mishaps didn't overly faze him. God knows he had enough of them. When his youngest son, Dana, was about seven he tested the soundness of Basil's head with a peevy handle. Not intentionally, of course, but with enough vigor to bring Basil to his knees. The old '46 Ford station wagon needed some repairs which were done on the grassy area next to the house. After completion, Basil was bent over picking up some loose odds and ends left over, moving to and fro in his quest, quite ignoring what was going on around him. Thus he failed to see Dana tossing a ball up in the air so he could hit a home run with his sawed off peevy handle. Up went the ball, a mighty swing back to be in position to hit the ball when it dropped, only on the back swing Basil's head was well within the arc of travel. The resounding "bonk" could be heard across the yard. I looked up to see Basil staggering backwards, knees bend, hands to his head, moaning something intelligible. All I could make out was "Oh. Oh. Oh." Dana, eyes as big as saucers, thought he had killed his father.Nah. He had a king-sized headache for an hour or two, a lump for a reminder but that was gone in a week. That little incident almost ranked up there with the ice snowball Dana threw at his sister, which naturally missed her and hit Basil on the side of the head. Once more, he sagged to his knees. Another headache and a lump. It's a wonder Dana ever managed to make it to his teens.Actually, I think Basil moved under a dark cloud much like that little character created by Al Capp in L'il Abner comic strip: Joe Mzxyp (or however he spelled it). One day while the car rested on a jack so he could crawl underneath to fix a muffler, it came down with a crash on top of him. Now this would have killed a lesser mortal, but because it was on the barn floor which had some weak spots in it, the weight of the car simply drove Basil through the floorboards into the space below. Somewhat bruised and shaken, he emerged unrepentant. Little wonder we only raised an eyebrow when a radiater hose came apart on his truck spewing antifreeze on his face. Shoving the hose blindly back to where it should have been, he stuck his finger into the whirling fan splitting it from nail to knuckle. A little adhesive tape closed the wound to heal with nary a scar.Basil inherited some of his grandfather's carpentry skills but none of the finess for detail. Although he could solve just about any building problem from a loose rocking chair to a hole in the wall with a hammer, spike and haywire, he never really had the necessary tools to work with. But with an axe, a hand plane, a piece of broken glass, he could fashion an axe handle that would rival a commercial product. He could whittle out dancing dolls, repair a canoe or boat, build a fire pit outdoors and more. But do that stuff for a living? Perish the thought. He gave away as much as received.His taste for alcohol, or lack of it, rarely came about. But on occasion, he could, and did, get a wee drap too much. On once such occasion, I was sitting at the kitchen table when he more or less fell in the back door, laughing so hard he couldn't talk. All he could get out, "I shot the wrong pig". It seems the next door neighbor, Carl Higgs, wanted Basil to slaughter one of his hogs for winter. Like I say, Basil had many talents. Normally, he would give the unlucky pig a blow to the head with a mallet, then bleed it before plunging it into boiling water to scrape away the bristles. This day he decided to shoot the pig with the .22 rifle. But before they got started, Carl thought perhaps a nip of old John Barleycorn might remove some of the chill. One sip led to another...and another. Finally, Bertha, Carl's wife, was getting a bit annoyed at their tippling, called Carl to the house for a bit of a lecture. While he was gone, Basil decided to get on with the job. Bang. Down went the pig and by the time Carl got back all was in readiness for the boiling pot. Except, Basil shot the wrong pig. Apparently Carl had two pigs, one a sow that he planned on breeding over the winter, the other a younger boar. It was the boar slated for slaughter. But now the sow lay stretched out ready for the knife.All Carl could do was sputter, then they got to laughing so hard they could barely stand. Really fed up by now, Bertha sent Basil home and Carl into the house, then called a neighbor to finish what those two had started. They were not allowed to play together for week after that little episode.When retirement became official in 1974, it meant for the first time in his life he had a steady income. Working for the Government now, he used to say as he waved his old age pension check. He tinkered away at odds and ends, building a cedar cabin on the old homestead, clearing away bushes, just to put in the time. For hours he would sit on the lawn in front of the house in a loose cloud of Raid to keep away mosquitoes, gossiping with all and sundry who happened to pass that way. Albert Deveau, a talented man with a chainsaw, carved a likeness of Basil from a pine log standing on end near the end of the driveway that drew people from all over. He posed for hundreds of photos (like the one above) beside the carving. It's doubtful if he ever saw a camera he didn't like.Throughout his life, Basil enjoyed good health considering all the mishaps. His first visit to a doctor had an amusing overtone. Discovering blood in his stool one morning, he had no doubt the cause was cancer of the colon. Sitting around in a blue funk for a few days, he eventually agreed to see a doctor for whatever treatment may be deemed necessary. The doctor, amazed that Basil had never required medical treatment til that point, proceeded to give him a thorough examination, including all the questions that only doctors can ask. Basil, quite agitated by this seemingly unnecessary and totally useless process, kept pressing for a diagnosis of his problem. Finally, the doctor said, "Good heavens man! Have you never heard of haemoroids?" Basil floated out of his office.The worst had yet to come. Around 1988, he developed respitory problems associated with emphysema. Asthma, he called it. He and Wally Knox, the local customs officer, used to compare daily notes on their "puffers", sort of an informal help group with two members. During the next five years, his condition gradually worsened until he required oxygen on a regular basis. Activity slowed to a crawl. He fought off several bouts of pneumonia, rallying back each time to the amazement of family and doctors alike. Also during this period, he developed cancer on his lower lip requiring surgery and radiation treatment. That seemed to cure that problem, at least for the time being.But as his lungs deteriorated, the body weakened, and the cancer returned with a vengeance. No more treatments, he said. Nature will take its course. It's hard to say what finally gave out. His heart, so strong for so long, obviously could not continue its monumental struggle to pump oxygen starved blood thoughout the body. The cancer slowly devoured his lower lip, then began its insidual advance on the lower jaw inside his mouth. Painkillers were necessary.All through his ordeal, he remained at home in familiar surroundings tended to by his wife assisted by his daughter, a RNA. Finally late in the afternoon, without having spoken a word all day, the body gave up. The last surviving member of his immediate family, Basil went to his eternal rest one month before his 89th birthday.Father could be a cantankerous sort, opinionated, and never apologized for being wrong in his life (as far as he was concerned, he never was wrong, only a bit mixed up at times). Yet he was a good man, an honest man with friends and acquaintances from far and wide. It is interesting to note how he spanned the greatest advancement of knowledge in any generation before or since. Born in 1909 when travel in his community was limited to walking or horse and buggy, only a mere 60 years later man walked on the moon. Quite a thing to absorb all in one lifetime.Rest well, Basil. The world is a better place for you having existed.

Burial - 11 AUG 1998 at Forest City, NB

spouse: Carr, Mamie (1917 - 2005)
- m. 20 DEC 1932 in Forest City, NB
----------child: Boone, Jean (1933 - 1933)
----------child: Boone, Charles (1934 - 1934)
----------child: Boone, William Cedric (1937 - )
----------child: Boone, Joan (1943 - 1943)
----------child: Boone, Nancy Patricia (1945 - )
----------child: Boone, Dana Richard (1948 - )
Boone, Basil William (1894 - 1969) - male
b. 26 MAR 1894 in Forest City, NB
d. 10 SEP 1969

father: Boone, George Edward (1856 - 1946)
mother: Veysey, Maude (1866 - 1945)
When we moved to Forest City in August 1944, dad bought a house for $175 from Basil William Boone, his cousin. That meant the community now had two Basil Boone's living side by side. To avoid confusion, Basil William became known as "Bog Basil" since he lived in the lower part of the landscape; dad had the name "Hillbilly" tacked on him in reference to his former residence on Green Mountain. "Bog Basil" heartily disliked that particularly nickname and so, because he was the elder, became known as "grandpappy", or simply "gramp".Grandpappy farmed a little, had a 8-10 herd of jersey cows, team of horses, chickens, pigs that seemed to provide him with a decent living. A very conscientious individual, everything had to be just right, especially the haying operation. If the slightest bit of moisture remained on the mown grass, it stayed on the ground until completely dry. He deathly feared fire in his barn from damp hay erupting in spontaneous combustion. Consequently, stowing away hay in his steel roofed barn on a blistering hot afternoon in late July usually resulted in a loss of ten pounds in sweat. HIsa brother in law, Clint Gillispie, used to raze him about being so fussy, but Gramp never changed until he died.The old house is long gone, but the barn is still standing in good condition. The property of 50 acres is now split between three onwers: I have 4 acres, my sister, Nancy, and her husband own about 21 acres; and Blaine Higgs, the remaining 25. Less than six of those acres are kept mowed as a lawn, the remainder grown up in cedar and white pine.

Burial - at Forest City, NB

spouse: Patterson, Lala Mae (1897 - 1977)
- m. 22 DEC 1915
----------child: Boone, Gladys Geneva (1916 - 2000)
Boone, Beatrice (1902 - ) - female
b. 26 MAR 1902 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Elisha (1861 - 1933)
mother: smith, Edith Rebecca (1865 - 1941)
Boone, Beatrice Vaughnette (1948 - ) - female
b. 1948 in St. Stephen, NB

father: Boone, Robert Leonard (1917 - )
mother: Vail, Barbara (1925 - )
spouse: Ensor, Williiam Franklin (1947 - )
- m. 17 SEP 1966 in St. Stephen, NB
Boone, Bedford O (~1859 - ) - male
b. ABT 1859

father: Boone, John Edward (1832 - 1903)
mother: Tracy, Sarah Jane (1838 - 1868)
spouse: McIlroy, Hattie C
- m. 12 JUL 1881 in Bar Harbor, ME
Boone, Benjamin (~1842 - ) - male
b. ABT 1842

father: Boone, Humphrey (1811 - >1851)
mother: King, Eunice (~1812 - <1853)
Boone, Benjamin Donald (private) - male
father: Boone, Donald Lester (1950 - 2020)
mother: Glidden, Rachel Lynn (private)
spouse: Greenlaw, Christina (private)
----------child: Boone, Simon (private)
----------child: Boone, Roger (private)
Boone, Benjamin Sydney (1898 - 1962) - male
b. 16 FEB 1898 in Tay Mills, NB
d. 10 DEC 1962 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Henry Lynch (1870 - 1934)
mother: Boone, Rhoda (1877 - 1963)

Burial - 14 DEC 1962 at Woodland, NB

spouse: Davidson, Mary Ellen (1900 - 1930)
- m. 16 SEP 1925 in Stanley, NB
----------child: Boone, Eldon W (1927 - 1929)
----------child: Boone, Allen Benjamin (1930 - )
Boone, Bernice May (1915 - ) - female
b. 23 JAN 1915

father: Boone, Clarence Bedford
mother: Bigelow, Eula
Boone, Bert (private) - male
father: Boone, Jeffery Alan (1957 - 2001)
mother: Hanson, Terry (private)
Boone, Bert Blaine (1894 - 1921) - male
b. 10 NOV 1894
d. 1921

father: Boone, William Holland (1870 - 1942)
mother: Blaine, Anna Mary (1872 - 1970)
Boone, Bertha Beatrice (1877 - 1966) - female
b. 5 AUG 1877 in Burtts Corner, NB
d. 11 JUN 1966 in Hallowell, ME

father: Boone, George Howard (1852 - 1929)
mother: Morehouse, Amelia (1855 - 1939)
spouse: Stearns, Willis Nathan (1875 - 1944)
- m. 14 JUN 1904 in Maine
Boone, Bertha Beryl (1912 - 2010) - female
b. 15 JUN 1912 in Fredericton, NB
d. 17 JUN 2010 in Cumberland, ME

father: Boone, George Wellington (1887 - 1914)
mother: Staples, Sadie Edna (1895 - 1988)
Boone, Bessie - female
father: Boone, Charles Edward (1867 - 1955)
mother: Kirkpatrick, Ann (1873 - 1954)
Bessie never married

Boone, Bessie Elizabeth (1899 - 1984) - female
b. 19 MAR 1899 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 24 JUL 1984 in Oromocto, NB

father: Boone, William Moran (1865 - 1950)
mother: Smith, Mary Samantha (1871 - 1934)
spouse: Stennick, Odbur Otis (1875 - 1949)
- m. 10 JUN 1915 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Bessie Liola (1890 - 1976) - female
b. 14 NOV 1890 in Rowena, NB
d. 1976

father: Boone, William Henry (1854 - 1930)
mother: Robertson, Ida Mary (1856 - 1927)
spouse: Gregg, Frank Wilbur (1882 - )
- m. 1 DEC 1907 in Arthurette, NB
----------child: Gregg, Donald Vaughn (1909 - )
----------child: Gregg, Helen Liola (1911 - )
----------child: Gregg, Eileen Hazel (1913 - )
----------child: Gregg, Frances Lavina (1917 - )
----------child: Gregg, May Beulah (1922 - )
Boone, Bette Anne (1945 - ) - female
b. 1945 in Queenstown, NB

father: Boone, Weyman (1901 - 1986)
mother: Edwards, Muriel (1906 - 1987)
spouse: Weaver, Charles Amos Allan (1945 - )
- m. 10 DEC 1966 in Queenstown, NB
Boone, Betty - female
father: Boone, Arthur Edwin (1899 - 1970)
mother: Hatheway, Vivian Ellis (1907 - 1990)
Boone, Betty - female
father: Boone, Gordon George (1907 - 1961)
mother: Carr, Ruth (1915 - )
Boone, Betty (private) - female
father: Boone, Frank Deforrest (1922 - 2005)
mother: Greer, Geraldine (1934 - )
----------child: Boone, Tina Marie (private)
----------child: Boone, Brandy (private)
Boone, Betty Lou (1949 - ) - female
b. 14 MAR 1949

father: Boone, Arthur Wetmore (1919 - 1996)
mother: Graham, Velma Christine (1915 - 1995)
spouse: Scott, Donald Earnest (1938 - )
- m. 19 AUG 1970
Boone, Beulah M (1911 - 1977) - female
b. 20 AUG 1911 in St Marys, NB
d. 8 SEP 1977 in St. Catherines, Ont.

father: Boone, William Douglas (1886 - 1982)
mother: MacCutcheon, Ethel Beulah

Burial - Lakeshore Cemetery, St. Catherines, ON

spouse: Coombes, Robert A (1915 - )
- m. 25 APR 1942 in Devon, NB
Boone, Beverley (1947 - ) - female
b. 1947 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Allan Ernest (1913 - 2003)
mother: Flewelling, Faye Miriam (1916 - 1997)
spouse: Colpitts, Charles Warren (1945 - )
- m. 7 SEP 1968 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Beverley Woodford (1870 - 1950) - male
b. 8 DEC 1870 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 17 JUN 1950 in St. Stephen, NB

father: Boone, Joseph Albert (1840 - 1914)
mother: Kingston, Ann Elizabeth (1843 - 1932)

Burial - 19 JUN 1950 at Calais, ME

- m. 12 NOV 1894
----------child: Boone, Florence (1898 - 1986)
----------child: Boone, Irene Ethel (1900 - 1989)
----------child: Boone, Mary (1904 - 1991)
Boone, Beverly Corrine (private) - female
father: Boone, William Lloyd (1923 - 2003)
mother: Cameron, Marjorie Ruth (1929 - 2003)
Boone, Bina Roberta (1917 - 2003) - female
b. 7 JUL 1917 in Centreville, NB
d. 3 AUG 2003 in Bath, NB

father: Boone, Herbert Guy (1883 - 1961)
mother: Reid, Eva (1891 - 1924)
Bina provided the information on James Herbert Boone's family, on Oct 25, 1992
spouse: Burtt, Austin Albert (1906 - 1977)
- m. 7 SEP 1947 in Wicklow, NB
----------child: Burtt, Reuben Allison (1948 - )
----------child: Burtt, William Herbert (private)
----------child: Burtt, Sandra Louise (private)
Boone, Brandon Lloyd (private) - male
mother: Boone, Christina Bryde (private)
Boone, Brandy (private) - female
mother: Boone, Betty (private)
Boone, Brenda Harriet (private) - female
father: Boone, Charles Edward (1925 - )
mother: O'Brien, Jean Marie (1926 - )
Boone, Brenda Lee (private) - female
father: Boone, William Lawrence (1941 - 2019)
mother: Snow, Barbara
Boone, Brian (private) - male
father: Boone, Donald Murray (1927 - 2005)
mother: Saunders, Dorothy Margaret (1924 - )
Boone, Bridgitte (private) - female
father: Boone, Jordan Kendall (private)
mother: Alexander, Janet (private)
Boone, Bruce Medley (1912 - 1965) - male
b. 7 JUL 1912 in Rowena, NB
d. 17 NOV 1965 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, David Burpee (1881 - 1974)
mother: Robertson, Marie (1883 - 1962)
spouse: Boyce, Mildred Andrea (1920 - )
- m. 11 MAY 1938
----------child: Boone, David Franklen (1941 - )
----------child: Boone, Dianna Faye (1942 - )
----------child: Boone, Edward Bruce (1950 - )
Boone, Burton Harvey (1867 - 1953) - male
b. 22 NOV 1867 in Tracy, NB
d. 8 AUG 1953 in Fredericton Jct., NB

father: Boone, James E (1837 - 1890)
mother: Boone, Basheba (~1837 - >1890)

Burial - 10 AUG 1953 at Tracy, NB

spouse: Tracy, Lillian (1869 - 1921)
- m. 4 OCT 1892
----------child: Boone, Roy Angus (1893 - 1965)
----------child: Boone, Loring (1902 - )
----------child: Boone, George Wesley (1909 - 1976)
Boone, Byrd Ellison (1883 - 1925) - male
b. 18 JAN 1883
d. 18 AUG 1925 in Chipman Memorial Hospital

father: Boone, Joseph Albert (1840 - 1914)
mother: Kingston, Ann Elizabeth (1843 - 1932)

Occupation - Locomotive Engineer

Burial - St Stephen, NB

spouse: Davis, Georgie Viola (1886 - 1971)
- m. 24 AUG 1907
----------child: Boone, Edna Elizabeth (1908 - )
----------child: Boone, Robert Leonard (1917 - )
Boone, Byron Daniel (private) - male
father: Boone, Raymond Lewis (1927 - 2005)
mother: Packman, Alice (1927 - 2008)
spouse: Barrance, Catherine Elizabeth (private)
- m. 17 JUN 1982 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Ont.
----------child: Boone, Allison Rose (private)
----------child: Boone, Jamie Elizabeth (private)
Boone, Byron Herbert (1902 - 1977) - male
b. 18 MAR 1902 in Dorn Ridge, NB
d. 4 MAR 1977 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Ransford (1868 - 1962)
mother: Haines, Alma (1877 - 1964)

Burial - Rural Cemetery, Fredericton, NB

spouse: Evans, Mabel Ellen (1904 - 1994)
- m. 12 MAR 1922 in Dorn Ridge, NB
----------child: Boone, Ruth Evelyn (1922 - )
----------child: Boone, William Lloyd (1923 - 2003)
----------child: Boone, Doreen Ella (1926 - )
----------child: Boone, Raymond Lewis (1927 - 2005)
----------child: Boone, Lila Bernice (1931 - )
----------child: Boone, Harold Kimball (1934 - )
----------child: Boone, Mary Elizabeth (1936 - )
----------child: Boone, Elwood Burton (1941 - )
Boone, Byron John (private) - male
father: Boone, Harold Kimball (1934 - )
mother: Gutknecht, Shirley Ann (1935 - )
spouse: Smith, Karla Morah (private)
Boone, Byron Miller (1898 - ) - male
b. 13 MAR 1898 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Elzar Hartley (1866 - 1935)
mother: Matthewson, Jemima (1839 - )
spouse: Evans, Mabel (1902 - )
- m. 28 FEB 1921 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Mima Roberta (1925 - )
----------child: Boone, Viva Mae (1928 - )
Boone, Byron Miller (1898 - ) - male
b. 1898 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Elzar Hartley (1866 - 1935)
mother: Matheson, Jemima (1869 - )
spouse: Webber, Lois Althea (1909 - )
- m. 24 JUN 1936 in Briggs Corner, NB
Boone, Calvin William (1932 - 1981) - male
b. 12 JAN 1932 in Pemberton Ridge, NB
d. 11 MAY 1981 in Ontario

father: Boone, Donald Roscoe (1897 - 1971)
mother: Dewitt, Hazel Isabelle (1902 - 1946)
Boone, Candace (private) - female
father: Boone, Ricky Leslie (1953 - 2005)
mother: Fox, Linda (private)
Boone, Candice Dawn (private) - female
father: Boone, Aubrey (private)
mother: Harrigan, Wendy (private)
Boone, Carl Edward (private) - male
father: Boone, Elwood Burton (1941 - )
mother: Steeves, Mary (1938 - )
Boone, Carl Edward (private) - male
father: Boone, Peter Earl (1948 - )
mother: Otto, Joan
Boone, Carol (1943 - <2003) - female
b. 1943
d. BEF 15 AUG 2003

father: Boone, Baden Gibson (1904 - 1971)
mother: Storr, Elsie Wilhemia (1915 - 2003)
Boone, Carol Ann (1937 - ) - female
b. 1937 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Walter Harry (1913 - )
mother: Trafton, Theda Bara (1918 - )
spouse: Smith, George Richard (1933 - )
- m. 28 MAR 1956 in McAdam, NB
spouse: Scott, Sheldon Eugene (1939 - )
- m. 21 FEB 1969 in St Stephen, NB
Boone, Carolyn Alice (1950 - ) - female
b. 12 APR 1950 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, William Lloyd (1923 - 2003)
mother: Jordan, Alice Margaret (1924 - )
spouse: Mills, George Wayne (1947 - )
- m. 3 AUG 1968 in St. Margaret's Anglican Church, NB
----------child: Mills, Jeffery Wayne (private)
----------child: Mills, Cindy Alice (private)
Boone, Carolyn Faye (1950 - ) - female
b. 1950 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, Neil Revere (1911 - 2007)
mother: Finnemore, Hazel Lyola (1912 - 2009)
spouse: McNally, Hazen Frank (1947 - )
- m. 29 OCT 1967 in Perth, NB
Boone, Cassandra Dawn (private) - female
father: Boone, Lloyd George (1944 - )
mother: McKendry, Ellen Marie (1946 - )
Boone, Catherine (1818 - ) - female
b. 1818 in Woodstock, NB

father: Boone, Murray (1792 - 1823)
mother: Kinney, Elizabeth
Boone, Catherine (~1829 - 1851) - female
b. ABT 1829 in Tracy, NB
d. 1851

father: Boone, Henry (~1793 - 1848)
mother: Boone, Mary Ann (1798 - )
spouse: Webb, George (1826 - )
- m. 19 DEC 1850
Boone, Catherine Elizabeth (private) - female
father: Boone, Donald Frederick (1928 - )
mother: Brown, Grace Elizabeth (1933 - )
spouse: Robichaud, Michael Stanley (private)
- m. 21 JUL 1980 in United Baptist Church, Geary, NB
Boone, Catherine Sophia (1822 - ) - female
b. 1822

father: Boone, William (~1795 - 1878)
mother: Cogswell, Mary (~1796 - )
Boone, Cathy June (private) - female
father: Boone, Robert Gerald (1928 - )
mother: Morrison, Beverley June (1933 - )
spouse: Beagan, Paul (private)
- m. 5 JAN 1979
----------child: Beagan, Ann Laura (private)
----------child: Beagan, Rachael Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Began, Melanie Jane (private)
Boone, Cedric Donald (private) - male
father: Boone, Donald Frederick (1928 - )
mother: Brown, Grace Elizabeth (1933 - )
spouse: Tibbits, Maureen Ann (private)
- m. 21 JUN 1980 in Geary, NB
----------child: Boone, Christopher A (private)
----------child: Boone, Alexander Donald (private)
Boone, Charles (1836 - 1868) - male
b. 12 JAN 1836
d. 1868

father: Boone, Humphrey (1811 - >1851)
mother: King, Eunice (~1812 - <1853)
----------child: Boone, Charles (~1859 - )
----------child: Boone, Eunice Prudence (1857 - 1930)
----------child: Boone, Charles Humphrey (1858 - 1933)
----------child: Boone, Mary Jane (1862 - )
----------child: Boone, David Oscar (1867 - 1942)
Boone, Charles (~1846 - ) - male
b. ABT 1846

father: Boone, Alexander (1812 - 1898)
mother: Mead, Ann (1815 - 1898)
Boone, Charles - male
father: Boone, William Holland (1821 - 1856)
mother: Pollock, Martha (1822 - 1900)
Boone, Charles (~1859 - ) - male
b. ABT 1859

father: Boone, Charles (1836 - 1868)
spouse: Stiles, Charlotte Jane (1857 - 1926)
----------child: Boone, Harvey Beverly (1876 - 1955)
----------child: Boone, Herbert Guy (1883 - 1961)
----------child: Boone, Susannah Ruth (1885 - 1952)
----------child: Boone, Arwood Bamford (1888 - )
----------child: Boone, John Calvin (1890 - 1972)
----------child: Boone, Henry Albert (1893 - 1960)
----------child: Boone, Edith Mabel (1895 - )
Boone, Charles (1899 - 1968) - male
b. 1899 in Sunbury Co NB
d. 15 DEC 1968 in Mill Cove, NB

father: Boone, John Harvey (1864 - 1937)
mother: Smith, Frances Adelaide (1865 - 1933)

Burial - 18 DEC 1968 atFredericton Jct, NB

Boone, Charles (1934 - 1934) - male
b. 11 OCT 1934 in Fosterville, NB
d. 12 OCT 1934 in Fosterville, NB

father: Boone, Basil Sedences (1909 - 1998)
mother: Carr, Mamie (1917 - 2005)

Burial - Fosterville, NB

Boone, Charles Allen (1890 - 1970) - male
b. 7 MAY 1890 in Fredericton, NB
d. 12 MAY 1970 in DVA Hospital, Saint John, NB

father: Boone, Charles Humphrey (1858 - 1933)
mother: Ward, Elizabeth Charlotte (1848 - 1924)

Burial - 15 MAY 1970 Westfield, NB

spouse: Jorden, Elizabeth Ann
----------child: Boone, Miles Edgar (1921 - )
spouse: Haines, Helen Gertrude (1902 - )
- m. 10 SEP 1966 in Saint John, NB
Boone, Charles Ashel (1899 - 1985) - male
b. 25 MAR 1899 in Lower Windsor, NB
d. 4 JUN 1985 in Beamsville, Ontario

father: Boone, Delbert Edward (1862 - 1936)
mother: Seeley, Eleanor Jane (1859 - 1935)

Burial - Douglastown, NB

spouse: Atkinson, Bertha Anna (1902 - 1980)
- m. 20 NOV 1922 in Chatam Head, NB
----------child: Boone, Ralph Ronald (1923 - )
----------child: Boone, Charles Edward (1925 - )
----------child: Boone, Robert Gerald (1928 - )
----------child: Boone, Harriet Eleanor (1933 - 1941)
Boone, Charles D (~1875 - 1881) - male
b. ABT 1875
d. 17 JUL 1881

father: Boone, Charles Edward (1835 - 1895)
mother: Hayward, Elizabeth Ann (1840 - 1880)
Boone, Charles Douglas (private) - male
father: Boone, Robert George Charles (1948 - )
mother: Holmes, Marilyn Joan (1947 - )
Boone, Charles Edward (1835 - 1895) - male
b. 12 JUL 1835 in Maugerville, NB
d. 1 JUN 1895 in Carleton County, NB

father: Boone, James Whitman (1803 - 1881)
mother: Nevers, Maria (1811 - 1843)

Burial - Coldstream Cemetery, Coldstream, NB

spouse: Hayward, Elizabeth Ann (1840 - 1880)
- m. 31 DEC 1859 in Carleton County, NB
----------child: Boone, Miriam Jane Amelia (1860 - 1943)
----------child: Boone, Delbert Edward (1862 - 1936)
----------child: Boone, Henry A (1862 - 1891)
----------child: Boone, George Whitman (1867 - 1956)
----------child: Boone, Charles D (~1875 - 1881)
spouse: Hayward, Francis H (1834 - 1889)
- m. 25 JAN 1881 in Carleton County, NB
spouse: Richardson, Melissa (~1843 - )
- m. 16 JUL 1890
Boone, Charles Edward (1867 - 1955) - male
b. 1 AUG 1867 in Lauvina, NB
d. 1955

father: Boone, Joseph Albert (1840 - 1914)
mother: Kingston, Ann Elizabeth (1843 - 1932)
spouse: Kirkpatrick, Ann (1873 - 1954)
- m. 20 MAY 1896
----------child: Boone, Erwin Lloyd (1897 - 1959)
----------child: Boone, Weyman (1901 - 1986)
----------child: Boone, Bessie
----------child: Boone, Maurice (1907 - 1984)
----------child: Boone, Charles Sheldon (1908 - 1993)
Boone, Charles Edward (1925 - ) - male
b. 11 AUG 1925 in Chatam, NB

father: Boone, Charles Ashel (1899 - 1985)
mother: Atkinson, Bertha Anna (1902 - 1980)
spouse: O'Brien, Jean Marie (1926 - )
----------child: Boone, Jan Bertha Marie (private)
----------child: Boone, Joan Heather (private)
----------child: Boone, Charles Edward (private)
----------child: Boone, Brenda Harriet (private)
Boone, Charles Edward (private) - male
father: Boone, Charles Edward (1925 - )
mother: O'Brien, Jean Marie (1926 - )
Boone, Charles Everett (~1846 - ) - male
b. ABT 1846

father: Boone, Everett (1824 - 1912)
mother: Thomas, Mary (1828 - )
spouse: Carr, Victoria (1848 - 1938)
----------child: Boone, Anne Alberta (1871 - 1954)
----------child: Boone, Aldrada May (1872 - 1944)
----------child: Boone, Martin (1875 - )
----------child: Boone, Wellington (1877 - )
----------child: Boone, Jeremiah (1878 - 1965)
----------child: Boone, Newton Wilson (1881 - 1964)
Boone, Charles Frederick (1872 - 1937) - male
b. 30 APR 1872 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 1 APR 1937 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, Alexander (1827 - 1924)
mother: Perry, Sarah (1832 - 1927)
PANB births 1810-1899 records his birth as Apr 30, 1974 in North Lake, NB as does the 1901 Census

Burial - 3 APR 1937 Fosterville, NB

spouse: Taylor, Pearl Edna (1886 - 1972)
- m. 24 DEC 1907
----------child: Boone, Alice (1910 - 2009)
----------child: Boone, Winnifred Edwina Louise (1912 - 1941)
----------child: Boone, Shirley Gwendolyn (1914 - 1994)
Boone, Charles George (~1829 - ~1906) - male
b. ABT 1829
d. ABT 1906

father: Boone, John (1800 - ~1877)
mother: Haines, Elizabeth (1807 - 1876)
spouse: Boone, Margaret Eleanor (1830 - ~1858)
- m. 6 AUG 1857
spouse: Carr, Sarah Anne (~1814 - 1881)
- m. 13 OCT 1860
Boone, Charles Henry (1893 - 1979) - male
b. 15 MAR 1893 in Stanley, NB
d. 15 JUN 1979 in Saco, ME

father: Howe, Thomas A (1860 - 1953)
mother: Howe, Ida B (1868 - 1940)
Raised by Tom Howe and went by the name of Howe See his parents Charles E Boone & Charlotte Stiles

Burial - 18 JUN 1979 Nobleboro, ME

spouse: Fossett, Ethel Luetta
- m. 31 JUL 1920 in Akron, OH
----------child: Howe, Richard Byron (1921 - )
----------child: Howe, Arnold Chester (1922 - )
----------child: Howe, Charles Fosset (1925 - )
----------child: Howe, Ernest Leroy (1927 - )
----------child: Howe, Ester Pearl (1929 - )
----------child: Howe, Thomas Richard (1934 - )
Boone, Charles Humphrey (1858 - 1933) - male
b. 25 JAN 1858 in Douglas, NB
d. 26 NOV 1933 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Humphrey (1811 - >1851)
mother: White, Maria (~1838 - )
Birth date taken from death certificate #058035 issued at Fredericton on Nov 27, 1933

C. Humphrey Boone: Hero of the Klondike --Franklin Luke Lawson Charles Humphrey Boone (1855-1933) was born at Douglas, York County, New Brunswick, 25 January 1855, the son of Charles Boone (1836-1868) and Maria P. (White) Boone (1840-1868).
On 08 July 1878 Humphrey married Elizabeth Charlotte (Ward) Dennison Yeomans (1845-1931),a daughter of Robert Ward (b. 1810) and Charlotte (Sanderson) Ward (b. 1809) of Ward Settlement. (Elizabeth Charlotte Ward had been married twice before: ď¬rst to Edward Dennison, with whom she had a son, Michael Dennison; then to Benjamin Yeomans, no children; then to Humphrey.) In 1898 Humphrey became a member of the George Black Party that went to the Klondike to search for gold FREDERICTON HERO Humphrey Boone, of Geo. Black Party Distinguishes Himself in the Klondike.
The following, from the Vancouver World of 22 inst., will be read with much interest by Mr. Boone’s many friends here. Mr. Boone was with his party when Mr. Geo. Black left them on Oct. 10th. It is evident that Mr. Boone had been employed by the English gentleman mentioned to assist them out of their difď¬culties and help them to the coast. How well he did so is told in the World’s article. Mr. Geo. Black left Vancouver on Oct. 17th for Skagway and would be on the steamer up from Vancouver which met the Islander coming down. From the way the article quoted below reads, the inference might be drawn that the Black party were in need of provisions. Such an inference would be erroneous as when Geo. Black Wrote home after leaving his party in October he stated that they were provisioned for a year yet.
The World says: - By the steamer Islander coming from Victoria this morning was a party of ď¬ve northern men, who arrived by the Rosalie last night from Skagway. One of the ď¬ve was Geo. Batt-Mills, of England. Both his feet were more or less frozen and though the greatest care was taken in getting him to his bed he fainted before that necessary operation was completed. The other members of the party were J. E. Jaeg, who went north with Mr. Batt-Mills; Dr. Boyle, the physician at Lake Bennett, who came down to take care of the wounded gentleman; C. H. Boone, of Fredericton, N. B., to whose skill and courage the injured man probably owed his life.
Mr. Boone this afternoon gave a very interesting and graphic account of the trip that nearly cost them their lives. Mr. Batt-Mills is a wealthy Englishman whose fame as a big game hunter has not infrequently been commented upon. “We had all been camping near Sutlin River,” said Mr. Boone. “After going in by Skagway Batt- Mills’ party went down the rivers and lakes until they struck the mouth of the Hootalinqua. From there they prospected and explored the country to Teslin so that by the ď¬rst of November they had joined ours and other parties in winter camp quarters near the lake. We wanted provisions and in order to stake claims it was necessary for us to go to the coast. We determined to go over the divide across country to Tagish post. On November 9th, Batt-Mills, Jaeg and I left, as the party to make the trip and for several days we made good time. The 9m was a Wednesday and it was a week from the next Sunday that Batt-Mills’ feet were frozen. On the Tuesday following I discovered it and then our troubles began. The weather had been ď¬ne up to that Sunday, but then it came to the thermometer 36 degrees below zero and the wind blowing a gale. We were in an exposed position on the mountain. On Monday our leader complained of his feet being painful and on Tuesday I insisted that he should have his boots taken off. He wore a pair of larrigans and one pair of Worcester socks, which of course, were not warm enough.” Mr. Boone speaks with a New Brunswick moose-hunting education.
“When l pulled off his socks the skin came off his feet and toes. Of course I saw that they were frozen, but there was nothing else for it and I laughed at him, telling him that his feet were C. Humphrey Boone: Hero of the Klondike simply blistered by the kind of footwear he was using. We were then 40 miles away from Tagish Post. Batt-Mills could not travel more than four miles a day and we had provisions for three days longer. Well, he struggled along in splendid style. I never saw such grit before, especially for a man who never did a day’s work in his life. I had his feet wrapped in woolens and with rubber boots he stumped along very well.
“On Friday we ate the last of our grub and I thought it was all over with us. We were still 30 miles from Tagish or anywhere else. On Saturday we got out at daybreak, walked six miles and camped again at night with nothing at all to eat and the travelling very rough. On Sunday morning Jaeg and I went to ď¬nd an old Indian trail and on it almost the ď¬rst thing we met Tagish Jim and two Indian women. They gave us a pound of beef and a cup of flour for only $4. With that back at camp we made soup and went ahead a few more miles that day. Next morning we struck out early and got to Tagish Post before night, having travelled 10 miles. During the last half-dozen miles Batt-Mills’ mind was wandering and he got along Without a complaint. He said afterwards that he could hear children singing and imagined that he was back again in England.” At Bennett, Dr. Boyle amputated several of the injured man’s toes and probably one more will be amputated in Vancouver before the Englishman leaves for home.
The members of Mr. Boone’s New Brunswick party were Geo. Black, Geo. Graham, Geo. Pinder, Geo. Amiraux, Sam Hoskins and W. W. Boddy.
SOURCE: The Daily Gleaner, Fredericton, N. B., 30 December 1899.BACK TO KLONDIKE C. H. Boone Gone to Atlin, Where He Will Join Geo. Black.
Mr. Chas. E. Neill of Vancouver has written a letter to a friend here in which he mentions having seen Geo. Black when he recently passed through there on his way to the Atlin Lake district. Mr. Neill also writes that he had a call from Mr. C. Humphrey Boone after he landed at Vancouver with the two English gentlemen whom he had guided out of the country, an account of which has previously appeared in these columns. Mr. Boone started almost immediately to return to the Klondike and is going to Atlin. He is engaged by a Dr. Boyle to guide and assist him into the country and is receiving good pay and all expenses. When Mr. Boone reaches Atlin he will rejoin Geo. Black, who is on his way to the same district, and together they will rejoin their party at their camp and claim on the Hootalinqua.
SOURCE: The Daily Gleaner, Fredericton, N. B., 12 January 1900.
The George Black party discontinued their prospecting in the Klondike in 1901. A few years later Humphrey went back to the Klondike and worked there for a short time. He again returned to New Brunswick and became a cook at various lumber camps throughout the province.
Charles Humphrey Boone, a hero of the Klondike, died 26 November 1933 and was buried at Forest Hill Cemetery, Fredericton.

Burial - Forest Hill Cemetery, Fredericton, NB

spouse: Ward, Elizabeth Charlotte (1848 - 1924)
- m. 8 JUL 1878
----------child: Boone, Miles Edgar (1880 - 1917)
----------child: Boone, Clie Minnie (1882 - 1967)
----------child: Boone, Helen E (1883 - 1948)
----------child: Boone, Frederick James (1886 - 1958)
----------child: Boone, Alice Maude (1888 - 1965)
----------child: Boone, Charles Allen (1890 - 1970)
Boone, Charles Lester (1862 - 1863) - male
b. 22 AUG 1862
d. 4 AUG 1863

father: Boone, Joseph Albert (1840 - 1914)
mother: Kingston, Ann Elizabeth (1843 - 1932)
Boone, Charles Robert (1930 - 2009) - male
b. 1930
d. 10 APR 2009 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Samuel Edward (1887 - 1969)
mother: Horsman, Caroline (1896 - 1976)
The passing of Charles Robert Boone of Oromocto occurred on Friday, April 10th, 2009, at the Oromocto Public Hospital. He was 79. Born in Fredericton Junction NB, the son of the late Samuel Edward and Caroline (Horseman) Boone. A truck driver for many years with Devon Lumber, Charles enjoyed reading Western Novels and working on Jigsaw puzzles as well as being a very loving father and best friend to his wife of 47 years Mary Christine Gabriel. Survived by wife Mary Christine Gabriel Boone, one daughter, Roberta Ann Boone at home in Fredericton, son Roger Edward Boone of Abbotsford, BC; two step-children, Simon Jerome Gabriel of Calgary Alberta, Harold Thomas Gabriel of Tracy, NB; five grandchildren, Nigel Boone of Victoria, BC, Alison Gabriel of Halifax, NS, Joseph Gabriel (Terry Lynn) of St. Mary's, Caitlynn Boone of Calgary, Alberta, Austin Hay of Fredericton; as well as one great-grandson, Myles Joseph Gabriel of St. Mary's; one cousin, Mabel Delong of Saint John; two special nieces, Jackie and Lorie of Pleasant Point, Maine, USA as well as several other nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, two brothers, John Vincent and Edward Boone, as well as one sister, Mary Wolcott. Respecting the wishes of Charles no visitation or funeral service will be held. Interment will take place in Saint Anthony's Cemetery at a later date. For those who wish, memorials may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or to the Fredericton SPCA.
spouse: Gabriel, Mary Christine
- m. 11 NOV 1961 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Roberta Ann (1963 - 2009)
----------child: Boone, Roger Edward (private)
Boone, Charles Sheldon (1908 - 1993) - male
b. 2 SEP 1908 in Houlton, ME
d. 13 AUG 1993

father: Boone, Charles Edward (1867 - 1955)
mother: Kirkpatrick, Ann (1873 - 1954)
Boone, Charlotte (~1839 - 1861) - female
b. ABT 1839 in Sunbury Co NB
d. 1 APR 1861

father: Boone, Alexander (1812 - 1898)
mother: Mead, Ann (1815 - 1898)
spouse: Mercer, William (? - ~1861)
- m. 3 JAN 1859 in Sunbury Co NB
Boone, Charlotte - female
father: Boone, George Thomas (1884 - 1966)
mother: Libby, D Claire (~1882 - 1939)
Boone, Charlotte Alexandra (private) - female
father: Boone, Duane Frederick (1950 - )
mother: Tibbet-Vienneau, Sandra (1948 - )
Boone, Charlotte Marie (1938 - ) - female
b. 1938 in Centreville, NB

father: Boone, Herbert Guy (1883 - 1961)
mother: Graham, Katherine Vaughnette (1915 - 2008)
Married Alton Taylor and lives in Drummond, NB

Marital Status - Bachelor

spouse: Taylor, Alton Gerald (1934 - )
- m. 28 MAR 1955 in St Andrews, NB
Boone, Christina (1874 - 1932) - female
b. 1874
d. FEB 1932

father: Boone, George Frederick (~1831 - 1878)
mother: Macleod, Christine (? - 1875)

Burial - Hoyt, NB

spouse: McCracken, John W (1872 - 1936)
----------child: McCracken, Gladys B (1901 - 1904)
----------child: McCracken, Edna
----------child: McCracken, William
----------child: McCracken, Alton E (? - 1985)
----------child: McCracken, Glendon (~1914 - 1978)
spouse: Kingston, Orlo W (~1868 - 1896)
- m. 27 DEC 1894 in Blissville, NB
----------child: Kingston, Mertleena (1895 - 1899)
Boone, Christina (private) - female
father: Boone, Jeffery Alan (1957 - 2001)
mother: Hanson, Terry (private)
Boone, Christina Bryde (private) - female
father: Boone, Lloyd George (1944 - )
mother: McKendry, Ellen Marie (1946 - )
----------child: Boone, Brandon Lloyd (private)
Boone, Christine Eleanor (1949 - ) - female
b. 15 OCT 1949

father: Boone, Ralph Ronald (1923 - )
mother: Marks, Elizabeth (1925 - )
spouse: Sinclair, Clifford Stanley (1948 - )
- m. 5 OCT 1968
----------child: Sinclair, Kerry Ann (private)
----------child: Sinclair, Diane Sandra (private)
Boone, Christopher A (private) - male
father: Boone, Cedric Donald (private)
mother: Tibbits, Maureen Ann (private)
Boone, Christopher Allen (private) - male
father: Boone, Lloyd George (1944 - )
mother: McKendry, Ellen Marie (1946 - )
Boone, Christopher William (private) - male
father: Boone, Gregory James (private)
mother: Pitcher, Louise (private)
Boone, Cilus (1842 - ) - male
b. 1842

father: Boone, John James (1808 - 1861)
mother: Boone*, Eleanor (1821 - 1861)
Boone, Claire Libbey (? - 1984) - female
b. in Joliette, PQ
d. 1984

father: Boone, George Thomas (1884 - 1966)
mother: Libby, D Claire (~1882 - 1939)

Burial - Brockway, NB

spouse: Perry, Graham
Boone, Clara Alberta (1916 - ) - female
b. 21 AUG 1916 in Aroostook Jct., NB

father: Boone, Dow Sterling (1872 - 1942)
mother: Drummond, Mary Agnes (1874 - 1939)
Boone, Clara Emma Violetta (1879 - ) - female
b. 18 MAY 1879

father: Boone, Joseph Albert (1840 - 1914)
mother: Kingston, Ann Elizabeth (1843 - 1932)
spouse: Vail, Louis (1877 - 1951)
- m. 31 DEC 1900
----------child: Vail, George Albert (1902 - )
----------child: Vail, Edith Melvina (1904 - )
----------child: Vail, Naomi (1906 - 1909)
----------child: Vail, Ellis Holden (1907 - 1929)
----------child: Vail, Earl Raymond (1908 - )
----------child: Vail, Louis Allen (1910 - )
----------child: Vail, Mildred Ella (1911 - 2003)
----------child: Vail, Glenna Ethel (1914 - )
----------child: Vail, Nona Clara (1925 - )
----------child: Vail, Annie Irene (1951 - 1987)
Boone, Clara May (1901 - 1990) - female
b. 8 APR 1901
d. 19 MAR 1990 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, George Whitman (1867 - 1956)
mother: McCallum, Sarah Williams (1867 - 1934)
Boone, Clara May (1920 - ) - female
b. 19 JUN 1920 in Plaster Rock, NB

father: Boone, Leo Hoyt (1886 - 1972)
mother: Robinson, Mary Emily (1890 - 1965)
spouse: Inman, Phillip Keith (1923 - )
- m. 20 JUN 1942 in Andover, NB
Boone, Clarence (1903 - 1988) - male
b. 21 MAY 1903
d. 26 DEC 1988

father: Boone, William Moran (1865 - 1950)
mother: Smith, Mary Samantha (1871 - 1934)


spouse: Carr, Blanche Julia (1897 - 1960)
- m. 18 JUN 1924
----------child: Boone, Herbert Donald (1924 - 2006)
----------child: Boone, Julia Elizabeth (1928 - 1997)
----------child: Boone, Nora Samantha (1934 - 2015)
Boone, Clarence Bedford - male
father: Boone, Samuel K (1855 - 1938)
mother: Gray, Mary C (1861 - 1931)
spouse: Bigelow, Eula
----------child: Boone, Eula Ellen (1912 - )
----------child: Boone, Bernice May (1915 - )
----------child: Boone, Winnie Gray (1917 - )
----------child: Boone, Daniel S (1919 - )
----------child: Boone, Rena Blanche (1921 - )
----------child: Boone, Jean Bigelow (1924 - )
----------child: Boone, Ruth Dolis (1926 - )
----------child: Boone, Marilyn Betty (1927 - )
----------child: Boone, Clarence Bedford (1928 - )
----------child: Boone, Richard Edward (1931 - )
Boone, Clarence Bedford (1928 - ) - male
b. 29 OCT 1928

father: Boone, Clarence Bedford
mother: Bigelow, Eula
Boone, Clarence Guy (1905 - 1980) - male
b. 1 MAY 1905 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 15 NOV 1980 in Toronto, Ont

father: Boone, Harvey Beverly (1876 - 1955)
mother: Foster, Jane Beatrice (1885 - 1941)
spouse: McMinn, Geneva Adelia (1904 - 1999)
- m. 15 JUL 1925 in Woodstock, N.B
----------child: Boone, Elma Irene (1926 - 2011)
----------child: Boone, Lois Maude (1927 - 1997)
----------child: Boone, Russell Harvey (1929 - 2014)
----------child: Boone, Ardis (1931 - )
----------child: Boone, Ivan (1932 - )
----------child: Boone, Madeline
Boone, Clarice Hope (1927 - ) - female
b. 8 JUL 1927

father: Boone, Richard Leon (1902 - 1971)
mother: Higgins, Hope Margaret (1906 - 1993)
spouse: Sloat, Harley Frank
- m. 14 MAY 1946
----------child: Sloat, Daniel Harley (1947 - 1947)
----------child: Sloat, Gregory Alec (1950 - 1971)
----------child: Sloat, Heidi Lynn (private)
----------child: Sloat, Barton Stewart (private)
Boone, Clie Minnie (1882 - 1967) - female
b. 25 FEB 1882 in Stanley, NB
d. 6 DEC 1967 in San Diego, CA

father: Boone, Charles Humphrey (1858 - 1933)
mother: Ward, Elizabeth Charlotte (1848 - 1924)
spouse: McNish, Thomas (1869 - )
- m. 17 OCT 1899 in Boston, MA
Boone, Clifford (1932 - ) - male
b. 1932

father: Boone, Frank Henry (1901 - 1976)
mother: Smith, Minnie Naomi (1903 - )
spouse: Legace, Blondine (1938 - )
- m. 2 JUL 1957 in Pointe-Verte, NB
Boone, Clinton (1936 - ) - male
b. 22 SEP 1936 in Ashland, NB

father: Boone, Arthur Winston (1907 - 1992)
mother: McInnis, Inez Ellen (1909 - 2002)
spouse: Long, Eunice (1933 - )
- m. 6 SEP 1961 in Wakefield, NB
----------child: Boone, Darrell (private)
Boone, Clorice Louise (1947 - 1947) - female
b. 1947 in Island Falls, ME
d. 1947

father: Boone, Gerald Richardson (1922 - 2015)
mother: Chambers, Bessie Lawrence (1928 - 2022)
Boone, Colleen (private) - female
father: Boone, Elwood Burton (1941 - )
mother: Steeves, Mary (1938 - )
Boone, Comfort (1828 - 1887) - female
b. 5 AUG 1828
d. 19 JUN 1887

father: Boone, George (1785 - 1861)
mother: Crane, Sarah (1785 - 1854)
Boone, Comfort (1863 - ) - female
b. 1863

father: Boone, Henry (1817 - 1886)
mother: White, Ruth (1821 - 1884)
spouse: Evans, Dan
Boone, Cordelia J (? - 1873) - female
d. 8 MAR 1873 in Geary, NB

Boone, Corinne (private) - female
father: Boone, William Lloyd (1923 - 2003)
mother: Wood, Marion Pauline (1935 - )
Boone, Courtney (private) - female
father: Boone, Gregory (private)
mother: Foster, Theresa (private)
Boone, Covert Merlin (1922 - ) - male
b. 28 JUL 1922

father: Boone, Frank Henry (1901 - 1976)
mother: Smith, Minnie Naomi (1903 - )
spouse: Drummond, Annie Gertrude (1941 - )
- m. 29 MAR 1968 in Gagetown, NB
Boone, Crystal Sharon (1944 - ) - female
b. 31 JUL 1944 in Green Mountain, NB

father: Boone, John Beverly (1913 - 1988)
mother: Vantassel, Gladys Lois (1914 - 1995)
spouse: Wright, Clayton
- m. AUG 1960
----------child: Boone, Keith (1960 - 1993)
spouse: Kitchen, Harvey William (1928 - )
- m. 21 APR 1971
----------child: Kitchen, Bethany (private)
----------child: Kitchen, Scott (private)
----------child: Kitchen, James (private)
Boone, Daisy Janet (1905 - ) - female
b. 14 NOV 1905 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Dow Sterling (1872 - 1942)
mother: Drummond, Mary Agnes (1874 - 1939)
spouse: Carr, Clarence Edson (? - 1987)
Boone, Dakoda Anthony (private) - male
father: Boone, Roger Lee (private)
mother: Boucher, Mary (private)
Boone, Dale Irving (1947 - ) - male
b. 17 DEC 1947

father: Boone, George Norman (1925 - 2004)
mother: Giberson, Vada Marion (1930 - )
spouse: Albright, Elaine Marie (1948 - )
- m. 14 JUN 1970 in Hartland, NB
----------child: Boone, Annette Dawn (private)
----------child: Boone, Scott Dale (private)
Boone, Damaria (~1852 - ) - female
b. ABT 1852

father: Boone, Samuel (1819 - 1889)
mother: Haines, Margaret (~1826 - 1905)
spouse: Ward, Robert
Boone, Dana - female
father: Boone, Ralph Willard (1892 - )
mother: Gaynor, Eleanor Cleophus Jane (1891 - 1944)
Boone, Dana Heywood (1897 - 1970) - male
b. 12 JUL 1897 in Edgartown, ME
d. 30 OCT 1970 in Florida

father: Boone, David Oscar (1867 - 1942)
mother: Grant, Amanda A
spouse: Brackett, Marion
- m. 3 APR 1920 in ME
----------child: Boone, Dorothy
Boone, Dana Richard (1948 - ) - male
b. 30 JUN 1948 in Forest City, NB

father: Boone, Basil Sedences (1909 - 1998)
mother: Carr, Mamie (1917 - 2005)
spouse: Boudreau, Annette (private)
- m. 1 SEP 1979 in Woodstock, NB
spouse: Williams, Lorette Marie (private)
- m. 14 NOV 1992 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Daniel Adelbert (private) - male
father: Boone, Richard Leon (1930 - 2010)
mother: MacDonald, Frances Gladys (1932 - 2003)
Boone, Daniel Darrell (private) - male
father: Boone, Donald Derryl (1927 - 1997)
mother: Wood, Ila Evaleene (1929 - 1999)
Boone, Daniel S (1919 - ) - male
b. 27 JAN 1919

father: Boone, Clarence Bedford
mother: Bigelow, Eula
Boone, Darlene (private) - female
father: Boone, Donald Murray (1927 - 2005)
mother: Saunders, Dorothy Margaret (1924 - )
Boone, Darlene Ann (private) - female
father: Boone, Vernon Claude (1940 - )
mother: LeBlanc, Irene Marie Jeanette (1942 - )
spouse: Noj, Roman Peter (private)
- m. 27 DEC 1985 in St. Giles United Church, Hamilton, Ont.
Boone, Darlene Nora (private) - female
father: Boone, Darrell Clark (1923 - )
mother: Chambers, Madeline Carrie (1925 - 2019)
spouse: Qualey, Phillip Walter (1947 - )
- m. 5 JUN 1971
----------child: Qualey, Carmen Dawn (private)
----------child: Qualey, Michelle Marie (private)
Boone, Darrell (private) - male
father: Boone, Delbert Wayne (1922 - 2005)
mother: Kaley, Shirley Pauline
Boone, Darrell (private) - male
father: Boone, Clinton (1936 - )
mother: Long, Eunice (1933 - )
Boone, Darrell Clark (1923 - ) - male
b. 11 JUN 1923 in Davidson, ME

father: Boone, Simon Lesley (1884 - 1975)
mother: Gerald, Ethel Mae (1886 - 1975)
Darrell Clark Boone: Back in 1943 he got a letter to go to the Army. He went to training in Texas as an armorer and he also was trained with airborne units and had to rig tanks, jeeps and personnel on airplanes although he never had to jump. He left from Baltimore, Maryland on a ship to Europe. lt took 11 days. They landed in England. He had to pull guard duty one night on top of the ship and saw a man on the deck that was smoking an old corn cob pipe. He thought the pipe looked familiar and reprimanded the man for being on deck only to ď¬nd that it was his bother, Frank Boone. Frank was with the 9th lnfantry Division. My grandfather was with 3rd Armored Division. Their boat landed in Normandy on 9 June 1944. There was still a lot of fighting and because of it boats were lined up to drop off personnel, replacements and supplies. During this time, the fighting was ď¬erce and the majority of my grandfathers unit were killed. At one point he was separated from them and met a Ranger from Montana. They trekked to St Lo and stole eggs and killed small game to survive. ln St Lo, Grandfather met back up with others from his unit and continued on.Around this time, during a movement through a ď¬eld there was a mine that exploded and my grandfather got shrapnel through the back of his leg. Because of the injury he was medevaced to Paris, France. When he got there he said the Parisiennes threw loaves of bread at the wounded soldiers to eat. He was there for nearly one month to heal and then called back to duty. Once he reached his unit they were on their way to Bastogne for the battle of the Bulge. He said that as they went through the countryside he was struck by how beautiful some of the places were on their way there. He talked about avoiding churches with steeples because there were always snipers present. During the fighting around Bastogne, my grandfather and another soldier were running and they were both struck by an artillery round. Shrapnel went through my grandfathers left wrist and it blew off the heel of the other mans foot. They laid on the ď¬eld for 3-4 hours until it got so cold that my grandfather said theyd have to make a run for it or they'd freeze to death. The man said he couldn't run because of his heel and grandfather said he had to or he'd die. They could see tanks and Nazis. They made a run for it and were shot at but not hit. They managed to hide out on a farm until the next night they were linked back up with the military and medevaced to Manchester, England where there was a hospital. My grandfather said he had a hole completely through his wrist and they used a rag to ď¬t through it to get the poison or infection out. He had a cast on his left arm for nearly 1 month and then got orders to return to the ď¬ghting. While he was waiting to return to the front the war ended and he didn't have to return.
He flew from Manchester to lceland then lceland to Presque Isle, Maine. He says he wore a cast all that summer. He was placed on duty in Boston guarding Germans at an encampment for the rest of his enlistment before he was released from the Army.The 9th lnfantry Division that Frank Boone was in was responsible for cleaning up everything my Grandfather'ss unit had went through. While my grandfather was sent back to the USA, Frank was placed on duty as a guard at the Nuremberg Trials. His responsibility was checking people's credentials before they were allowed to enter the courts. After the trials, Frank went back to Maine, married my Grandmothers sister, Rowena Chambers, had a son and died shortly after of Leukemia.Grandfather had 2 others brothers who also went to war. Gerald (Joe) Boone was in the Paciď¬c Theater and Alton Boone, an Army cook, was stationed in North Africa.Evidently when many of the men got back from war there weren't a lot of options for marriage so it wasn't uncommon for brothers of one family to marry sisters of another. In my family, Darrell (my Grandfather), Gerald and Frank Boone married Madeline (my grandmother), Bessie and Rowena Chambers respectively. His other two brothers Alton and Royce Boone married sisters Shirley and Marilyn Eaton. Out of all of these, my Grandfather (94) and Great Uncle Royce (88) are still alive and my Grandmother (91) ,Bessie (88) and Shirley (91) are as well.It was interesting to hear my grandfather talk today. l showed him pictures of Normandy, St Lo, Bastogne, and Ardennes. He asked about the Omaha Beach cemetery and l showed him the pictures of it now. Dad says it's the first time he ever heard this father talk this much about the war. l told him he's seen a lot of things in his life and he looks a little sad when he says there's a lot he wished he'd never remember.

spouse: Chambers, Madeline Carrie (1925 - 2019)
- m. 1 AUG 1941
----------child: Boone, Dennis Clark (1947 - )
----------child: Boone, Donald Lester (1950 - 2020)
----------child: Boone, Darlene Nora (private)
Boone, David - male
father: Boone, Wesley Whitfield (1897 - 1972)
mother: Carr, Alice May (1918 - )
Boone, David (private) - male
father: Boone, Elwood Burton (1941 - )
mother: Steeves, Mary (1938 - )
Boone, David Allen (private) - male
father: Boone, Donald William (1941 - )
mother: Stephens, Joelle
Boone, David Burpee (1881 - 1974) - male
b. 26 JUN 1881 in Tilley, NB
d. AUG 1974 in Perth, NB

father: Boone, William Henry (1854 - 1930)
mother: Robertson, Ida Mary (1856 - 1927)
spouse: Robertson, Marie (1883 - 1962)
----------child: Boone, Samuel Henry John Robert (1909 - )
----------child: Boone, Bruce Medley (1912 - 1965)
----------child: Boone, Thelma Elizabeth (1918 - )
Boone, David Clark (private) - male
father: Boone, Dennis Clark (1947 - )
mother: White, Victoria S. (private)
Boone, David Franklen (1941 - ) - male
b. 1941 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, Bruce Medley (1912 - 1965)
mother: Boyce, Mildred Andrea (1920 - )
spouse: DeMerchant, Mary Jean (1948 - )
Boone, David Goodwell (1914 - ) - male
b. 9 JUN 1914 in St Marys, NB

father: Boone, Arthur Avondale (1883 - 1921)
mother: Mabie, Lulu Pearl (1889 - 1962)
spouse: MacPherson, Ella Marguerite (1918 - )
- m. 26 SEP 1942 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Linda Muriel (1948 - )
Boone, David Isaac (1970 - 1980) - male
b. 9 MAY 1970
d. 14 MAR 1980

father: Boone, Peter Earl (1948 - )
mother: Otto, Joan
Boone, David Oscar (1867 - 1942) - male
b. 25 APR 1867 in Stanley, NB
d. 20 MAR 1942 in Charleston, ME

father: Boone, Humphrey (1811 - >1851)
mother: White, Maria (~1838 - )
David Oscar Boone died March 20 after several months' illness.
Mr. Boone was a farmer and had lived here about a year and a half. He was twice married. Surviving are his wife Alma, and three children: Helen George and Richard, all of Charleston; and three children from his first marriage, Mrs. Flossie Stetsn of Mars Hill; Mrs. William Erb of Plainville, CT; and Capt. Dana H. Boone, of Fort Banks, Winthrop, MA.
spouse: Grant, Amanda A
- m. 1892
----------child: Boone, Florence Maria Earlene (1891 - 1988)
----------child: Boone, Dana Heywood (1897 - 1970)
----------child: Boone, Mae Eullah (1901 - 1982)
spouse: Grovis, Alma
- m. 5 APR 1930 in ME, probably in Bangor
----------child: Boone, Richard
----------child: Boone, Helen Dora (1929 - 2004)
----------child: Boone, George David (1930 - 2010)
Boone, David William (1927 - 1990) - male
b. 15 AUG 1927 in Fredericton Junction, NB
d. 17 JAN 1990

mother: McLaughlin, Matilda (~1893 - 1977)

Burial - Fredericton Jct, NB

Boone, David Winston (1949 - ) - male
b. 4 OCT 1949 in Bar Harbor, ME

father: Boone, William Warden (1920 - 2006)
mother: Dickinson, Muriel Cecile (1920 - 2005)
spouse: Tedesco, Jean L
- m. 29 OCT 1970 in Watertown, NY
----------child: Boone, Kerry (private)
----------child: Boone, Stephanie (private)
Boone, Deborah (private) - female
father: Boone, Donald Murray (1927 - 2005)
mother: Saunders, Dorothy Margaret (1924 - )
Boone, Deborah Nina (private) - female
father: Boone, Donald Derryl (1927 - 1997)
mother: Wood, Ila Evaleene (1929 - 1999)
spouse: Lenetine, Ronald Edison (1949 - )
- m. 21 OCT 1972 in United Baptist Church, Lindsay, N.B
----------child: Lenetine, Joy Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Lenetine, Amy Rhonda (private)
----------child: Lenetine, Jason Ronald (private)
Boone, Debra Jane (private) - female
father: Boone, Russell Harvey (1929 - 2014)
mother: Armour, Ruth Ethel
Boone, Delbert Edward (1862 - 1936) - male
b. 14 DEC 1862
d. 23 FEB 1936 in Hartland, NB

father: Boone, Charles Edward (1835 - 1895)
mother: Hayward, Elizabeth Ann (1840 - 1880)
Lloyd Boone records birthdate at Dec 19, 1862.

Burial - Hartland, N.B

spouse: Seeley, Eleanor Jane (1859 - 1935)
- m. 16 JUN 1886
----------child: Boone, Elizabeth Ann (1890 - 1976)
----------child: Boone, Hazel Josephine (1892 - 1972)
----------child: Boone, Mary Maud (1894 - 1975)
----------child: Boone, Laura Elby (1895 - 1968)
----------child: Boone, Charles Ashel (1899 - 1985)
Boone, Delbert Wayne (1922 - 2005) - male
b. 22 JUN 1922 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 2005

father: Boone, Arlington (1893 - 1991)
mother: McFawn, Hazel (1889 - 1968)

Burial - MAY 2005

spouse: Kaley, Shirley Pauline
- m. 12 MAY 1962 in United Baptist Parsonage, Woodstock, N.B
----------child: Boone, Vernon (private)
----------child: Boone, Alton (private)
----------child: Boone, Darrell (private)
----------child: Boone, Aubrey (private)
Boone, Della Blanche (1907 - 1988) - female
b. 16 JUN 1907 in McAdam, NB
d. 19 OCT 1988 in Danvers, MA

father: Boone, Newton Wilson (1881 - 1964)
mother: Gibson, Myrtle Evelyn (1883 - 1970)
spouse: Hayward, Harvey Moore (1888 - 1971)
- m. 31 DEC 1934 in St. Stephen, NB
----------child: Hayward, Frederick Rollins (1937 - )
Boone, Della Jane (1896 - 1974) - female
b. 1 SEP 1896 in Ashland, NB
d. 22 OCT 1974

father: Boone, George Whitman (1867 - 1956)
mother: McCallum, Sarah Williams (1867 - 1934)
spouse: Belyea, John Halbert (1895 - 1960)
- m. 2 SEP 1939 in Hartland, NB
Boone, Denice Crystal (private) - female
father: Boone, Frederick Whelpley (1934 - 2008)
mother: Gould, Charlene Marie (1939 - )
Boone, Dennis Clark (1947 - ) - male
b. 12 MAY 1947 in Maine

father: Boone, Darrell Clark (1923 - )
mother: Chambers, Madeline Carrie (1925 - 2019)
spouse: White, Victoria S. (private)
- m. 11 MAR 1978
----------child: Boone, Kathleen Elaine (private)
----------child: Boone, David Clark (private)
spouse: Barrows, Verna D (1942 - 2020)
- m. 10 DEC 1988 in Maine
Boone, Denzil Ross (1917 - 1918) - male
b. 16 APR 1917 in McAdam, NB
d. 14 MAY 1918 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Walter Havelock (1863 - 1950)
mother: Scott, Katie Jane (1874 - 1963)
Boone, Dewayne Curtis (private) - male
father: Boone, Leslie Roscoe (1921 - 1982)
mother: Fish, Lois Annie (1930 - 1981)
spouse: Derrick, Jerilynn Marie (private)
- m. 24 JUN 1972 in United Church, Canterbury, N.B
----------child: Boone, Julianne Marie (private)
----------child: Boone, Erin Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Boone, Kristy Lynn (private)
----------child: Boone, Alicia Dawn (1986 - 2012)
Boone, Dianna Faye (1942 - ) - female
b. 1942 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, Bruce Medley (1912 - 1965)
mother: Boyce, Mildred Andrea (1920 - )
spouse: Swazey, John Raymond (1938 - )
- m. 12 DEC 1959 in Andover, NB
Boone, Dolphus Dalton (1869 - 1955) - male
b. 8 MAY 1869 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 25 MAY 1955 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, James Whitman (1831 - 1904)
mother: Carr, Hannah E (1837 - )

Burial - Fredericton Jct., NB

spouse: Carr, Jane (1873 - 1939)
- m. 3 APR 1901 in Geary, NB
----------child: Boone, Annie Madeline (1901 - 1947)
----------child: Boone, Marion (1903 - 1977)
----------child: Boone, Gordon George (1907 - 1961)
Boone, Donald Clifford (1934 - ) - male
b. 1934 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, Neil Revere (1911 - 2007)
mother: Finnemore, Hazel Lyola (1912 - 2009)
spouse: Everett, Ida Mae (1936 - )
- m. 27 DEC 1952 in Perth, NB
Boone, Donald Derryl (1927 - 1997) - male
b. 19 JUL 1927 in Pemberton Ridge, NB
d. 3 AUG 1997 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, Donald Roscoe (1897 - 1971)
mother: Dewitt, Hazel Isabelle (1902 - 1946)
spouse: Wood, Ila Evaleene (1929 - 1999)
- m. 30 DEC 1947
----------child: Boone, Ollie Irvine (1945 - )
----------child: Boone, Jerry Calvin (1948 - )
----------child: Boone, Evelyn Kaye (1950 - )
----------child: Boone, Deborah Nina (private)
----------child: Boone, Gayla Irene (private)
----------child: Boone, Lorne Dwight (1957 - 2002)
----------child: Boone, Sherry Joy (private)
----------child: Boone, Karen Leigh (private)
----------child: Boone, Kathy Lynn (private)
----------child: Boone, Daniel Darrell (private)
Boone, Donald Edward (1936 - ) - male
b. 1936 in Queenstown, NB

father: Boone, Weyman (1901 - 1986)
mother: Edwards, Muriel (1906 - 1987)

Occupation -

spouse: Northrup, Beatrice Muriel
- m. 14 SEP 1957 in Greenwich, NB
Boone, Donald Frederick (1928 - ) - male
b. 18 DEC 1928 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, Frederick George (1886 - 1936)
mother: Howe, Frances Margaret (1891 - 1977)
spouse: Brown, Grace Elizabeth (1933 - )
- m. 21 JUN 1952 in Oromocto, NB
----------child: Boone, Lucy Ann (private)
----------child: Boone, Cedric Donald (private)
----------child: Boone, Catherine Elizabeth (private)
----------child: Boone, Kimberley Dawn (private)
Boone, Donald Lester (1950 - 2020) - male
b. 9 MAR 1950 in Maine
d. 21 NOV 2020 in Houlton, ME

father: Boone, Darrell Clark (1923 - )
mother: Chambers, Madeline Carrie (1925 - 2019)
PATTEN - Donald Lester Boone was born on March 9, 1950 in Island Falls to loving parents, Darrell and Madeline Boone. He went to be with Jesus, his Lord and Savior, on November 21, 2020. Growing up, Don attended school in Crystal and Patten. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1968, and he did a tour in Vietnam. He was discharged in 1971, and in this same year, he married his devoted wife of 49 years, Rachel Glidden Boone. He is survived by his beloved children: Benjamin and wife, Tina; Israel and wife, Becky; and Natashia and husband, Kevin. He is also sunlived by his beautiful and perfect grandkids: Simon and Roger Boone, Hannah and Samuel Boone, and Suzannah and Barrett Mathers; as well as his much loved father, Darrell Boone; brother, Dennis Boone; and sister, Darlene Qualey. He loved his entire family, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Don's friends and neighbors were so loving and caring, making the last year of his life so much better. He prayed for all, with the hope of seeing his family and friends in heaven someday! Published on December 13, 2020
spouse: Glidden, Rachel Lynn (private)
----------child: Boone, Benjamin Donald (private)
----------child: Boone, Israel A (private)
----------child: Boone, Natashia Ingrid (private)
Boone, Donald Murray (1927 - 2005) - male
b. 1927
d. 1 OCT 2005 in Arookstook, NB

father: Boone, Arthur Edwin (1899 - 1970)
mother: Hatheway, Vivian Ellis (1907 - 1990)
The death of Donald M. Boone of Aroostook occurred on October 1, 2005 at the Hotel Dieu Hospital at the age of 78. Born in Aroostook he was the son of the late Arthur Sr. and Vivian Boone. He is survived by his wife Dorothy Boone of Aroostook; three daughters Deborah (Dimitrius) Eliakis of Fredericton, Darlene (Brian) Francoeur of California Settlement and Barbara Boone of Aroostook; one son Brian (Denise) Boone of Aroostook; five grandchildren; one sister Betty (Kenneth) Shmidt of New Denmark. Predeceased by his parents, two brothers Arthur Jr. and Gordon, nephew Mitchell Shmidt. Resting at White's Funeral Home with visiting hours on Tuesday October 4th from 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday October 5th at 11 Am from White's Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Maynard Rector officiating. Interment in the Presbyterian Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Southern Victoria Cancer Fund, St. James United Church Building Fund or donor's choice would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements by White's Funeral Home, Perth-Andover, NB.
spouse: Saunders, Dorothy Margaret (1924 - )
- m. 18 JUN 1953 in Aroostook, NB
----------child: Boone, Barbara (private)
----------child: Boone, Brian (private)
----------child: Boone, Deborah (private)
----------child: Boone, Darlene (private)
Boone, Donald Roscoe (1897 - 1971) - male
b. 20 SEP 1897 in Forest City, NB
d. 25 MAR 1971 in Woodstock, NB

father: Boone, Henry Harvey (1859 - 1956)
mother: Vatassel, Martha Sophia (1862 - 1947)

Burial - Vet's Cemetery, Woodstock, NB

spouse: Dewitt, Hazel Isabelle (1902 - 1946)
- m. 21 OCT 1920
----------child: Boone, Leslie Roscoe (1921 - 1982)
----------child: Boone, Frank Deforrest (1922 - 2005)
----------child: Boone, Glenwood Curtis (1924 - )
----------child: Boone, Harold Ronald (1926 - 1958)
----------child: Boone, Donald Derryl (1927 - 1997)
----------child: Boone, Ivadelle Muriel (1928 - 2001)
----------child: Boone, Louise Marie (1930 - 1988)
----------child: Boone, Calvin William (1932 - 1981)
----------child: Boone, Sheldon Winston Delano (1943 - )
spouse: Howes, Grace
- m. 1960
Boone, Donald William (1941 - ) - male
b. 4 AUG 1941 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, MacDonald Jared Weston (1911 - 1992)
mother: Hayden, Bertha Regina
spouse: Stephens, Joelle
- m. 16 OCT 1966
----------child: Boone, Krista (private)
----------child: Boone, David Allen (private)
----------child: Boone, Ryan Donald (private)
Boone, Donna Mary (1936 - ) - female
b. 1936 in Fredericton Jct., NB

father: Boone, Winslow Earby (1908 - 1992)
mother: Gordon, Helen Isabelle (1919 - 2012)

Occupation - Shoe factory

spouse: Carr, Ivan Hedley (1930 - )
- m. 1 MAR 1952 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Dorcus (1839 - ~1890) - female
b. 1839
d. ABT 1890

father: Boone, John (1800 - ~1877)
mother: Haines, Elizabeth (1807 - 1876)
spouse: Smith, Samuel
----------child: Smith, Frances Adelaide (1865 - 1933)
----------child: Smith, Sarah (1867 - )
----------child: Smith, Mary Samantha (1871 - 1934)
Boone, Doreen (private) - female
father: Boone, Leslie Roscoe (1921 - 1982)
mother: Fish, Lois Annie (1930 - 1981)
spouse: Grant, Larry (1949 - )
- m. 29 NOV 1969 in Penecostal Church, Canterbury, N.B
----------child: Grant, Tina (private)
----------child: Grant, Sandy (private)
----------child: Grant, Calvin Larry (private)
Boone, Doreen Ella (1926 - ) - female
b. 29 JAN 1926 in Dorn Ridge, NB

father: Boone, Byron Herbert (1902 - 1977)
mother: Evans, Mabel Ellen (1904 - 1994)

Occupation - Clerk Typist

spouse: Gould, William Irvine (1921 - )
- m. 26 NOV 1955 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, NB
----------child: Gould, Frederick Byron (private)
----------child: Gould, Kathryn Elizabeth (1958 - 1958)
----------child: Gould, William Errol (private)
----------child: Gould, Douglas Murray (private)
Boone, Doris E (1913 - 1989) - female
b. 5 DEC 1913 in Burtts Corner, NB
d. 13 JAN 1989 in Calais, ME

father: Boone, George Wellington (1887 - 1914)
mother: Staples, Sadie Edna (1895 - 1988)
Boone, Doris Irene (1916 - 2001) - female
b. 25 MAY 1916
d. MAR 2001

father: Boone, John Calvin (1890 - 1972)
mother: Kelly, Cora Isabelle (1894 - 1968)
Boone, Doris Viola (1920 - ) - female
b. 29 AUG 1920 in Plaster Rock, NB

father: Boone, James Duncan (1904 - 1981)
mother: Stickles, Jean Alice (1901 - )
spouse: Gee, Herbert (1919 - )
- m. 15 JUN 1938 in Andover, NB
Boone, Dorothy (1920 - 2001) - female
b. 4 FEB 1920 in Presque Isle, ME
d. 10 JUN 2001 in Presque Isle, ME

father: Boone, Frank Ronald (1892 - 1978)
mother: Libby, Bertha E (1896 - 1940)
Dorothy B. Kidney, 82, Maine author, died June 10, 2001, at a Presque Isle health care facility. She was born Feb 4, 1919, in Presque Isle, the daughter of Frank and Bertha (Libby) Boone.
She battled spinal cancer since being diagnosed last summer.
She graduated from Presque Isle High School as valdictorian of her class. Her career as an aurthor was launched in 1969 with the publication of "Away From it All", a book telling of her life in a small cabin deep in the Maine woods wither her husband, a park ranger on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. The succes of this book led to the publication of two more on the same theme, "Wilderness Journal" and "A Home in the Wilderness." She wrote of life in a small Maine town in her novel, "Portrait of Debec." She wrote a successful series of children's books using her experience as a teacher in Maine public schools. A deeply religious person, she wrote for the denominational publications of he Nazarene Church, of which she was a longtime member, as well as for other religious magazines. She wrote many articles for various magazines of growing up in a small town during the Great Depression. She also had many poems published.
In middle age she fulfilled a life-long dream by returning to school at Gorham State Teachers College where she was once again valdictorian of her class. She taught school at Yarmouth,Gray and Washburn after graduating from college.
For most of her life she suffered from multiple sclerosis which gradually robbed her of the ability to walk. It was for this reason she and her husband had to give up their summers on the Aololagash Wilderness Waterway, after spending 25 years there. In the last years of her life she lived in Belleair Bluffs, Fla., in the winter and in their home in Washburn in the summer. She continued to write almost to the time of her death, and when she was diagnosed with cancer, she had just submitted a mystery novel to her publishers.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Kathleen Grant of Presque Isle and New Smyrna Beach, Fla.; a brothe, Ralph Delano of Benson, N.C.; a stepson, Jeff Ashton of Federal Way, Wash.; and an adopted son, Arthur Logue.
She was predeceased by her husband, Milford L. Kidney on June 6, 2000.
Friends may call7-9 p.m. Thursday at the Duncan-Graves Funeral Home, Presque Isle. Funeral service will be held Friday at the Funeral home with Rev. Larry Palmer officiating. Interment will be in the Riverside Est. Cemetery, Washburn.
spouse: Kidney, Milford L. (1915 - 2000)
Boone, Dorothy - female
father: Boone, Dana Heywood (1897 - 1970)
mother: Brackett, Marion
Boone, Dorothy Irene (1910 - 1975) - female
b. 16 MAR 1910 in Forest City, NB
d. 25 SEP 1975 in Waterbury, CT

father: Boone, Henry Harvey (1859 - 1956)
mother: Vatassel, Martha Sophia (1862 - 1947)
Cremated and ashes sent to Forest City by her son, Dana Baker.

Burial - Forest City, NB

spouse: MacDonald, Charles Harry (1894 - 1960)
----------child: Baker, Elena Jean Marie (1925 - 2007)
spouse: Baker, Bernan Ovide (1906 - 1974)
- m. 27 OCT 1926
----------child: Baker, Orace Dana (1927 - )
----------child: Baker, Geraldine Twila (1931 - )
----------child: Baker, Olive Pearl (1933 - )
----------child: Baker, Bernan Laurence (1935 - 2012)
----------child: Baker, Thelma Dawn (1937 - )
----------child: Baker, Carolyn Ann (1946 - )
Boone, Dorothy Kathleen Louise (1921 - ) - female
b. 1 DEC 1921 in Keswick, NB

father: Boone, Elwood Burton (1896 - 1989)
mother: Lipsett, Jennie Amelia (1899 - 1955)

Occupation -

spouse: Hall, Roland Alfred (1911 - )
- m. 11 NOV 1942 in Pokiok, NB
Boone, Dorothy Lane (1902 - ) - female
b. 18 AUG 1902 in Somerville, MA

father: Boone, William Harold (1874 - 1951)
mother: Lane, Alice Velna (1877 - 1942)
spouse: Ketchen, William Arthur (1903 - 1999)
- m. 25 NOV 1933 in St. Stephen, NB
Boone, Dorothy Rena (1907 - 1993) - female
b. 31 JAN 1907 in Spokane, WA
d. AUG 1993 in Lynwood, WA

father: Boone, William George (1885 - 1939)
mother: Moore, Minnie (1885 - 1950)
Boone, Douglas - male
father: Boone, Herbert Guy (1883 - 1961)
mother: Graham, Katherine Vaughnette (1915 - 2008)
Boone, Douglas Adrian (1905 - 1969) - male
b. NOV 1905 in Spokane, WA
d. 31 MAR 1969 in Seattle, WA

father: Boone, William George (1885 - 1939)
mother: Moore, Minnie (1885 - 1950)
Boone, Douglas George (1926 - 1979) - male
b. 1926 in Boston, MA
d. 16 FEB 1979 in Saint John, NB

mother: Boone, Loretta Pearl (1905 - 1978)
Telegraph Journal, Saint John, NB February 19, 1979 Douglas G. (Danny) Boone was killed at the CNR Digby Ferry termnal in Saint John West Friday night when a piece of equipment he was loading on the ferry fell on him. Coronery William Ganderton said an inquest into the death will be held.
He was born in Boston, a son of Wesley and Frances (MacFarlene) Boone. (Note:- Douglas was in reality a grandson of Wes and Frances, a son of their daughter Loretta Pearl Boone.) A veteran of the second World War, he served with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was a member of the Adanac Club, Saint John Press, Radio and TV Club and a former member of the Air Foirce Club. He was a member of Trinity Anglican Church.
Surviving are his wife, one son, Steven W. at home, two daughters, Mrs Stephanie Lingley of Quispamsis, Miss Sheridan Boone of Saint John, one stepson, James D. Boone at home, one stepdaughter, Mrs. Marion Moore of Fairvale; four sisters, Georgie - Mrs Willard Moore; Jessie - Mrs. R.W. Jenkins; Lillian - Mrs. Foster Kirkpatrick, all of Saint John and Edith - Mrs. Arthur Chase of Swampscott, MA; two grandchildren, several nieces and nephews.
The body is resting at the Castle Funeral Home from where the funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment in Cedar Hill Extension Cemetery.

Occupation - Terminal Supervisor, CNR Marine

spouse: Millican, Mary Blanche (1924 - )
- m. 11 APR 1947 in Saint John, NB
----------child: Boone, Stephanie Jane (1948 - )
----------child: Boone, Sheridan Lee (1950 - )
Boone, Douglas Lee Allison (1901 - 1968) - male
b. 10 APR 1901 in McAdam, NB
d. 29 JAN 1968 in Los Angeles, CA

father: Boone, Dow Sterling (1872 - 1942)
mother: Drummond, Mary Agnes (1874 - 1939)

Burial - Los Angeles, CA

spouse: Beacom, Charlene
Boone, Dow Sterling (1872 - 1942) - male
b. 13 MAY 1872 in Burton, NB
d. 13 NOV 1942 in Aroostook Jct., NB

father: Boone, Joseph Albert (1840 - 1914)
mother: Kingston, Ann Elizabeth (1843 - 1932)

Burial - Aroostook Jct., NB

spouse: Drummond, Mary Agnes (1874 - 1939)
- m. 7 DEC 1898 in Hoyt, NB
----------child: Boone, Arthur Edwin (1899 - 1970)
----------child: Boone, Douglas Lee Allison (1901 - 1968)
----------child: Boone, Ellis (1903 - 1903)
----------child: Boone, Daisy Janet (1905 - )
----------child: Boone, George Ellis (1908 - 1987)
----------child: Boone, Violet Elizabeth Bernice (1911 - )
----------child: Boone, Allan Ernest (1913 - 2003)
----------child: Boone, Clara Alberta (1916 - )
Boone, Drusilla (1823 - 1887) - female
b. 1823 in St. Mary's NB
d. 4 MAR 1887 in St. Mary's NB

father: Boone, Henry Benedict (1801 - )
mother: White, Patience (1807 - )
Boone, Duane (private) - male
father: Boone, Allen Benjamin (1930 - )
mother: Thomas, Dorothy Christina (1933 - 2021)
Boone, Duane Frederick (1950 - ) - male
b. 24 JUL 1950 in Victoria Public Hospital, NB

father: Boone, Alfred Fraser (1913 - 1976)
mother: Wood, Eunice Hester (1916 - 1988)
spouse: Tibbet-Vienneau, Sandra (1948 - )
- m. 20 MAY 1977 in CFB Gagetown, Oromocto, NB
----------child: Boone, Maurice Fraser (private)
----------child: Boone, Charlotte Alexandra (private)
Boone, Dulcis Lauretta (1911 - ) - female
b. 27 AUG 1911 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, Murray Herbert (1882 - 1973)
mother: Mason, Lena Claire (1888 - )
Boone, Earl Ray (1916 - ) - male
b. 18 JUN 1916 in Tracy, NB

father: Boone, Roy Angus (1893 - 1965)
mother: Philips, Lucy Ann (1898 - 1916)
Boone, Ebenezer (~1788 - ) - male
b. ABT 1788

father: Boone, Samuel (1764 - 1848)
mother: DeWitt, Catherine Katie (1765 - 1855)
Boone, Eber Otto (1868 - 1870) - male
b. 22 JAN 1868 in Geary, NB
d. 4 APR 1870

father: Boone, Samuel (1829 - 1907)
mother: Smith, Rebecca Elizabeth (1834 - 1922)
Boone, Edis (1874 - 1884) - male
b. 30 AUG 1874 in Geary, NB
d. 12 MAY 1884 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, Samuel (1829 - 1907)
mother: Smith, Rebecca Elizabeth (1834 - 1922)
Boone, Edith - female
father: Boone, George Frederick (~1831 - 1878)
mother: Macleod, Christine (? - 1875)
Boone, Edith Althea (1906 - 1965) - female
b. 19 AUG 1906 in Green Mountain, NB
d. 17 MAY 1965 in Ontario

father: Boone, William Warden (1864 - 1941)
mother: Foster, Lenora Almeda (1875 - 1936)
Edith loved to host ice cream parties for the young people of the community. She would join right in some of the parlor games that didn’t require much physical action. The huge kitchen with a walk in side pantry was ideal for a large gathering.
Edith seemed to always have a good supply of sweets on hand, cookies, cakes, pies…and a large garden provided many tasty meals.
In the picture, she is on her way to church. In the background on left, just the gable end of Bob Farrell’s house is visible. In the distance on the right is the house she was born in; now owned by her brother, Fred.
She suffered high blood pressure in her later years.

Burial - Fosterville, NB

spouse: Wood, Alton (1907 - 1973)
- m. 21 APR 1926
----------child: Wood, Isobel Margaret (1927 - 1949)
----------child: Wood, Gertrude Kathryn (1928 - 2020)
----------child: Wood, Doris Olive (1929 - 2020)
----------child: Wood, Lloyd Alton (1931 - 1996)
----------child: Wood, Wayne Alvin (1933 - 2021)
----------child: Wood, Marilyn Mariana (1934 - 2003)
----------child: Wood, Marie Kathleen (1936 - 1987)
----------child: Wood, Eileen Mavis (1938 - )
----------child: Wood, Vaughn Wilmot (1940 - 1941)
----------child: Wood, Donald Frederick (1941 - 2010)
----------child: Wood, Ronald Arthur (1941 - 1941)
----------child: Wood, Larry Basil (1946 - )
Boone, Edith Huntington (1870 - 1953) - male
b. 1870
d. 1953

father: Boone, James (1847 - 1883)
mother: Haines, Alexandrina (1849 - 1936)
spouse: Boone, Edith Huntington (1870 - 1953)
- m. 31 AUG 1892 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Burden, Allen Burtt (1884 - )
----------child: Burden, Helen Mayes (1893 - )
----------child: Burden, Marie Holland (1896 - )
----------child: Burden, Walter McFarlane (1897 - )
Boone, Edith Louise (1898 - 1988) - female
b. 3 DEC 1898 in Saint John, NB
d. 23 JAN 1988 in Natick, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA

father: Boone, Wesley Manzer (1867 - 1943)
mother: McFarlane, Frances (1871 - 1956)
Boone, Edith Mabel (1895 - ) - female
b. 29 APR 1895

father: Boone, Charles (~1859 - )
mother: Stiles, Charlotte Jane (1857 - 1926)
spouse: Tompkins, Herbert Lee (1876 - 1957)
- m. 25 SEP 1916 in Woodstock, NB
----------child: Tompkins, Donald Herbert (1917 - )
----------child: Tompkins, Ross William (1919 - )
----------child: Tompkins, Norman Sanford (1920 - 1999)
----------child: Tompkins, Laura Rayworth (1922 - )
Boone, Edmond Paul (private) - male
father: Boone, Harold Kimball (1934 - )
mother: Gutknecht, Shirley Ann (1935 - )
Boone, Edna Elizabeth (1908 - ) - female
b. 2 JUN 1908
d. in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Byrd Ellison (1883 - 1925)
mother: Davis, Georgie Viola (1886 - 1971)
spouse: Shelton, Eddie (? - 1939)
- m. ABT 1936
spouse: Johnson, Rodney Leslie
- m. 6 SEP 1944 in Providence, RI
Boone, Edna Fay (1939 - 1939) - female
b. 17 SEP 1939 in Geary, NB
d. 27 OCT 1939 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, Angus Burden (1905 - 1990)
mother: Carr, Laura Julia (1915 - 1991)

Burial - 29 OCT 1939 Geary, NB

Boone, Edna May (1889 - ) - female
b. 13 AUG 1889 in Milford, MA

father: Boone, Spafford Barker (1856 - 1928)
mother: Cross, Elizabeth Jane (1861 - 1945)
Boone, Edward (1939 - ) - male
b. FEB 1939

father: Boone, Elwood Irving (1893 - 1971)
mother: Hanson, Eileen Gladys (1901 - 1981)
spouse: Campbell, Betty June (1938 - )
- m. 25 MAY 1957 in Stickney, NB
Boone, Edward Allison (1876 - 1936) - male
b. 14 SEP 1876 in Tracy, Sunbury County, NB
d. 22 SEP 1936 in Sunbury County, NB

father: Boone, James E (1837 - 1890)
mother: Boone, Basheba (~1837 - >1890)

Burial - 24 SEP 1936 atTracey, NB

spouse: Mitchell, Brenda (1880 - 1929)
- m. 14 NOV 1900 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Mona Helen (1912 - )
Boone, Edward Bruce (1950 - ) - male
b. 1950 in Perth, NB

father: Boone, Bruce Medley (1912 - 1965)
mother: Boyce, Mildred Andrea (1920 - )
spouse: Sabine, Judy Lynn (private)
- m. 21 AUG 1971 in Perth, NB
Boone, Eileen Mary Noreen Boone (1919 - ) - female
b. 4 NOV 1919 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Frederick James (1886 - 1958)
mother: Black, Hannah Louise (1886 - 1975)

Occupation - Nurse

spouse: Grimmer, William Philip (1914 - )
- m. 21 SEP 1946 in East Saint John, NB
Boone, Elaine Isabelle (1920 - ) - female
b. 17 MAY 1920 in Lauvina, Sunbury Co., NB

father: Boone, Frederick George (1886 - 1936)
mother: Howe, Frances Margaret (1891 - 1977)
spouse: Shanks, Samuel George (1913 - 1983)
- m. 22 JUN 1938 in Oromocto, NB
----------child: Shanks, Frederick Samuel (1940 - )
----------child: Shanks, Marilyn Jacqueline (private)
Boone, Eldon John (1910 - 1996) - male
b. 16 AUG 1910 in Eastport, ME
d. 1 DEC 1996 in Dixmont, ME

father: Boone, Alexander (1881 - 1972)
mother: Lenfast, Vonie May (1887 - 1983)
spouse: Huntley, Lois (1918 - 2015)
- m. 11 MAY 1942 in Machiasport, ME
----------child: Boone, Jane Elizabeth (1943 - )
----------child: Boone, John Alexander (1945 - )
----------child: Boone, Marilyn Faye (1947 - )
----------child: Boone, Peter Earl (1948 - )
----------child: Boone, James Paul (1955 - 2012)
----------child: Boone, Timothy Dale (private)
Boone, Eldon Roy (1924 - ) - male
b. 14 NOV 1924 in Gagetown, NB

father: Boone, Frank Henry (1901 - 1976)
mother: Smith, Minnie Naomi (1903 - )
spouse: Underhill, Emily Patricia (1934 - )
- m. 3 SEP 1957 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Eldon W (1927 - 1929) - male
b. 1 JUN 1927 in Cardigan, NB
d. 5 NOV 1929 in Cardigan, NB

father: Boone, Benjamin Sydney (1898 - 1962)
mother: Davidson, Mary Ellen (1900 - 1930)

Burial - 7 NOV 1929 atWoodland, NB

Boone, Eleanor Harriet (1931 - 2003) - female
b. 16 FEB 1931 in Caribou, ME
d. 21 APR 2003 in Falmouth, ME

father: Boone, Ralph Willard (1892 - )
mother: Gaynor, Eleanor Cleophus Jane (1891 - 1944)
FALMOUTH - Eleanor Harriet "Dee Dee" Boone Lupo died at Falmouth By The Sea surrounded by her loving family and caregivers. She was born Feb. 16, 1931, the fifth child of Dr. Ralph Willard Boone and Eleanor Cleophus Jane Gaynor Boone. Dee Dee graduated from Caribou High School. She then attended and graduated from nursing school at Eastern Maine General Hospital School of Nursing. Dee Dee worked as a registered nurse at Cary Memorial Hospital in Caribou for some years before leaving to raise her family. While raising her family she worked as a dental assistant for her brother, Dr. Roy Boone, part time as a school nurse and also at the family business, Lupo's Clothing Store, for many years. After her children were grown, Dee Dee became a public health nurse and worked at the DHS office in Caribou until her illness in 1997. Dee Dee enjoyed gardening, crafts such as basket making, knitting, cooking, cross country skiing, walking and hiking and was an avid bridge player. She had a ready smile and a sharp wit and will be greatly missed by all who were fortunate enough to know her. She was predeceased by her parents; her brothers, Roy and Storer; and her sisters, Joy, Betty and Dana. Dee Dee is mourned by her son, Robert Louis Lupo; her daughter, Laura Lupo Peterson; her granddaughter, Emily Gaynor Peterson; and her very dear friend, Connie Looke; as well as her beloved nieces and nephews and many more dear friends. There will be no visiting hours. Interment and a celebration of her life will be held June 6, in Caribou. The family has requested in lieu of flowers that memorials be sent to Ronald McDonald House of Portland Maine, 250 Brackett St., Portland, ME 04102 or Peabody House, AIDS Hospice, 14 Orchard St., Portland, ME 04101. Arrangements are under the care of Pine State Cremation and Funeral Service, 500 Route One, Yarmouth, ME 04096.

Burial - Caribou, ME

spouse: Lupo, Robert Emilio
- m. 16 JAN 1954
----------child: Lupo, Laura (private)
----------child: Lupo, Robert (private)
Boone, Elisha (1861 - 1933) - male
b. 8 FEB 1861
d. 26 SEP 1933 in Fredericton, NB

Burial - 2 OCT 1941 atGeary, NB

spouse: smith, Edith Rebecca (1865 - 1941)
- m. 16 SEP 1896
----------child: Boone, Ruth (1897 - 1967)
----------child: Boone, Hazen LeRoy (1900 - 1967)
----------child: Boone, Beatrice (1902 - )
----------child: Boone, Stella (1908 - )
----------child: Boone, Irma Elizabeth (1912 - )
Boone, Eliza (1828 - ) - female
b. 1828

father: Boone, James Whitman (1803 - 1881)
mother: Nevers, Maria (1811 - 1843)
Boone, Elizabeth (1677 - ) - female
b. 5 APR 1677

Boone, Elizabeth (1727 - 1799) - female
b. 19 MAR 1727 in Rhode Island
d. 24 JUL 1799

father: Boone, Samuel (1686 - 1766)
mother: Sweet, Mary (1685 - ~1760)
spouse: Leroy, George
spouse: Peckham, Clement
----------child: Peckham, Benedict (1748 - 1802)
----------child: Peckham, Jospeh (1749 - )
----------child: Peckham, John (1750 - 1753)
----------child: Peckham, Margaret (1752 - 1753)
Boone, Elizabeth (1783 - 1865) - female
b. 3 NOV 1783 in Swan Creek, NB
d. 14 FEB 1865 in Dumphries, NB

father: Boone, William (1743 - 1829)
mother: Hill, Ruth (1743 - 1833)

Burial - Dumfries, NB

spouse: Lawrence, Isaac (1774 - 1855)
- m. 6 JUL 1800 in Sheffield, N.B
----------child: Lawrence, Mary (1802 - 1830)
----------child: Lawrence, William (1804 - 1809)
----------child: Lawrence, Blackwell (1806 - 1896)
----------child: Lawrence, Bartlett (1808 - 1809)
----------child: Lawrence, George (1810 - )
----------child: Lawrence, Josiah (1812 - 1870)
----------child: Lawrence, Lucy Ann (1814 - 1902)
----------child: Lawrence, William David (1817 - 1899)
----------child: Lawrence, Henrietta (1819 - 1902)
----------child: Lawrence, John Byron (1821 - 1910)
----------child: Lawrence, James Melville (1823 - 1903)
----------child: Lawrence, Agnes G (1826 - 1901)
----------child: Lawrence, Jane Francis (1829 - )
Boone, Elizabeth (1833 - ~1843) - female
b. 1833 in Geary, NB
d. ABT 1843 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, William (1792 - 1868)
mother: Morrell, Margret (1805 - 1888)
Boone, Elizabeth (1860 - ) - female
b. 1860

father: Boone, James Whitman (1831 - 1904)
mother: Carr, Hannah E (1837 - )
Boone, Elizabeth (~1867 - 1910) - female
b. ABT 1867
d. 1910 in Presque Isle, ME

father: Boone, Nathan (1838 - 1902)
mother: Duncan, Rachael (1841 - )
spouse: Boone, Melvin Mersereau (~1871 - 1935)
- m. 7 SEP 1892 in Sunbury County, NB
----------child: Boone, Frank C (1894 - )
----------child: Boone, Arthur Grant (1895 - 1951)
Boone, Elizabeth (1877 - 1959) - female
b. 13 FEB 1877
d. 20 JUN 1959 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, Albert (1849 - 1933)
mother: Hanselpacker, Amelia (1852 - 1933)
spouse: Dixon, William Frederick (1871 - 1971)
- m. 21 NOV 1900
Boone, Elizabeth (1917 - <1992) - female
b. 18 APR 1917
d. BEF 1992

father: Boone, Lorenzo William (1884 - 1955)
mother: MacDonald, Margaret Irene (1886 - 1931)
spouse: Crouse, Irvine
- m. 30 SEP 1939
----------child: Crouse, Diane
----------child: Crouse, Debbie
Boone, Elizabeth - female
father: Boone, Arthur Winston (1907 - 1992)
mother: McInnis, Inez Ellen (1909 - 2002)
Boone, Elizabeth (private) - female
father: Boone, Roy Gaynor (1922 - 2003)
mother: Holt, Judith (1932 - 2006)
spouse: Colville, Patrick (private)
Boone, Elizabeth A (private) - female
father: Boone, Leslie Roscoe (1921 - 1982)
mother: Fish, Lois Annie (1930 - 1981)
spouse: Walker, Blake (private)
- m. 2 SEP 1995
Boone, Elizabeth Ann (~1828 - ) - female
b. ABT 1828

father: Boone, John (1800 - ~1877)
mother: Haines, Elizabeth (1807 - 1876)
spouse: Till, James E (~1818 - 1894)
- m. 11 SEP 1847 in Sunbury Co NB
----------child: Till, George Norman (1848 - 1931)
----------child: Till, Elizabeth Ruth (1849 - 1923)
----------child: Till, James Frederick (1853 - 1925)
----------child: Till, Melissa Ann (1856 - 1942)
----------child: Till, Sarah F (1857 - )
----------child: Till, Eleanor "Almira" (1860 - )
----------child: Till, Mary Jane (1863 - 1921)
Boone, Elizabeth Ann (1834 - 1909) - female
b. 1834 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 22 DEC 1909

father: Boone, Samuel (1809 - 1887)
mother: Carr, Huldah (1804 - 1872)
spouse: Carr, James Whitman (1831 - 1892)
- m. ABT 1853
----------child: Carr, Gilroy (1855 - >1881)
----------child: Carr, Rachael (1857 - )
----------child: Carr, Alexander (1860 - <1871)
----------child: Carr, Theresa (1861 - 1890)
----------child: Carr, Adeline (1864 - 1939)
----------child: Carr, Cyrus (1866 - )
----------child: Carr, Gehardus (1868 - 1915)
----------child: Carr, James Eldon (1869 - 1942)
----------child: Carr, Alice (1870 - )
----------child: Carr, Bradford (1872 - ~1906)
Boone, Elizabeth Ann (1890 - 1976) - female
b. 21 MAR 1890
d. 27 APR 1976

father: Boone, Delbert Edward (1862 - 1936)
mother: Seeley, Eleanor Jane (1859 - 1935)
spouse: Gaunce, Andrew
- m. 21 OCT 1911 in Andover, NB
Boone, Elizabeth Anne (private) - female
Boone, Elizabeth Joyce (1929 - 1929) - female
b. 21 MAY 1929 in Fredericton, NB
d. 24 MAY 1929 in Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Weyman (1901 - 1986)
mother: Edwards, Muriel (1906 - 1987)
Boone, Elizabeth M (1924 - ) - female
b. MAY 1924 in Eastport, ME

father: Boone, Alexander (1881 - 1972)
mother: Lenfast, Vonie May (1887 - 1983)
Boone, Elizabeth Margaret (1920 - 1999) - female
b. 18 JAN 1920 in Caribou, ME
d. 24 FEB 1999 in Caribou, ME

father: Boone, Ralph Willard (1892 - )
mother: Gaynor, Eleanor Cleophus Jane (1891 - 1944)
Boone, Elizabeth Mary (1852 - 1948) - female
b. 17 AUG 1852 in Oromocto, N.B
d. 1 JAN 1948 in Kirkland, N.B

father: Boone, Alexander (1827 - 1924)
mother: Perry, Sarah (1832 - 1927)
Known as: Liz

Burial - 3 JAN 1948 atKirkland, N.B

spouse: Bustard, James (1841 - 1917)
----------child: Bustard, George (1885 - 1909)
----------child: Bustard, Alalia Elizabeth (1887 - 1974)
----------child: Bustard, Anne Beatrice (1888 - 1909)
----------child: Bustard, Alice May (1894 - 1978)
spouse: Wood, John (1856 - )
- m. 1 MAY 1881 in Forest City, ME
----------child: Wood, Sarah Gertrude (1882 - 1907)
Boone, Ella (1865 - 1926) - female
b. 29 AUG 1865
d. 8 FEB 1926

father: Boone, Richardson (1834 - 1928)
mother: Shirley, Annis Skidmore (1832 - 1887)
Was living in Cambridge, Mass in early part of 1900's
spouse: Currie, H. D.
----------child: Currie, Austin
Boone, Ella Coralie (1915 - 1982) - female
b. 3 NOV 1915 in McAdam, NB
d. 17 OCT 1982 in Portland, ME

father: Boone, Walter Havelock (1863 - 1950)
mother: Scott, Katie Jane (1874 - 1963)
spouse: McCrum, Merton
- m. 4 AUG 1937 in McAdam, NB
spouse: DiPietro, Moses Charles (1912 - )
- m. 16 SEP 1941
----------child: DiPietro, Janice Lynn
Boone, Ella Maria (1882 - ) - female
b. JUN 1882

father: Boone, Albert (1849 - 1933)
mother: Hanselpacker, Amelia (1852 - 1933)
spouse: Thomas, Charles Edward (1882 - )
- m. 13 DEC 1905
----------child: Thomas, Martha Eugene (1909 - )
Boone, Ella May (1937 - 1938) - female
b. 29 NOV 1937 in Fredericton Jct., NB
d. 14 FEB 1938 in Fredericton Jct., NB

father: Boone, Angus Burden (1905 - 1990)
mother: Carr, Laura Julia (1915 - 1991)
Boone, Ella Rae (1900 - 1987) - female
b. 19 MAR 1900 in Forest City, NB
d. 5 JAN 1987 in Portland, ME

father: Boone, George Edward (1856 - 1946)
mother: Veysey, Maude (1866 - 1945)

Burial -

Boone, Ellen Lynn (private) - female
father: Boone, Frank Deforrest (1922 - 2005)
mother: Greer, Geraldine (1934 - )
spouse: Barrett, Stephen
----------child: Barrett, Jennifer Lynn (private)
spouse: Gauthier, Emery (private)
- m. 16 MAY 1986
----------child: Gauthier, Angela Marie (private)
Boone, Ellen Reid (1880 - 1948) - female
b. 11 JUN 1880
d. 18 JAN 1948 in Calgary, AB

father: Boone, Jared (~1847 - 1899)
mother: Weston, Mary Anne (1849 - 1948)
spouse: Scarr, Joseph Alexander (1885 - )
- m. 28 JUN 1911 in Fernie, BC
----------child: Scarr, Helen
----------child: Scarr, Margaret
Boone, Ellis (1903 - 1903) - male
b. 1903
d. 1903

father: Boone, Dow Sterling (1872 - 1942)
mother: Drummond, Mary Agnes (1874 - 1939)
Boone, Ellis (1906 - ) - male
b. 4 FEB 1906 in Geary, NB

father: Boone, John Harvey (1864 - 1937)
mother: Smith, Frances Adelaide (1865 - 1933)
Boone, Elma Irene (1926 - 2011) - female
b. 1926 in North Lake, NB
d. 23 MAR 2011 in St Stephen, NB

father: Boone, Clarence Guy (1905 - 1980)
mother: McMinn, Geneva Adelia (1904 - 1999)
spouse: Graham, John Wilmot (1920 - 2007)
- m. 15 JAN 1945 in St Stephen, NB
----------child: Graham, David (private)
Boone, Elsie Valora (1892 - 1953) - female
b. 26 NOV 1892 in Baillie, NB
d. 19 DEC 1953 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Walter Havelock (1863 - 1950)
mother: Scott, Katie Jane (1874 - 1963)
spouse: Narrowmore, George Henry (1889 - 1950)
- m. 25 JUN 1913 in McAdam, NB
----------child: Narrowmore, Rodney Howse (1914 - 1976)
----------child: Narrowmore, Morris Harry (1917 - 1918)
----------child: Narrowmore, Harold Leslie (1918 - 1985)
Boone, Elwood Burton (1896 - 1989) - male
b. 10 APR 1896 in Dorn Ridge, NB
d. 11 FEB 1989 in Burtt's Corner, NB

father: Boone, Ransford (1868 - 1962)
mother: Haines, Alma (1877 - 1964)
Tombstone gives middle name as "Burton."

Occupation - Carpenter

Burial - Burtt's Corner, NB

spouse: Lipsett, Jennie Amelia (1899 - 1955)
- m. 12 SEP 1917 in New Maryland, NB
----------child: Boone, Marion (1919 - 1971)
----------child: Boone, Dorothy Kathleen Louise (1921 - )
----------child: Boone, Helen Laura (1924 - 2007)
----------child: Boone, Iris Elizabeth (1926 - 2010)
spouse: Fox, Etta Blanche (1907 - 1992)
- m. 18 JUN 1955 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Elwood Burton (1941 - ) - male
b. 30 JUN 1941 in Dorn Ridge, NB

father: Boone, Byron Herbert (1902 - 1977)
mother: Evans, Mabel Ellen (1904 - 1994)
spouse: Steeves, Mary (1938 - )
- m. 30 SEP 1961 in Oakwood Baptist Church, Toronto, Ont
----------child: Boone, Carl Edward (private)
----------child: Boone, Colleen (private)
----------child: Boone, David (private)
----------child: Boone, Valerie (private)
Boone, Elwood Irving (1893 - 1971) - male
b. 13 MAY 1893 in Brighton, NB
d. 25 MAR 1971

father: Boone, George Whitman (1867 - 1956)
mother: McCallum, Sarah Williams (1867 - 1934)
spouse: Hanson, Eileen Gladys (1901 - 1981)
----------child: Boone, Geraldine (1923 - )
----------child: Boone, George Norman (1925 - 2004)
----------child: Boone, Kenneth (1927 - 1933)
----------child: Boone, Ronald (1932 - )
----------child: Boone, Kenneth Irving (1934 - 2018)
----------child: Boone, Edward (1939 - )
Boone, Elzar Hartley (1866 - 1935) - male
b. 23 MAY 1866 in Kingston, NB
d. 30 APR 1935 in Saint John, NB

father: Boone, Jonas (1837 - 1885)
mother: Mott, Emily (1847 - 1920)
The death occirred late yesterday afternoon in the East Saint John Hosital of Elzar Hartley Boone at the age of 69 years. Mr Boone was born at Tracy, a son of the late Johnas and Emaline (Mott) Boone. When a mere boy he came to Fredericton and wqas inployed in the grocery business for 55 years, 30 of which he spent with the late George T. Whelpley and Lindsay and Beatty.
He was held in high esteem not only by his friends and employers but by the public generally and many will learn with regret of his passing. He was very quiet and retiring but made frinds which he retained all through his life.
He was a member of George Street Baptist Church, superintendent of the Sunday School and on the trustee board until ill health forced him to retire. He was secretary-treasurer of the Independent Order of Oddfellows for a long period of yearsand also a member of Court Fredericton No 778 Canadian Order of Foresters and is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Reginald A. Murray, Fredericton; a son, Byron Boone, Fredericton Junction; four grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Herman Tracy, Fredericton Junction, and an aunt Mrs. James Gereau, Fredericton Junction.
Mrs. Boone, who was Miss Jemima Mathewson, of Saint John, died some years ago.
The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the home of Mrs. Murray with service at 3 o'clock by Rev Mr. Westrup of Fredericton Junction, Rev John Linton and ReRev. George Telford. Interment in the rural cemetery.
spouse: Matthewson, Jemima (1839 - )
- m. 12 JUN 1895 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Queenie Elizabeth (1896 - )
----------child: Boone, Byron Miller (1898 - )
spouse: Matheson, Jemima (1869 - )
- m. 12 JUN 1895 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Boone, Byron Miller (1898 - )
Boone, Emily (~1842 - ) - female
b. ABT 1842

father: Boone, Alexander (1812 - 1898)
mother: Mead, Ann (1815 - 1898)
spouse: Moore, Joseph
Boone, Emily Jane (1874 - 1961) - female
b. 13 SEP 1874 in Tracy, NB
d. 8 AUG 1961 in McAdam, NB

father: Boone, Henry (1845 - 1933)
mother: Meehan, Mary (~1839 - )

Burial - 11 AUG 1961 McAdam, NB

spouse: Moore, John Bedford (1872 - )
- m. 22 NOV 1893
----------child: Moore, Ellis Hazen (1902 - )
----------child: Moore, Mamie Kathleen (1906 - )
----------child: Moore, Ruby Gwendolen (1910 - )
Boone, Emma Jane (1839 - 1912) - female
b. 8 MAY 1839 in Sunbury County, NB
d. 3 JUL 1912 in Brunswick Township, Eau Claire Co., WI

father: Boone, James Whitman (1803 - 1881)
mother: Nevers, Maria (1811 - 1843)

Burial - Brunswick Township, Eau Claire Co., WI

spouse: Smith, William Jeremiah (1834 - 1923)
- m. 2 DEC 1858
Boone, Emma Mary Jane (1922 - ) - female
b. 1922

father: Boone, Albert Ernest (1892 - 1964)
mother: Smith, Nellie Alberta (1900 - 1984)
spouse: Balser, Lloyd William (1915 - )
- m. 27 JAN 1945 in Saint John, NB
Boone, Emma Renzy (1838 - ) - female
b. 1838

father: Boone, John James (1808 - 1861)
mother: Boone*, Eleanor (1821 - 1861)
Boone, Erin Elizabeth (private) - female
father: Boone, Dewayne Curtis (private)
mother: Derrick, Jerilynn Marie (private)
Boone, Ernest (~1886 - 1912) - male
b. ABT 1886
d. 5 FEB 1912

father: Boone, Albert (1849 - 1933)
mother: Hanselpacker, Amelia (1852 - 1933)

Occupation - Carpenter

Burial - Sunnybank Cemetery, Fredericton, NB

spouse: Tardiff, Gertrude (1889 - )
- m. 3 MAY 1909 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Ernest Newton (1918 - 1997) - male
b. 5 OCT 1918 in McAdam, NB
d. 14 NOV 1997 in Dr Everett Chalmbers Hospital, Fredericton, NB

father: Boone, Newton Wilson (1881 - 1964)
mother: Gibson, Myrtle Evelyn (1883 - 1970)

Burial - 16 NOV 1997 Rockland Cemetery, McAdam, NB

Boone, Ernest William Rainsford (1921 - 1977) - male
b. 19 MAY 1921 in Lauvina, NB
d. 1977

father: Boone, Albert Ernest (1892 - 1964)
mother: Smith, Nellie Alberta (1900 - 1984)
spouse: Lyttle, Alice Gertrude (1925 - 2005)
- m. 28 NOV 1944 in Fredericton, NB
Boone, Erwin Lloyd (1897 - 1959) - male
b. 30 JAN 1897 in Gaspereaux, NB
d. 1959

father: Boone, Charles Edward (1867 - 1955)
mother: Kirkpatrick, Ann (1873 - 1954)
[Bilboone.ged He never married

Burial - Rural cemetery extension, NB

Boone, Esther (1846 - 1880) - female
b. 10 DEC 1846
d. 1 FEB 1880 in Woodstock NB

father: Boone, William Holland (1821 - 1856)
mother: Pollock, Martha (1822 - 1900)
spouse: Brewer, Albert (1840 - 1916)
- m. 13 SEP 1865
Boone, Esther (1879 - 1975) - female
b. 2 FEB 1879 in Dorn Ridge, NB
d. 29 APR 1975

father: Boone, Richardson (1844 - 1897)
mother: Lawrence, Abigail (1853 - 1886)

Burial - Upper Keswick United Church Cemetery

spouse: Haines, Herbert Eldridge (1865 - 1964)
- m. 15 SEP 1897
----------child: Haines, A Melburn (1898 - )
----------child: Haines, Eula (1899 - 1923)
----------child: Haines, Donald S (1902 - )
----------child: Haines, K Earl (1905 - 1981)
----------child: Haines, Mabel F (1908 - )
----------child: Haines, E Marion (1910 - )
----------child: Haines, Herbert L (1915 - )
----------child: Haines, Carl I (1917 - )
Boone, Eula Ellen (1912 - ) - female
b. 2 MAY 1912

father: Boone, Clarence Bedford
mother: Bigelow, Eula
Boone, Eunice Prudence (1857 - 1930) - male
b. 14 SEP 1857 in Douglas, NB
d. 1930

father: Boone, Humphrey (1811 - >1851)
mother: White, Maria (~1838 - )
spouse: Boone, Eunice Prudence (1857 - 1930)
- m. 25 DEC 1872 in Fredericton, NB
----------child: Gallagher, William Thomas Jr. (1873 - 1953)
----------child: Gallagher, Charles Norman (1875 - 1959)
----------child: Gallagher, Richard J (1877 - 1943)
----------child: Gallagher, Amelia (1879 - 1927)
----------child: Gallagher, Samuel Wilford (1883 - 1921)
----------child: Gallagher, Robert Nelson (1884 - 1943)
----------child: Gallagher, Alonzo David (1887 - 1968)
----------child: Gallagher, Addy Lois (1889 - 1978)
----------child: Gallagher, Asa Winslow (1890 - 1945)
----------child: Gallagher, Elizabeth M (1893 - 1959)
Boone, Eva M. (1916 - 1989) - female
b. 16 OCT 1916 in Weston, ME
d. 25 JUN 1989 in Lincoln, ME

father: Boone, John Albert (1887 - 1947)
mother: Pratt, Greta Irma

Burial - Lincoln, ME

Boone, Evelyn (~1869 - ) - female
b. ABT 1869

father: Boone, Samuel (1819 - 1889)
mother: Haines, Margaret (~1826 - 1905)
Boone, Evelyn Kaye (1950 - ) - female
b. 23 JAN 1950 in Green Mountain, NB

father: Boone, Donald Derryl (1927 - 1997)
mother: Wood, Ila Evaleene (1929 - 1999)
spouse: Perley, Noel
Boone, Evelyn Marie (1948 - ) - female
b. 8 JUL 1948 in Woodstock, NB

father: Boone, William Warden (1920 - 2006)
mother: Dickinson, Muriel Cecile (1920 - 2005)
spouse: Jack, William E
- m. 8 APR 1972 in Hodgdon, ME
----------child: Jack, Andrew (private)
----------child: Jack, Daniel (private)
----------child: Jack, Brian (private)
Boone, Everett (1824 - 1912) - male
b. 25 AUG 1824 in Tracy, NB
d. 26 AUG 1912 in Tracy, NB

father: Boone, Everett DeWitt (1798 - 1835)
mother: Nason, Sarah (1791 - 1873)
spouse: Thomas, Mary (1828 - )
- m. 12 SEP 1844
----------child: Boone, Charles Everett (~1846 - )
----------child: Boone, Sarah A (~1848 - )
----------child: Boone, Mary E (~1850 - )
Boone, Everett DeWitt (1798 - 1835) - male
b. 5 JAN 1798 in Gldadstone, NB
d. 1835 in Douglas, NB

father: Boone, Samuel (1764 - 1848)
mother: DeWitt, Catherine Katie (1765 - 1855)
spouse: Nason, Sarah (1791 - 1873)
- m. 17 NOV 1814
----------child: Boone, Gertrude (1816 - >1881)
----------child: Boone, John B. (1816 - 1896)
----------child: Boone, Sarah (~1819 - <1880)
----------child: Boone, Everett (1824 - 1912)
----------child: Boone, Mary
----------child: Boone, Hannah
----------child: Boone, William Murray (1827 - 1914)
----------child: Boone, Abigail (1831 - 1917)
----------child: Boone, Lemuel (1833 - 1906)
Boone, F Annette (private) - female
father: Boone, Leslie Roscoe (1921 - 1982)
mother: Fish, Lois Annie (1930 - 1981)
spouse: Rees, Phillip (private)
- m. 23 JUN 1984
Boone, Fabian Derek (private) - male
father: Boone, Sheldon Winston Delano (1943 - )
mother: McLean, Joan Alice (1943 - )
Boone, Faith Annette (private) - female
mother: Boone, Linda Lou (1940 - )
[Bilboone.ged Faith adopted by Grandparents, Fred and Dorothy Boone. Father from Montreal.

Boone, Fern (1916 - 1993) - female
b. 25 AUG 1916 in Norridgewock, ME
d. 6 NOV 1993 in Waterville, ME

father: Boone, Guy Tracy (1881 - 1981)
mother: Stackpole, Myra (1883 - )
Boone, Florence (1896 - ) - female
b. 26 MAR 1896 in Rowena, NB

father: Boone, James Edward (1855 - 1925)
mother: Robertson, Florence Adelia (1862 - 1897)

next - go to surnames